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【ニューヨーク2019年7月2日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】IPG Mediabrandsのマーケティング・メディアエージェンシー・ネットワーク、UM(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2514363-1&h=1818908864&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.umww.com%2F&a=UM )は2日、「リミックスカルチャー(Remix Culture)」(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2514363-1&h=3610157176&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwavex.umww.com%2F&a=Remix+Culture )の世界展開を発表した。初めて文化を特集したWave X調査最新版は、81カ国、44言語でソーシャル/デジタルメディアの利用と動機を追跡した。その結果、4つの主要トレンド-「抵抗(Resist)」「逆行(Retrograde)」「再配置(Reglocalize)」「再創造(Recreate)」-が現代の消費者行動を形成していると判明した。
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Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/941708/WaveX_Remix_Culture_Logo.jpg
リミックスカルチャーに焦点を当てたUMのWave X最新版は、毎日か1日おきにインターネットを使用しているアクティブ・インターネットユーザー5万6397人の定量調査を含んでいる。81カ国、44言語に及ぶ調査は、世界のアクティブ・インターネットユーザー17億3000万人を代表している。詳細はhttp://wavex.umww.com を参照。
UMは戦略的なメディアエージェンシーで、メディアが効率性と同じく成長の主要原動力であることの証明にコミットしている。UMは優れた科学、優れたアートがクライアントに優れた成果をもたらすと考える。われわれは、ビジネス分析とリアルタイム・データインテリジェンスの変革力を通じて科学を提供する。われわれは、ブランドにモメンタムを与えるメディアにとって重要な瞬間の創出を通じてアートを提供する。IPG Mediabrandsの大手グローバルメディアネットワークとして、UMは100カ国余りで活動し、従業員5000人以上がアクセンチュア、アメリカン・エキスプレス、BMW、コーチ、コカ・コーラ、エクソンモービル、Fitbit、GoPro、ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン、Quicken Loans、ソニー、Spotify、ザ・ハーシー・カンパニーなど世界各国のクライアントを革新している。
Kyle Rosenbaum
+1 347-409-1883
Four Key Trends Shape Modern Consumer Behavior, According to UM's Global Wave X Remix Culture Study
NEW YORK, July 2, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
UM (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2514363-1&h=1818908864&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.umww.com%2F&a=UM ),
the marketing and media agency network of IPG Mediabrands, today announced
the global launch of Remix Culture (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2514363-1&h=3610157176&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwavex.umww.com%2F&a=Remix+Culture ),
the first culturally-focused iteration of its annual Wave X study that tracks social and
digital media usage and motivations across 81 countries and 44 languages.
The results reveal four key trends that are shaping modern consumer behavior: Resist;
Retrograde; Reglocalize; and Recreate.
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Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/941708/WaveX_Remix_Culture_Logo.jpg
Remix Culture reveals 61 percent of online consumers agree that brands play a
significant role in social good. When brands do not live up to these expectations,
consumers hold them accountable by leveraging social media to voice their concerns,
launching and cultivating a "Resist" movement.
"Retrograde" behavior is reflected in how consumers are gravitating towards
content and culture from previous decades and brands that embrace nostalgia.
Generational trends from the past are now in the foreground, shaping personal style,
language and beliefs:
-- 68 percent like listening to music or watch movies from other decades
-- 57 percent say their family practices the culture/traditions of their ancestors
-- 55 percent enjoy watching TV shows that are no longer on air
According to the research, the modern global consumer's desire for local inspiration
to adopt and appeal to their sense of individuality is more prevalent than ever,
a trend identified as "Reglocalizing." When it comes to enjoying consumer content/products
from other countries, 57 percent agree that local brands and products are more authentic.
The study also finds that consumers increasingly want to broaden and "Recreate"
their identities. When asked to select factors that define their identity, top
choices include health/fitness level; friends; school/knowledge/education;
family traditions; passions; belief in importance of science/evidence/understanding;
and country of birth. As personal identities become more complex, consumers are taking
notice of brands that appeal to multifaceted identity factors, with 65 percent saying
they are interested in engaging with companies that reflect a new way of doing things.
-- 61 percent of consumers indicate their personal style includes elements
from different eras, cultures and traditions
-- 65 percent are interested in trying companies that reflect a new way of doing things
"Remix Culture reveals the path forward on cultural connectivity by going
deeper into the types of content that informs cultural identity and influences
consumer behavior," said Deidre Smalls-Landau, Global Chief Cross-Cultural
Officer, UM. "These insights help our clients better understand and navigate
cultural trends at a time when trust continues to drop and it's more important
than ever to make their brands culturally relevant."
This edition of UM's Wave X, focused on Remix Culture, included a quantitative
study of 56,397 active internet users -- those who use the Internet every day
or every other day. Conducted in 44 languages across 81 countries, the study
represents a universe of 1.73 billion active Internet users worldwide. To learn
more about the study visit http://wavex.umww.com.
UM is a strategic media agency committed to proving that media is a topline
growth driver as much as an efficiency play. We believe that better science and
better art deliver better outcomes for our clients. We deliver science through
the transformational power of business analytics and real-time data intelligence.
We deliver art through creating moments that matter in media to deliver momentum
for brands. As the leading global media network in IPG Mediabrands, UM operates
in over 100 countries, with more than 5,000 people innovating on a roster of global clients
including Accenture, American Express, BMW, Coach, Coca-Cola, ExxonMobil, Fitbit, GoPro,
Johnson & Johnson, Quicken Loans, Sony, Spotify and The Hershey Company.
CONTACT: Kyle Rosenbaum, +1 347-409-1883, kyle.rosenbaum@umww.com