


AsiaNet 79727 (1340)

【ダルムシュタット(ドイツ)2019年7月18日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


大手科学・技術企業のメルク(Merck)(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=2575758238&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.merckgroup.com%2F&a=Merck )とブロード研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard、米マサチューセッツ州ボストン)は18日、市場調査、製品開発に向けてそれぞれの管理の下、CRISPR知的財産(IP)を非独占的にライセンス供与することに合意したと発表した。

Video - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/948315/Udit_Clip_Merck.mp4

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/948313/CRISPR_Merck.jpg


ブロード研究所とメルクは、あらゆる組織が広範囲のCRISPRツールで技術適用を可能にする目標を共有している。科学者へのアクセスを合理化するため、ブロード研究所は内部調査の利用と市場調査ツールやキットとして、メルクとブロード研究所のCRISPR IPポートフォリオを潜在的被許諾者にライセンス供与する。研究開発活動にCRISPRを適用する企業はこの合意の下、ブロード研究所を通じてIPの両セットをライセンス使用できる。この枠組みは、ほかの主要特許保有者が将来、この枠組みか第三者の特許プールかコラボに参加できるようにして、基幹CRISPR技術の非独占的利用をさらに合理化する。






*シグマ アルドリッチ(Sigma-Aldrich)(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=1265313838&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmaaldrich.com%2F&a=Sigma-Aldrich )ポートフォリオブランドで提供されるCRISPR技術のメルクIPは、ブロード研究所の長期にわたる慣習、要件に合致する限り、非営利の学術機関やビジネスコミュニティー、政府省庁が使用料免除で内部調査への利用が可能




ブロード研究所とメルクはそれぞれ、倫理的、法的な基準に十分配慮したゲノム編集研究をサポートするガイドラインを作成した。ブロード研究所はウェブサイト上で「institutional policies on IP licensing (IPライセンス供与の組織指針)」(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=3451165141&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.broadinstitute.org%2Finforming-discussion%2Finstitutional-policies-ip-licensing&a=institutional+policies+on+IP+licensing )を概説している。メルクは独立した外部の「Bioethics Advisory(生命倫理助言)」(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=2663965366&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merckgroup.com%2Fen%2Fcr-report%2F2018%2Fbusiness-ethics%2Fbioethics.html&a=Advisory )パネルを設置し、ゲノム編集に関する、あるいはそれを使った研究を含むビジネス関与研究のガイダンスを提供、科学的、社会的問題を考慮する明確な運用上の立場(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=3706968800&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merckgroup.com%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Fweb%2Fcorporate%2Fnon-images%2Fcompany%2Fresponsibility%2Fen%2Fregulations-and-guidelines%2Fgenome-editing-principle-EN.pdf&a=position )を定義して、研究、応用に使える有望な治療手段を伝えている。

Twitter(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=2004610261&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FMerckgroup&a=Twitter )、Facebook(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=1003411709&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmerckgroup%2F&a=Facebook )、LinkedIn(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=969278704&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fmerck-group%2F&a=LinkedIn )でメルクのフォローを。


ブロード研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)は2004年、医療を改革する当時の創造的科学者を奨励するため創設された。ブロード研究所は生命とそれに関連する分子成分全体を説明し、主要なヒト疾患の分子ベースを発見、効果的な診断と治療の新手法を開発し、発見、ツール、メソッド、データを科学コミュニティー全体に広めようとしている。

MIT、ハーバード、ハーバード関連病院、また、先見性あるロサンゼルスの篤志家エリ、エディス・L・ブロード夫妻によって設立されたブロード研究所は、MIT、ハーバード生物医学研究コミュニティー内外の教授陣、専門スタッフ、学生で構成され、協力関係は世界40カ国以上の100を超える官民機関に及ぶ。詳しい情報はhttp://www.broadinstitute.org を参照。

メルクのニュースリリースは全て、公式ウェブサイト掲載と同時にeメール配信される。オンライン登録、選定の変更、サービス中止はwww.merckgroup.com/subscribe を参照。



科学的調査と責任ある起業家精神がメルクの技術的、科学的進歩の鍵となってきた。1668年の創業以来、メルクはこのように繁栄してきた。創業家が今も、上場企業の株式の過半数を所有している。メルクは「メルク」の名称とブランドに対する世界的な権利を保有している。唯一の例外は米国とカナダで、その事業部門は、ヘルスケアではEMDセローノ(EMD Serono)として、ライフサイエンスではミリポアシグマ(MilliporeSigma)として、さらにEMDパフォーマンスマテリアルズ(EMD Performance Materials)として展開している。




Phone: +49 6151 72-7144

Merck and Broad Institute Announce CRISPR License Framework to Encourage Innovation


DARMSTADT, Germany, July 18, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- New framework simplifies and accelerates access to CRISPR intellectual property for research

Merck (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=2575758238&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.merckgroup.com%2F&a=Merck ),

a leading science and technology company, and the Broad Institute of MIT and

Harvard (Boston, Massachusetts) today announced an agreement to offer

non-exclusive licenses to CRISPR intellectual property (IP) under their

respective control for use in commercial research and product development.

Video - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/948315/Udit_Clip_Merck.mp4

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/948313/CRISPR_Merck.jpg

"Together with the Broad Institute, we are simplifying the path to licensing

CRISPR technology, which will make it more widely available to the global

research and discovery community," said Udit Batra, member of the Merck

Executive Board and CEO, Life Science. "Through this agreement, we will make it

easier for our customers to be successful in their research that shortens drug

development timelines for previously untreatable diseases."

