
Riccardo Polosa, University of Catania



AsiaNet 80050

2019年8月13日(東京) – 関連科学による新規調査では、電子たばこでの喫煙はたばこの喫煙よりも肺に対する害がはるかに少ないと、喫煙者は確信できる。Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine(呼吸器医学の専門家審査)誌に新たに発表された論文は、可燃性たばこの煙より電子たばこ(EC)が放出するエアロゾルの方が、相対的に安全であることを示す証拠が増えていると主張している。カターニア大学の危害軽減を促進するためのセンター・オブ・エクセレンス(CoEHAR)の所長であるRiccardo Polosa博士が主導した、The effect of e-cigarette aerosol emissions on respiratory health: a narrative review (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17476348.2019.1649146 ) (電子たばこのエアロゾル放出が呼吸器の健康状態にもたらす影響:ナラティブ・レビュー)は、電子たばこの呼吸器系への影響に関する発表済みの研究の批判的評価を提供している。

リンク: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17476348.2019.1649146








カリフォルニア大学デイヴィッド・ゲフィン医科大学院の呼吸器科医および教授であるDonald Tashkin博士はこう説明する。「電子たばこの使用による呼吸器の健康リスクと利点を判断するための正確な知見を得るには、現行の研究設計を大幅に改善する必要がある。喫煙歴のない電子たばこ使用者の大規模な長期的観点からの前向き研究だけが、電子たばこなどのベイピング製品の日常的使用が長期的健康に及ぼしうる潜在的影響を証明する信頼性の高いデータを提供することができることは明らかだ。」



Riccardo Polosa(MD、PhD)は、カターニア大学(イタリア)内科学正教授、および同大学内の危害軽減を促進するためのセンター・オブ・エクセレンス(CoEHAR)所長。欧州標準化委員会内、「電子たばこの放出物の要件および試験方法」に関する欧州ワーキンググループ(CEN/TC 437)の主催者。さらにPolosa博士は、イタリア禁煙同盟(LIAF)が推進する「電子たばこ研究に関する科学委員会」のコーディネーターでもある。

Renee O’Leary(PhD)は、文献レビューコンサルタント(21世紀文献レビュー)およびたばこ規制研究者であり、カナダ薬物使用研究所(ビクトリア、カナダ)の研究員である。またエビデンス報告、空気をきれいにする:電子たばこおよびベイパー装置の危害と利点に関するシステマティック・レビュー(2017年)、および電子たばこ方針論文、ベイパー装置(電子たばこ)規制における主張:ナラティブ・ポリシー・フレームワーク分析の著者でもある。

Donald Tashkin博士(MD)は、カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスの呼吸器科医で、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校デイヴィッド・ゲフィン医科大学院の内科学教授。過去20年間、マリファナが使用者の肺の健康に与える影響の臨床的評価において指導的発言を行い、マリファナの影響と、慢性閉塞性肺疾患を含む他の肺疾患との関連性を理解する取り組みを先導してきた。

Rosalia Emma博士(M.Sc., PhD)はカターニア大学の研究者。現在は、同大学の生物医学・バイオテクノロジー学部で、電子たばこの液体の毒性評価に関わる研究を指揮している。

Massimo Caruso博士(M.Sc., PhD)は、カターニア大学の免疫病理学の研究者兼契約教授で、喘息およびその他の呼吸器疾患の生物学的側面に関する専門知識を持つ。現在は、たばこ業界が電子たばこに関して実施している、数多くの毒性評価で使用される方法論の品質を検証する研究を行なっている。

出典:Riccardo Polosa、カターニア大学


CoEHAR Press office

E-mail: valeria.nicolosi@coehar.it, valeria.nicolosi@hotmail.it

University of Catania Press office

E-mail: stampa@unict.it


New Review Suggests Normal Use of Electronic Cigarettes is Unlikely to Raise Significant Health Concerns


TOKYO, Aug. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Lack of Clear Communications About E-Cigarettes Could Lead to More Deaths Due

to Combustible Cigarette Smoking

Smokers should be confident that vaping with e-cigarettes is much less harmful

to the lungs than smoking cigarettes, according to a new review of the relevant

science. A new article published in the Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine

journal contends that there is growing evidence showing that electronic cigarette (EC)

emission aerosols are relatively safe compared to tobacco smoke.

Led by Dr. Riccardo Polosa, director of CoEHAR, the Center of Excellence for

the Acceleration of HArm Reduction at the University of Catania, The effect of e-cigarette

aerosol emissions on respiratory health: a narrative review (https://bit.ly/2KvFzJN )

provides a critical assessment of the research published on the effects of ECs on respiratory system.

Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17476348.2019.1649146

"For smokers who want to do something about their health, our review shows that

switching to vaping is a very good option if they don't want to or can't quit completely.

