
IAS and R3i


AsiaNet 80306

2019年9月3日、イタリア ミラノ、スイス バーゼル -「国際動脈硬化学会(IAS)」および「残存リスク低減イニシアチブ(R3i)」の世界的専門家50名によると、新たな選択性の高い治療である「α型ペルオキシソーム増殖剤活性化受容体モジュレーター(SPPARM-α)アゴニスト」は、心臓発作ならびに脳卒中の発症リスクが高い患者において、残存リスク管理におけるギャップ対処に役立つであろうことが明らかにされました。高血圧、コレステロール、グルコースはガイドライン治療推奨となっているにも関わらず、この残存心血管リスクは未だに残っています。この未解決な医学的課題は、IAS-R3iの共同合意声明の焦点であり、2019年9月1日にフランスのパリでディスカッションが行われました。





また、ぺマフィブラートは前臨床試験においてアテローム性動脈硬化症の進行を抑えることが確認されています。日本動脈硬化学会 理事長の山下静也教授は次のように述べています。「あらゆる結果が示しているように、ぺマフィブラートはアテローム性脂質異常症に対する高いリスクを有する患者、特に2型糖尿病患者における残存心血管リスクを軽減するための新たなアプローチを提供できる可能性があります」。

これはまさに、PROMINENT(Pemafibrate to Reduce cardiovascular OutcoMes by reducing triglycerides IN diabetic patiENTs)試験に答えを提起します。この国際的臨床試験は、スタチン治療を受けている2型糖尿病のハイリスク患者1万人を対象として、ぺマフィブラートがTG-リッチリポタンパクを減少させることにより心血管イベントを減らすかどうかをテストしています。以前のフィブラート試験とは異なり、PROMINENTでは効果的なスタチン治療を含む現在の標準的な併用療法を受けている2型糖尿病およびアテローム性脂質異常症の患者を対象としています。「科学界は、4~5年後に発表されるこのPROMINENTの結果を待ち望んでいます。これによってSPPARM-α理論が医療における心血管アウトカムを改善できるかどうかが明らかにされるでしょう。」と、ハーバード大学医学部&ブリガムアンドウィメンズ ホスピタルのピーター・リビー教授は述べています。






ソース:IAS & R3i







Fruchart JC. et al.The selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha modulator (SPPARMα) paradigm: conceptual framework and therapeutic potential.A consensus statement from the IAS and the R3i Foundation.Cardiovasc Diabetology (2019) 18:71.


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International Atherosclerosis Society & Residual Risk Reduction Initiative Publish Consensus Statement on New Treatment for Residual Cardiovascular Risk


MILAN and BASEL, Switzerland Sept. 3, 2019 AsiaNet /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

A new highly selective treatment, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor

alpha modulator (SPPARM-alpha) agonist, may help to address the gap in managing

the residual risk of heart attacks and strokes in high-risk patients, according

to over 50 world-leading experts from the International Atherosclerosis Society

(IAS) and the Residual Risk Reduction Initiative (R3i). This residual cardiovascular risk

persists despite guideline-recommended treatments for high blood pressure,

cholesterol and glucose. This unmet clinical challenge, the focus of this Joint IAS-R3i

Consensus Statement, was discussed in Paris, France on 1 September 2019.  

Key among potential targets to reduce this residual cardiovascular risk is

atherogenic dyslipidaemia, defined as high triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoproteins

and their remnants with low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol

(HDL-C). Atherogenic dyslipidaemia is common in people with type 2 diabetes

and/or in those who are overweight. According to IAS President Professor Raul

Santos: "Atherogenic dyslipidaemia is implicated in residual cardiovascular

risk. However, current treatment options are limited due to safety issues and

interactions with other drugs."

To find an answer, experts took a "precision medicine" approach in which they

synthesised and screened more than 1,300 compounds before identifying a novel

agent with SPPARM-alpha activity, pemafibrate. "Because pemafibrate activates

and represses a unique set of genes, it has higher potency and selectivity

compared with fibrates, traditional non-selective PPAR-alpha agonists," said

Professor Jean-Charles Fruchart, President of the R3i Foundation.

In phase 1 and 2 clinical trials, pemafibrate improved all markers of atherogenic dyslipidaemia,

reducing TG by up to 50 per cent and remnant cholesterol, a causal cardiovascular risk factor,

by up to 80 per cent. Pemafibrate also lowered inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein.

Importantly, pemafibrate did not show adverse effects on the liver or kidneys, and did not

increase serum creatinine. "These trials clearly show a superior benefit versus risk profile for

pemafibrate over fibrates in a wide range of patients including those with chronic kidney disease,"

commented Professor Tatsuhiko Kodama, The University of Tokyo, Japan, a key investigator

in these trials.

Pemafibrate also attenuated atherosclerotic lesion development in preclinical

studies. Professor Shizuya Yamashita, President of the Japanese Atherosclerosis

Society, said: "Based on all the evidence, pemafibrate may offer a new approach

for reducing residual cardiovascular risk in high-risk patients with atherogenic dyslipidaemia,

especially those with type 2 diabetes."

This is exactly what the PROMINENT (Pemafibrate to Reduce cardiovascular

OutcoMes by reducing triglycerides IN diabetic patiENTs) study aims to answer.

This international trial is testing whether reducing TG-rich lipoproteins with

pemafibrate reduces cardiovascular events in 10,000 high-risk patients with

type 2 diabetes, already treated with a statin. Unlike previous fibrate trials,

PROMINENT specifically targets individuals with type 2 diabetes and atherogenic

dyslipidaemia receiving current standard-of-care concomitant therapy, including

effective statin treatment. "The scientific community eagerly awaits results

from PROMINENT, due in 4-5 years, to determine if the translation of the

SPPARM-alpha concept to the clinic can improve cardiovascular outcomes," said

Professor Peter Libby, Harvard Medical School & Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA.   


The International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS) is a federation of member

scientific societies from across the globe. The core mission of the IAS is to promote

scientific understanding of the aetiology, prevention, and treatment of atherosclerosis.

The IAS coordinates the exchange of scientific information among constituent societies,

fosters research into how atherosclerosis develops, and helps translate this knowledge to

improving the effectiveness of programmes designed to prevent and treat the disease.   


The R3i (Residual Risk Reduction Initiative) is a worldwide, academic,

multidisciplinary non-profit organisation. Its core objective is to

successfully address the excessively high risk of cardiovascular and

microvascular complications that persists in patients who are already receiving

the current standards of care to address abnormal lipid levels. The R3i is

working to achieve this with an innovative global initiative of academic

research, education and advocacy.   

Related Links     






Fruchart JC. et al. The selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor

alpha modulator (SPPARMI±) paradigm: conceptual framework and therapeutic

potential. A consensus statement from the IAS and the R3i Foundation.

Cardiovasc Diabetology (2019) 18:71.




Source: IAS and R3i