Broad Institute and Merck share the goal of enabling all entities to apply the technology

with a wider range of CRISPR tools. To streamline access for scientists,

Broad Institute will offer licenses to Merck's and Broad Institute's CRISPR IP portfolios to

potential licensees for internal research use and for commercial research tools and kits.

Under the agreement, companies applying CRISPR in their research and development

activities can license both sets of IP through Broad Institute. The framework is designed to

allow other key patent holders to participate in the future -- either through this framework

or via a third-party patent pool or collaboration -- to further streamline non-exclusive access to

key CRISPR technology.

"We believe that key CRISPR patent holders should come together to simplify and

open up access, and this agreement is another example of a partnership that

helps maximize and streamline access to these important scientific tools," said

Issi Rozen, chief business officer of the Broad Institute. "Broad Institute

already licenses CRISPR non-exclusively for all applications, with the

exception of human therapeutics. We are actively working to ensure the widest

and simplest possible access to key CRISPR intellectual property."

The institutions worked together to develop a framework that (i) continues to

provide non-exclusive access to Broad-controlled IP co-owned with its collaborators

(including Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

New York Genome Center, New York University, The Rockefeller University,

the University of Iowa Research Foundation, The University of Tokyo,

the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and others) and (ii) provides

non-exclusive access to IP from Merck, with certain limitations specific to

the Merck IP for creation of rodent models.

Features of the licensing framework:

    -- Merck's IP for CRISPR technology, offered under the Sigma-Aldrich

       (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=1265313838&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmaaldrich.com%2F&a=Sigma-Aldrich )

       portfolio brand, will become available royalty-free to non-profit

       academic institutions, non-profit business communities and

       governmental agencies for their internal research, consistent with

       the Broad Institute's long-standing practice and requirements.

    -- Licenses follow Broad Institute's and Merck's ethical licensing

       considerations, which exclude certain CRISPR technology applications,

       such as any for clinical human germline editing.

    -- Each organization can continue offering licenses independently, outside of this framework.

    -- In addition to IP from Broad Institute and Merck, this licensing

       framework includes certain Broad IP co-owned with multiple other

       institutions: Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

       The Rockefeller University, the University of Iowa Research Foundation,

       the University of Tokyo, the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and others.

Broad Institute and Merck have each developed guidelines that support research

with genome editing under careful consideration of ethical and legal standards.

The Broad Institute outlines "institutional policies on IP licensing"

(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=3451165141&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.broadinstitute.org%2Finforming-discussion%2Finstitutional-policies-ip-licensing&a=institutional+policies+on+IP+licensing ) on its website.

Merck has established an independent, external Bioethics Advisory

(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=2663965366&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merckgroup.com%2Fen%2Fcr-report%2F2018%2Fbusiness-ethics%2Fbioethics.html&a=Advisory )

Panel to provide guidance for research in which its businesses are involved,

including research on or using genome editing, and has defined a clear operational position

(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=3706968800&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.merckgroup.com%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Fweb%2Fcorporate%2Fnon-images%2Fcompany%2Fresponsibility%2Fen%2Fregulations-and-guidelines%2Fgenome-editing-principle-EN.pdf&a=position )

taking into account scientific and societal issues to inform promising

therapeutic approaches for use in research and applications.

Follow Merck on Twitter (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=2004610261&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FMerckgroup&a=Twitter ) @Merckgroup,

on Facebook (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=1003411709&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmerckgroup%2F&a=Facebook ) @merckgroup

and on LinkedIn (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2527359-2&h=969278704&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fmerck-group%2F&a=LinkedIn ).

About the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard was launched in 2004 to empower this

generation of creative scientists to transform medicine. The Broad Institute

seeks to describe all the molecular components of life and their connections;

discover the molecular basis of major human diseases; develop effective new

approaches to diagnostics and therapeutics; and disseminate discoveries, tools,

methods, and data openly to the entire scientific community.

Founded by MIT, Harvard, Harvard-affiliated hospitals, and the visionary Los

Angeles philanthropists Eli and Edythe L. Broad, the Broad Institute includes

faculty, professional staff, and students from throughout the MIT and Harvard

biomedical research communities and beyond, with collaborations spanning over

a hundred private and public institutions in more than 40 countries worldwide.

For further information about the Broad Institute, go to


All Merck news releases are distributed by email at the same time they become

available on the Merck website. Please go to www.merckgroup.com/subscribe to

register online, change your selection or discontinue this service.

About Merck

Merck, a leading science and technology company, operates across healthcare,

life science and performance materials. Around 52,000 employees work to make a

positive difference to millions of people's lives every day by creating more

joyful and sustainable ways to live. From advancing gene- editing technologies

and discovering unique ways to treat the most challenging diseases to enabling

the intelligence of devices -- Merck is everywhere. In 2018, Merck generated

sales of EUR 14.8 billion in 66 countries.

Scientific exploration and responsible entrepreneurship have been key to

Merck's technological and scientific advances. This is how Merck has thrived

since its founding in 1668. The founding family remains the majority owner of

the publicly listed company. Merck holds the global rights to the "Merck" name

and brand. The only exceptions are the United States and Canada, where the

business sectors operate as EMD Serono in healthcare, MilliporeSigma in life

science, and EMD Performance Materials.


CONTACT: markus.talanow@merckgroup.com Phone: +49 6151 72-7144