No-one can prove that e-cigarettes are one hundred percent safe, but all the science

points to vaping being very much safer than smoking," said Dr. Polosa.

Polosa added: "We agree with Public Health England and the Royal College of

Physicians of London that it is reasonable to proceed on the basis that vaping

is at least 95% less risky than smoking, and probably even less risky than that."

The findings indicate that the lack of clear and accurate reporting of experimental

studies has resulted in confusion about the respiratory health risks of ECs.

"The millions of deaths resulting from cigarette smoking illustrate an ongoing,

immediate and preventable tragedy that should be fully factored into a rational

risk-benefit analysis," said Dr. Polosa. "In our view, there is a growing body of evidence

that suggests substituting ECs for cigarettes is an effective method of curbing the use of

tobacco cigarettes. Unfortunately, consumer understanding of the relative risks is distorted

and in the past few years fewer adult smokers have perceived e-cigarettes as less harmful

than tobacco cigarettes. These misperceptions have real consequences and require corrections."  

The article by Polosa et al. is the first attempt to correct most of these

misperceptions and to provide authoritative reference when communicating to the

public how to improve personal and public health of smokers. Former smokers

currently using ECs and smokers intending to use ECs as a substitute for smoking

have the right to know the factual information about the potential risks and benefits

of these products. Improvement in risk communication can promote more switching

among smokers who do not want or cannot quit and eventually reduce or prevent

some of the respiratory deaths and disease caused by tobacco smoking.

The authors of the review also found that smokers who substituted cigarettes

with ECs experienced improvements in smoking symptoms (cough, phlegm) and

exhibited lower levels of exhaled carbon monoxide. These results were even more

beneficial for smokers who completely replaced cigarettes with ECs.

For smokers with diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),

EC use may have a beneficial effect on symptoms, though additional data is needed

to determine the complete effect ECs may have on lung function.

Dr. Donald Tashkin, pulmonologist and professor at the David Geffen School of

Medicine at the University of California, explains: "Yielding accurate findings

for determining the respiratory health risks and benefits of e-cigarette use

requires substantial improvement of current research designs. Obviously, only

large, long-range prospective studies of vapers who have never smoked can

provide definitive data to demonstrate any potential impacts regular use of

vaping products may have on long term health."

Dr. Polosa concludes: "Challenging uninformative or even misleading research

due to problem with methodology and interpretation of these studies is not

enough. It is urgent to address common mistakes and to develop robust and

realistic methodological recommendations in order to adequately assess the

impact of EC use on human health under normal condition of use. The adoption of

standardised methods can enable better tobacco harm reduction science."

Notes to Editors - Authors' Biographies:

Riccardo Polosa, MD, PhD, is full Professor of Internal Medicine at the

University of Catania (Italy), and Director of the Center of Excellence for the

Acceleration of HArm Reduction (CoEHAR) within the same University. He is convenor

for the European Working Group on "Requirements and test methods for emissions of

electronic cigarettes," within the European Committee for Standardization (CEN/TC 437).

Dr. Polosa is also Coordinator of the "Scientific Committee on electronic cigarettes research"

promoted by the Italian Antismoking League (LIAF).

Renee O'Leary, PhD, is a literature review consultant (21st Century Literature Reviews)

and tobacco control researcher, and a research affiliate with the Canadian Institute for

Substance Use Research (Victoria, Canada). She is the author of the evidence report,

Clearing the Air: A systematic review on the harms and benefits of e-cigarettes and vapour

devices (2017), and an EC policy article, Claims in vapour device(e-cigarette) regulation:

A Narrative Policy Framework analysis.  

Dr. Donald Tashkin, MD, is a pulmonologist in Los Angeles, California and

Professor of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University

of California, Los Angeles. In the past 2 decades, he has been a leading voice

in the clinical assessment of marijuana's effect on users' lung health and has

led efforts into understanding marijuana's effects and associations with other

pulmonary conditions including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Dr. Rosalia Emma, M.Sc., PhD, is a researcher at the University of Catania. She

is currently conducting a study involving the toxicological assessment of

liquids of electronic cigarettes at the Department of Biomedical Sciences and

Biotechnologies of the same University.

Dr. Massimo Caruso, M.Sc., PhD, is a researcher and contract Professor of

Immunopathology at the University of Catania, with expertise in biological

aspects of asthma and other respiratory diseases. He is conducting a study to

verify the quality of the methodology used in many toxicological assessments

conducted on ECs by the tobacco industry.


CoEHAR Press office

E-mail: valeria.nicolosi@coehar.it and valeria.nicolosi@hotmail.it

University of Catania Press office

E-mail: stampa@unict.it

SOURCE Riccardo Polosa, University of Catania




