PwC Health Research Instituteリポートが現代医学の進歩の妨げとなる健康の社会的決定要因を指摘


PwC Health Research Instituteリポートが現代医学の進歩の妨げとなる健康の社会的決定要因を指摘

AsiaNet 80647 (1805)

【ニューヨーク2019年9月24日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



われわれの行動と健康の社会的決定要因に起因する病気の増加は、富裕国、貧困国双方の予算を圧迫し、生活を改善させる現代医学の力を抑圧している。PwCの新しいレポート「Action required: The urgency of addressing social determinants of health(求められる行動:健康の社会的決定要因に今すぐ対処を)」では、医療関係者が今、行動する必要がある理由を概説している。






1. 全体としての意思形成を。あまりに多くの医療関係者が、社会的決定要因について話をしていない。PwC Health Research Institute(HRI)の2019年6月のグローバル消費者調査の回答者のうち、医師からそうした話を持ち出されたことがあると答えたのはわずか43%だった。看護師、薬剤師、栄養士などその他の医療従事者がそうした話をする比率はそれよりはるかに低く、より幅広い医療従事者を巻き込んでいく余地があることを強調している。会議の招集者は、各利害関係者により多くの病気を予防することの長期的な利点を明示することで、システム内の仲間全員を一致団結させやすくなる。

2. 仲間が共通の目標に向かって取り組むことを可能にする枠組みの策定を。頑張って仲間同士の連携づくりを終えたら、ミッション、インセンティブ、視点が異なる異質な職場を一体化させるという日々の課題を克服しなければならない。2019年のHRIのグローバル消費者調査で回答した消費者の約3分の1が、シームレスな体験を生み出す、より一体化されたケアを期待しており、医療とソーシャルサービスのつながりに改善の余地があることが示された。

3. 得られたデータインサイトを意思決定に生かせ。予測分析は、個々人の行動と母集団の行動の両方を考察するのにも利用できる。多くの消費者は、変更するには個々人がある程度責任を持たなければいけないと感じているが、PwCの2019年HRIグローバル消費者調査の回答者の47%は、医療提供者が、病歴を考慮して、将来、どのような医療サービスが必要になる可能性があるかについての予測を患者と共有していないことを示している。患者が動機付けを見出したとしても、慢性疾患を予防するための情報やツールがないことが多い。

4. コミュニティーを巻き込み、反映させる。健康の社会的決定要因戦略は、人々の暮らしと働き方に根ざしたものでなければならない。HRI消費者調査の回答者の56%は、自分の健康をサポートするためにスマートフォンを使用している、あるいは使用する予定と回答しているが、テクノロジーは、それを使用するコミュニティーメンバーに受け入れられ、信頼されている場合にのみ役に立つ。小売業者、技術提供者、在宅医療従事者、教育者は、消費者を取り込む新たな方策を提供できるはずである。

5. 測定し、再展開を。シドニー西部では、住民の糖尿病予防に取り組む地域連合が体重やHbA1Cレベルの低減といった測定可能な目標を設定、どの介入がうまくいったかを測定し、コストの動向を追跡するのに役立つ糖尿病ダッシュボードの開発を始めた。毎年の年末総括リポートと翌年の計画は、戦略と投資のさらなる改善に役立った。


PwCの新しいリポート「求められる行動:健康の社会的決定要因に今すぐ対処を」の詳細については、 でレポートのダウンロードを。


PwCが目指しているのは、社会に信頼を築き、重要な問題を解決することである。われわれは、世界158カ国にある(メンバー)ファームのネットワークであり、23万6000人以上のスタッフを抱え、高品質のアシュアランス、助言、税務サービスを提供している。詳細およびPwCへの要望については、ウェブサイト を参照。

PwCとは、PwCネットワークおよび/ないしは独立法人である1社あるいはそれ以上のメンバーファームのことである。詳細については、 を参照。

(c) 2019 PwC. All rights reserved.


