国際バカロレアが世界中の学生の試験登録料を廃止 学生アクセスのコスト低減と障壁除去で
国際バカロレアが世界中の学生の試験登録料を廃止 学生アクセスのコスト低減と障壁除去で
AsiaNet 79750 (1352)
【ニューオーリンズ2019年7月19日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】International Baccalaureate Organization(国際バカロレア協会)は19日、学生や学校がバカロレア独自のプログラムに参加するための経済的障壁を減らすことに焦点を絞った取り組みの一環として、学生が(個別の国際バカロレア(IB)科目試験とは別の費用として)旧来から支払う172ドルの(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2529423-1&h=1588485326&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ibo.org%2Fcandidate-fee-elimination&a=announced+today+that+it+is+eliminating+the+%24172 )「志願者登録」料を廃止すると発表した。
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/949366/International_Baccalaureate_Multilingual_Logo.jpg
学生1人当たりの評価コストを下げるというこの決定の目的は、世界中のより多くの生徒が追加の科目試験を受けたり、完全なDiploma Programmeを取得したりすることをサポートし、世界中の5000を超えるIBスクールのコミュニティーに、より多くの学校が参加できるように支援することである。
International Baccalaureate(IB)ディレクターゼネラルであるシバ・クマリ博士は「われわれの任務の重要な部分は、多才で、マルチリンガルで、オープンマインドの寛容な市民であり、世界的、国家的、地域的な課題に思慮深く対応できるように教育された新世代の国際社会の若者のために発展することである」と語った。
▽International Baccalaureateについて
1968年に創設されたIBは3歳から19歳までの学生向け教育(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2529423-1&h=3098023808&u=https%3A%2F%2Fapc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com%2F%3Furl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.ibo.org%252Fglobalassets%252Fwhat-is-an-ib-education-2017-en.pdf%26data%3D01%257C01%257Chaif.bannayan%2540ibo.org%257C7793497ada434630f85408d7047e4835%257C68b2d50a57dd4bd585bba249b0b19ddf%257C0%26sdata%3D%252BwoKwxeIdcvRc8yeTFCFMVC4s6M2KAychti5fNyyRG4%253D%26reserved%3D0&a=an+education )を提供する。これは学生に批判的に、かつ独立して考え、注意深く、かつ論理的に調べるように教えることに焦点を絞る4つのプログラム(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2529423-1&h=3098023808&u=https%3A%2F%2Fapc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com%2F%3Furl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.ibo.org%252Fglobalassets%252Fwhat-is-an-ib-education-2017-en.pdf%26data%3D01%257C01%257Chaif.bannayan%2540ibo.org%257C7793497ada434630f85408d7047e4835%257C68b2d50a57dd4bd585bba249b0b19ddf%257C0%26sdata%3D%252BwoKwxeIdcvRc8yeTFCFMVC4s6M2KAychti5fNyyRG4%253D%26reserved%3D0&a=an+education )で構成されている。IBカリキュラムは世界中の150超の国にある5000以上の学校に存在する。
ソース:International Baccalaureate
Natalie Laukitus
Working to Lower Costs & Eliminate Barriers to Access for Students Worldwide, International Baccalaureate Eliminates its Student Exam Registration Fee
NEW ORLEANS, July 19, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
As part of a focused effort to reduce financial barriers for students and
schools to participate in its unique programmes, the International
Baccalaureate Organization announced today that it is eliminating the $172
"candidate registration" fee that students traditionally pay (as a cost separate from
individual IB subject exams).
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This decision to lower per student assessment costs is intended to help more students
worldwide afford additional subject exams or pursue a full Diploma Programme,
as well as help more schools join the community of more than 5000 IB schools worldwide.
"A key part of our mission is to develop for the international community youth
who are well-rounded, multilingual and open-minded citizens—a new generation
educated in ways that enable them to respond thoughtfully to global, national
and local challenges," said International Baccalaureate (IB) Director General Dr. Siva Kumari.
"Facing imminent global changes and a new industrial revolution of technology
and AI, IB's focus on preparing the future workforce to be agile learners and
critical thinkers is more relevant and necessary than ever," she added.
Elimination of the registration fee is the latest in a series of decisions by
the IB to ease financial burdens to open up access. It recently provided
discounts for schools that offer three or more IB programmes and expanded its
ongoing investments in professional development for IB educators, offering some
of its courses at no charge.
After investing in technology that modernized IB's assessment systems over the
past 10 years, and as a result of careful management of its costs, IB is able
to pass along the financial benefits directly to students and schools, Kumari noted.
"We are focused on developing the deep and broad thinkers that the world needs
in the 4th industrial revolution," said Haif Bannayan, Director of Outreach and
Conferences. "Developing agile and thoughtful learners is fundamental to IB's
educational philosophy and that is why we believe that our world-class model
for 21st century workforce development must be more accessible."
About International Baccalaureate
Founded in 1968, the IB offers an education
for students from age 3 to 19, comprising of four programmes
that focus on teaching students to think critically and independently, and to
inquire with care and logic. The IB curriculums are in more than 5,000 schools
in over 150 countries around the world.
Source:International Baccalaureate
CONTACT: Natalie Laukitus