


AsiaNet 79569

【パリ2019年7月9日PR Newswire】

サザビーズが遠隔通信とネットワークの大実業家Patrick Drahiに買収されたことを受け、アート市場がいよいよデジタル時代を迎えることが期待されます。


Artpriceの創立者兼CEO Thierry Ehrmannの説明によれば、「1998年にFrançois Pinaultがクリスティーズを獲得したことで、アート市場が「金融」時代に突入しました。20年を経た今、このクリスティーズの主要ライバルであるサザビーズによってデジタル改革が推進されようとしています。幸運にも、その準備段階はすでに大方達成されたといえるでしょう。Artpriceは、この一大変革におけるパイオニアとしての役割を担ってきました。著名な美術史家Raymonde Moulin は、「好むと好まざるにかかわらず、私が50年以上にわたって専門としてきたアート市場の構造は、Artpriceによって決定的に変革された 」と10年前に証言しています。

サザビーズの株主に対して61%のプレミアムが提供されたという事実は、同社がキープレーヤーを演じるアート市場の莫大な経済ポテンシャルを明確にしています。ニューヨークポストによれば、Patrick Drahiただ一人がこのようなポテンシャルを見抜いていたわけではありません。すなわち、ウォールストリート(ブラックストーン社CEOでコレクターのStephen Schwarzmanの主導)と、サザビーズの最大株主である中国のTaikang Asset Managementの二社からも買収提案がなされています。





北京でドイツ人アーティストAnselm Kieferの作品が400万ドルという新記録を樹立したことや、ニューヨーク市場におけるアボリジニアートの人気(ガゴシアンギャラリーとニューヨーク近代美術館PS1で展示開催)をみても、アート市場がジオポリティックス的な枠組みから解放されたことがうかがえます。




Thierry Ehrmannによれば、「リピートセールという信頼のメソッドに基づいたの価格指標は、われわれのデータバンクの強さを体現しています。弊社は世界中の公開アートセールを網羅し、包括的で透明性のあるまったく客観的なデータを提供しています」。

Patrick Drahiにサザビーズの采配を委ねることによって、アート市場はデジタル時代を迎えることになるでしょう。次のふたつの事実から、アート市場の飛躍的な成長が証言されています。まず、第二次世界大戦終了時におよそ50万人とされた市場のアートコレクターが、現在では9000万人近くになっています。次に、同様の現象がミュージアムインダストリーにおいても観察されています。すなわち2000年から2014年までの期間に、19~20世紀間に世界中で創立された総数よりも多くの美術館が設立されています。このリズムは今日も変わることがありません。毎年トータル700近くを数える新規の美術館が世界五大陸に創設されて世界中のアートファンの期待に応え、寛大な文化提供を実現しています。

Artprice について:

Artprice は、Euronext Paris、SRD long only および Euroclear によって、Eurolistに記載されています。7478 - ブルームバーグ:PRC - ロイター:ARTF

Thierry Ehrmann により設立 (Who's who公認の経歴を見る ) (c) )

動画で Artprice を見る

Artprice は、美術品の価格および索引データバンクにおけるグローバルリーダーです。3000万件以上のアートインデックスと、70万人以上のアーティストをカバーした競売データを有します。Artprice Images(R) は、世界最大のアート市場リソースへの無制限アクセスを提供しています。ライブラリーは、西暦1700年から今日までの1億2600万点に上る芸術作品の画像ならびに出版物を所蔵し、それぞれにArtpriceの美術史家によるコメントが付記されています。

Artprice は、6300にのぼる競売業者からの情報で自社データバンクをたえずアップデートし、世界の主な通信社や7200近くの国際プレス出版社に向け、アート市場のトレンドを発信しています。


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Artprice: The Digital Revolution of the Art Market is Now


PARIS, July 9, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The acquisition of Sotheby's by the telecommunications and networks tycoon,

Patrick Drahi, may be seen as the Art Market's final acceptance of the digital era.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:

thierry Ehrmann, Artprice's Founder and CEO, explains: "In 1998, François

Pinault's acquisition of Christie's brought our industry into the 'financial'

era. Twenty years later, its principal rival Sotheby's is leading the 'digital'

revolution. Fortunately, much of the groundwork has already been done: Artprice

has long been a pioneering force in this colossal metamorphosis. Ten years ago,

the famous art historian Raymonde Moulin said: "whether you like it or not,

Artprice has irreversibly changed the structure of the Art Market that I have

been studying for more than 50 years."