PwC Health Research Institute Report Shows Social Determinants of Health Undermining Progress of Modern Medicine


NEW YORK, Sept. 24, 2019, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Fifty-seven percent of consumers surveyed said their doctor had never discussed

the important social factors affecting their health

Without renewed urgency, PwC healthcare leaders say medical advances will be

rendered ineffective

The rise in illnesses caused by our behaviours and the social determinants of

health threatens to suffocate budgets in both wealthy and poor countries, while

suppressing the power of modern medicine to improve lives. PwC's new report

"Action required: The urgency of addressing social determinants of health"

outlines why healthcare stakeholders need to act now.

Social determinants of health—or the social, economic and environmental factors

of where we live and work such as social isolation, economic inequality,

pollution and food deserts—are preventing too many people across the globe from

making healthy choices. And the impact cannot be ignored: PwC projects that by

2025, many countries will see obesity/overweight rates exceeding 68 percent of

the population. By investing earlier in social determinants strategies that

help people with housing, exercise, mental health support and ability to afford

medications, governments and health systems stand to save money in the long

term and improve health outcomes.

"Innovative medical treatments are rendered ineffective if people don't have

social support and access to resources readily available to help keep them

well," said Kelly Barnes, PwC's Global and US Health Industries Leader. "This

is not optional; healthcare and government organizations that don't act on

social determinants will spend more and more money, only to watch health status


The report's results suggest opportunity for healthcare systems and governments

to target social determinants of health by intervening earlier to prevent or

stall the progress of chronic disease, especially when it comes to obesity and


How to lead in social determinants of health: Five steps for bold action

PwC has identified five steps to help stakeholders develop social determinants

of health strategies:

1.  Build the collective will. Too many healthcare stakeholders aren't talking

about social determinants, as only 43 percent of respondents to a PwC Health

Research Institute June 2019 global consumer survey said their doctor has even

raised the subject with them. Other health workers, such as nurses, pharmacists

and dietitians, are talking about it at a much lower level, highlighting the

opportunity to involve healthcare workers more broadly. A convener can help

bring partners together across the system by demonstrating the long-term

benefits to each stakeholder of preventing more illness.

2.  Develop a framework that enables partners to work toward common goals. Once

they have done the hard work of building coalitions, partners must overcome the

everyday challenges of merging disparate workplaces with different missions,

incentives and perspectives. Consumers expect that care should be better

integrated to create a seamless experience; roughly one-third of consumers

asked in a 2019 HRI global consumer survey indicated that there was an

opportunity to better connect healthcare and social services.

3.  Generate data insights to inform decision making. Predictive analytics can

also be used to consider both individual behaviour and the behaviour of

populations. Many consumers do feel some individual responsibility to make a

change, but 47% of respondents to PwC's 2019 HRI global consumer survey

indicated healthcare providers are not sharing predictions about what

healthcare services these patients may need in the future considering their

medical history. Even if people find the motivation, they often lack the

information or tools to prevent chronic conditions.

4.  Engage and reflect the community. Social determinants of health strategies

must be grounded in the way people live and work. While 56 percent of HRI

consumer survey respondents indicated they use or plan to use their smartphone

to support their heath, technology can only work if it is embraced and trusted

by the community members expected to use it. Retailers, technology providers,

home health workers and educators could provide new pathways to engage with


5.  Measure and redeploy. In Western Sydney, a coalition dedicated to diabetes

prevention in its area population set measurable goals such as reducing

population weight and HbA1C levels, then started developing a diabetes

dashboard to help measure which interventions worked and track trends in costs.

An annual year-end review report and plan for the year ahead helped further

refine its strategy and investments.

"Leaders in social determinants of health have built coalitions, harnessed the

potential of data and predictive analytics, and identified where early

investments in an intervention can have tremendous impact on people's health

and lives," said PwC's Kelly Barnes. "We can't underestimate the transformative

effect this action can have not only on health systems and governments, but the

healthy life years we can give to more people across the globe."

For more on PwC's new report "Action required: The urgency of addressing social

determinants of health," download the report at

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At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems.

We're a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 236,000 people who are

committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find

out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at

PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of

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details. (C) 2019 PwC. All rights reserved.

Source: PwC





