
Taiwan Television Enterprise Ltd.


AsiaNet 79615(1284)

【台北(台湾)2019年7月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Golden Melody Awards & Festival 2019(2019年金曲国際音楽節)は6月29日に幕を閉じた。フェスティバルのプログラムと設定は、日本のTIMM、タイのBMMF、スウェーデンのLive at Heartおよび新たなパートナーである韓国のMU:CON、マレーシアのCity ROARS Festival、モンゴルのPlaytime Festivalを含む世界中の音楽祭とのより戦略的な同盟へと拡大した。今年のGMA Music Festivalは、台湾で人気のある音楽に焦点を当てたことで評判になった。GMA Showcaseはまた、今年多くの地域やジャンルにわたる音楽を含めた。GMA Heatは初めて、フランスのLe Bureau ExportとSingapore Music Societyと提携し、多くのファンに支持された。La Bureau Exportの代表、ベンジャミン・ドゥムルメステール氏は「GMAのアクティビティーやパネルに参加できることは光栄であり喜びだ。将来的にさらなる機会を楽しみにしている」と述べた。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190709/2519459-1


Golden Melody Awards & Festivalは、台湾で傑出した歌手やバンドがパフォーマンスする機会を探るため毎年世界中の主要な音楽祭を訪れた。戦略的パートナーの間でも、モンゴルのPlaytime FestivalはGMAの直後に開催される。Playtime Festivalの代表、ナツァドルジ・ツェレンドルジ氏は「GMAの授賞式と台湾のフェスティバルの多様性と質にとても感銘を受けた」と述べた。台湾人、カナダ人、ブラジル人ミュージシャンで成る台湾のバンド、LEO37+SOSSは7月7日にモンゴルを訪れて息をのむようなパフォーマンスを披露した。モンゴルへの旅について聞かされたとき、LEO37+SOSSは全員非常に興奮した。さらなる音楽的交流とパフォーマンスのため、戦略的に連携する他の海外の音楽祭により多くの台湾のミュージシャンが参加するだろう。


ソース:Taiwan Television Enterprise Ltd.

GMA Brand Awareness Expands Worldwide with Strategic Partners in Six Countries to Deliver Culture in Music


TAIPEI, Taiwan, July 12, 2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Golden Melody Awards & Festival 2019 has concluded on June 29th.

Festival programs and design were expanded to more strategic alliances with music

festivals worldwide, including TIMM from Japan, BMMF from Thailand, Live at

Heart from Sweden, as well as new partners, MU:CON from Korea, City ROARS

Festival from Malaysia, and Playtime Festival from Mongolia. GMA Music Festival

this year was well received for highlighting popular music in Taiwan. GMA Showcase

also included music across many regions and genres this year. For the first time,

GMA Heat collaborated with Le Bureau Export in France and Singapore Music Society,

and supported by many fans. "It's an honor and pleasure to participate in GMA activities

and panels, and we look forward to more opportunities in future," said La Bureau Export

representative, Benjamin Demelemester.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190709/2519459-1

Taiwanese band LEO37+SOSS visited Mongolia on July 7th to deliver breathtaking

performances. More Taiwanese musicians would participate in other music

festivals abroad in the strategic alliance for more musical exchanges and performances.

Golden Melody Awards & Festival visited major music festivals around the world

each year to explore performance opportunities for outstanding singers and bands in Taiwan.

Among strategic partners, Playtime Festival from Mongolia would be held right after GMA.

"I'm very impressed by the diversity and quality of GMA award ceremony and

festival in Taiwan," said Playtime Festival representative, Natsagdorj Tserendorj.

Composed of Taiwanese, Canadian and Brazilian musicians, Taiwanese band LEO37+SOSS

visited Mongolia on July 7th to deliver breathtaking performances.

When informed about the trip to Mongolia, LEO37+SOSS were all very excited.

More Taiwanese musicians would participate in other music festivals abroad

in the strategic alliance for more musical exchanges and performances.

GMA has successfully increased its brand awareness globally to introduce

international perspectives and new opportunities. By participating GMA events

in Taiwan, industry professionals can personally experience creative freedom,

diversity, genres and dynamics in music.

SOURCE  Taiwan Television Enterprise Ltd.