There can be no doubt that the 61% premium offered to Sotheby's shareholders

reflects the immense economic potential of the Art Market, in which Sotheby's

is a key player. Patrick Drahi is not the only one to see this potential since,

according to the New York Post, at least two other acquisition offers have

already been made: one from Wall Street (initiated by Blackstone collector and

CEO Stephen Schwarzman) and the other from Sotheby's biggest shareholder, the

Chinese company Taikang Asset Management.

The financialization of the Art Market has allowed the major transformation

that we all know... with the arrival of new players, new strategies and new

instruments. Sale guarantees, for example, have made it easier to secure the

auction of masterpieces by reassuring sellers. These guaranteed minimum prices

work a little like financial market derivatives: without taking the likeness

too far, the guarantees may be compared with call options.

The next long-awaited step in the Art Market's evolution is its

dematerialization. In 2017, Sotheby's eliminated buyer fees from its online

sales… but five months later, it reintroduced them. Its financial performance

was not strong enough to resist the pressure from shareholders who demanded

better operating margins. The day after Sotheby's announced its forthcoming

delisting from the NYSE, the French version of The Art Newspaper ran the

headline "Sotheby's regains its freedom... and its secrecy."

In a context of negative or near-zero interest rates, the Art Market is more

attractive than ever, with an average annual return +7% (Artprice100(c)).

Over the last two decades, the Art Market has gained enormously in efficiency.

Admittedly, transaction costs are still high and numerous obstacles still

hinder the free movement of artworks around the world; nevertheless, it has

never been so fluid, or so global.

From the new record of $4 million recorded in Beijing for German artist Anselm

Kiefer, to New York's latest passion for Aboriginal art (with exhibitions at

the Gagosian Gallery and MoMA PS1), the Art Market has liberated itself from

geo-political borders.

Buyer preferences are obviously still subject to profound geographical

influences, but the Art Market has no trouble taking them account. In 2015,

Sotheby's pulled the plug on its Middle East sales, preferring to hold an

annual session dedicated to Middle-Eastern art in London. The operator knows

that collectors from the Arabian Peninsula are perfectly happy to travel the

3250 miles that separates Doha from the British capital.

The Art Market is now ready for dematerialization... although compared to other

economic segments it has a handicap of almost 30 years...

Nowadays, art amateurs, collectors, professionals and museums have access to

lots of tools to help them manage their collections and their sales methods on

the one hand, and to provide a global vision of the Art Market, at any time, on

the other. Since 1987, Artprice has been a pioneer in this field and has

developed – via the acquisition of the Swiss firm Xylogic (among others) – a

complete set of decision-making tools that offer the best Art Market indicators

available and reveal the latest trends in real-time. Crucially, they also allow

the anticipation of price changes. Henceforth, the Art Market is now being

analyzed and driven by Big Data, Data Mining, IE, AI and Blockchain. Artprice

spends 80% of its expenses each year on R&D and has been awarded the Innovating

Enterprise label by the French State's innovation-supporting investment bank.

thierry Ehrmann again: "Our price indices – calculated using the infallible

repeat sales method, epitomise the power of our data banks, providing a

comprehensive, transparent and, above all, entirely objective coverage of

public art sales art around the world."

The arrival of Patrick Drahi at the helm of Sotheby's undoubtedly marks the

definitive transition of the Art Market to the digital era. Two statistics in

particular illustrate the extraordinary growth of the Art Market: since the end

of WWII the number of art consumers and collectors has grown from roughly half

a million to approximately 90 million today. Likewise with the Museum Industry:

more museums were built between 2000 and late 2014 than during the previous two

centuries. This rhythm is continuing today with nearly 700 new museums a year –

now on five continents – for the pleasure and cultural indulgence of art lovers

all over the world.

About Artprice:

Artprice is listed on the Eurolist by Euronext Paris, SRD long only and

Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF.

Founded by thierry Ehrmann (see Who's who certified Biography)(c)

Discover Artprice in video:

Artprice is the global leader in art price and art index databanks. It has over

30 million indices and auction results covering more than 700,000 artists.

Artprice Images(R) gives unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource in

the world: a library of 126 million images or prints of artworks from the year

1700 to the present day, along with comments by Artprice's art historians.

Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from 6,300 auctioneers

and it publishes a constant flow of art market trends for the world's principal news agencies

and approximately 7,200 international press publications.

For its 4,500,000 members, Artprice gives access to the world's leading

Standardised Marketplace for buying and selling art. Artprice is preparing its

blockchain for the Art Market. It is BPI-labelled (scientific national French label)

Artprice's Global Art Market Annual Report for 2018 published last March 2019:

Contact: thierry Ehrmann,








