AsiaNet 79508 (1223)
【深セン(中国)2019年7月2日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Reed Huabo Exhibitionsが主催し、閉幕したばかりの中国(深セン)国際ギフト・手工芸品・時計・家庭用品見本市(4月)(China (Shenzhen) International Gifts, Handicrafts, Watches & Houseware Fair (April))はバイヤーの出席者の質がこの数年間で最高だったという全体的なセンチメントで業界から絶賛されている。この見本市(4月)は7カ国・地域から2500の出展者を集め、完売となった。同見本市は最新トレンドを紹介し、新しい展示エリアとショーイベントで内外のバイヤーと潜在的なサプライヤーを結び付けることを目的としている。毎年4月と10月の最良の仕入れシーズン中に、出展者はこれらのシグネチャープロモーションおよびソーシングプラットフォームで自社の製品やサービスを紹介する。
中国(深セン)国際ギフト・家庭用品見本市(10月)(China (Shenzhen) International Gift and Home Products Fair (October))は2019年10月20-23日に中国のShenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centerで開催される。今年は2500の出展者と16万人のビジターが見込まれている。
ソース:Reed Huabo Exhibition
China's largest Gifts & Home Fair in April draw 16,000+ Buyers
SHENZHEN, China, July 2, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
The just-concluded China (Shenzhen) International Gifts, Handicrafts, Watches &
Houseware Fair (April), organized by Reed Huabo Exhibitions, is garnering rave
reviews from the industry with an overall sentiment that the quality of buyer
attendees was the strongest in years. The Show (April) was sold-out with 2,500
exhibitors from 7 countries and regions. The show aims to introduce the latest
trend and connect local and overseas buyers with potential suppliers with
brand-new exhibition areas and show events. During the best buying seasons in
April and October every year, exhibitors will present their products and
services at these signature promotion and sourcing platforms.
Enormous potential in gifts and home products
China gift spending rose to 1.05 trillion (CNY), an increase of 9.2 percent
annually, in 2017 - the most recent available statistics, according to
2013-2017 state of the china gift Industry Report.
According to figures published by research institute Statista, global revenue
in the furniture and homeware segment is expected to top US$226.5 billion in 2019,
with a projected annual growth rate of 10.6% until 2023. The global figure is expected
to climb to US$338.3 billion by 2023, with Mainland China becoming the largest market,
generating approximately US$78.7 billion. We encourage industry players to capitalize on
the opportunities available in these markets.
In October, China (Shenzhen) International Gift and Home Products Fair (October)
will be held from October 20-23, 2019, at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, China.
This year, 2500 exhibitors & over 160,000 visitors are expected to gather.
Source: Reed Huabo Exhibition