GorillaがInterop Tokyo 2019で最優秀賞を受賞

Gorilla Technology

GorillaがInterop Tokyo 2019で最優秀賞を受賞

AsiaNet 79307

【東京2019年6月20日PR Newswire】 Gorilla Technology Inc. (https://www.gorilla-technology.com/ )のIVARは今年のInterop Tokyo  (https://www.interop.jp/?lang=en )2019のBest Of Show Award(エッジコンピューティング部門)において製品グランプリを受賞しました。Gorillaは日本でのパートナーであるエレクトロニクス商社 丸文株式会社 (https://www.marubun.co.jp/ )と、エッジコンピューティングのカテゴリで提携し、Gorilla IVAR(TM) (https://www.gorilla-technology.com/IVAR )のインテリジェントビデオ分析の展示を行いました。日本最大のICT(情報通信技術)見本市 Interopにおいて、全300社以上の企業からエントリーされた数多くのソリューションの中から、GorillaのIVAR(TM)はBest of Show Award (https://www.interop.jp/award/winner/#edge-en )を勝ち取りました。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190620/2503503-1-a

(キャプション:Use headline - GorillaがInterop Tokyo 2019で最優秀賞を受賞)

Interop事務局の審査員 (https://www.interop.jp/award/winner/details/winner_detail56.php )は、Gorillaの受賞に関して次のように述べています。Gorilla IVARは、各種のビデオカメラ映像を取り込み、エッジに設置したコンピュータで多種類の高度な用途別モデルを適用でき、機動的かつコストパフォーマンス高く利用できる点を高く評価し、今回のグランプリ受賞に至りました。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190620/2503503-1-b

(キャプション:Gorilla Technologyは、IntelのOpenVINOを採用し、インテルIoT MRS(Market-Ready Solution)に認定された世界初のソフトウェア会社です。)

Gorilla Technologyは、IntelのOpenVINO (https://software.intel.com/en-us/openvino-toolkit )を採用し、インテルIoT MRS(Market-Ready Solution)に認定された世界初のソフトウェア会社です。Gorillaは現在、グローバルでエッジコンピューティングソリューションを推進してインテルと協業しており、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ、日本、そしてアジアの展開におけるインテルの重要なパートナーです。

さらに、Gorilla Technologyはオンラインのトレーニングをグローバルパートナー (https://www.gorilla-technology.com/partner-program )に提供しており、インテグレーションの時間を大幅に短縮するため、グローバルでGorilla Technologyソリューションの展開に貢献しております。


Gorilla Wins Best of Show at Interop Tokyo 2019


TOKYO, June 20, 2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Gorilla Technology Inc. (https://www.gorilla-technology.com/ )IVAR(TM) has emerged as

a Grand Prix winner at this year's Interop Tokyo(https://www.interop.jp/?lang=en ) event.

Gorilla and its partner Marubun (https://www.marubun.co.jp/ ), a leading electronics

distributor in Japan, teamed up in the category of Edge Computing

(https://www.gorilla-technology.com/Edge-AI ) to showcase Gorilla IVAR

(https://www.gorilla-technology.com/IVAR ) and intelligent video analytics to

snatch the top prize at Japan's biggest ICT (Information and Communications

Technology) show. In a crowded field with thousands of solutions from more than

three hundred companies, Gorilla's IVAR beat out Huawei to win the coveted Best

of Show Award (https://www.interop.jp/award/winner/#edge-en ).

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190620/2503503-1-a

Gorilla Wins Best of Show at Interop Tokyo 2019

Interop's Best of Show

Committee (https://www.interop.jp/award/winner/details/winner_detail56.php )

stated Gorilla's win, "We took many factors into account when deciding the

winner. In the end, Gorilla IVAR edged out the competition by effectively

managing multiple cameras with its platform's fully scalable architecture,

operating deep learning-based real-time video analytics on edge devices. IVAR

intelligently applies people, vehicle, object, and behavior video analytic algorithms

to various business environments, and optimizing the computing power on CPU with

Intel OpenVINO (https://software.intel.com/en-us/openvino-toolkit )

and Movidius (https://www.movidius.com/ ) for maximized cost efficiency."

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190620/2503503-1-b

IVAR runs multiple IVA on up to 16 channels in Intel Cor i7-based devices.

IVAR can simultaneously analyze multiple IVAs (Intelligent Video Analytic) from

up to 16 cameras on Intel Core i7-based edge devices. Getting actionable

insight from dozens of different video analytic types through scheduling,

alerts, and notifications according to user requirements is all managed from

IVAR's dashboard. As such, IVAR is a complete AI solution with multiple

applications in public, private, and government fields. Deploying and

benefitting from intelligent video surveillance in smart and safe cities is

available today through monitoring and controlling access of vehicles entering

or exiting company facilities. Applying IVAR in Smart Retail and Enterprise

Security situations can provide in-store analysis of foot traffic, anti-theft,

and targeted marketing services to name a few. As the applications of edge AI

have expanded, Gorilla expressed interest in solutions for the medical,

agricultural and industrial fields.

Gorilla Technology was the first software company in the world to adopt Intel's

OpenVINO optimization toolkit and obtain the Intel IoT MRS (Market-Ready

Solution) Certification. They are currently working with Intel to promote edge

computing solutions around the world and have been an important partner in

developing Europe, America, Japan, and Asia. Many manufacturers are currently

in the product integration phase with IVAR and they expect to see more growth

in the second half of the year. Additionally, Gorilla Technology provides

online education and certification which global partners (https://www.gorilla-technology.com/partner-program )

can complete remotely. These specially designed installation and deployment

courses are shown to significantly shorten integration timelines and accelerate

deployment of Gorilla Technology solutions around the world.

SOURCE  Gorilla Technology




