AsiaNet 80772
2019年10月1日、フランス リヨン市 - ノバセップ社が、ベルギーのスネッフに商業部門の無菌フィル&フィニッシュプロセスを行うユニットを始動させます。最先端の施設を擁したこのSenefillは、独立型のフィル&フィニッシュ プロセスならびに調合から包装までの統合的な医薬製品製造を実現します。
ベルギー施設のディレクター ピエール・ルュネルの談話によれば「無菌充填は、バイオ医薬製品の製造における重要な工程です。ノバセップ社のチームはフィル&フィニッシュプロセスにおける豊かな経験を有します。またノバセップでは、一貫して高度の技術を有する専門家を採用してきました。フル活動状態では、24名から成るチームがこのユニットで作業することになります」。
また、ノバセップ社の会長兼CEOミシェル・スパニョルの談話によれば「Senefill は、ノバセップ社の成長ストラテジー『ライズ-2』の達成におけるキーとなります。この新施設によってノバセップは競合企業から一線を画すこととなり、ウィルスベクター薬品製造の市場における優位なポジションを獲得します。われわれにとっては、イノベーティブなターゲット治療に取り組むクライアント各位の高まるニーズに対応し、患者の必要性に答えることが最重要事項でした」。
プレス向けの情報についてはサイトをご覧下さい。 https://www.novasep.com/press-release-about-novasep.html
Video - https://youtu.be/VrjfQWhUlMs
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/815661/Novasep_Logo.jpg
Senefill, Novasep's Commercial Facility for Aseptic Filling and Finishing Operations, Is Now Ready to Operate
LYON, France, Oct. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
- Senefill will be commissioned on October 1, 2019 and will offer Fill & Finish
clinical and commercial services for biological products, from formulation to packaging
Novasep launches Senefill, a unit dedicated to Fill & Finish aseptic commercial
operations in Seneffe, Belgium. With a full state-of-the-art facility, Senefill will provide
standalone Fill & Finish services as well as integrated drug product manufacturing,
from formulation to packaging.
Senefill is a 1800m² (19,000 sqf) unit, with a 400m² (4,300 sqf) area dedicated
to the filling of a wide range of biological products: viral vectors, viruses,
monoclonal antibodies and other biologics. These operations will support key
biopharmaceutical markets for Novasep and its clients: cell and gene therapies,
oncology, vaccination and other innovative therapies.
This Fill & Finish unit features state-of-the-art semi-automatic and automatic
liquid filling machines under isolator and can deliver up to 10,000 vials per
session, with 2 to 3 sessions per week. Quality Control and visual inspections
will be carried out by highly qualified technicians.
Senefill is part of Senrise-IV, Novasep's flagship for the manufacturing of
commercial viral vectors. This unique configuration makes it possible to have
both production and Fill & Finish operations on the same site and guarantees
the highest reliability and performance of our manufacturing services to secure
the supply of much needed innovative therapies.
Senefill also provides meeting rooms and visit zones from where visitors can
observe Fill & Finish operations.
"Aseptic filling is a critical step in the manufacturing process of biopharmaceutical products.
Novasep' team has a long experience of providing Fill and Finish services and we keep hiring
highly qualified technicians. At full strength, a team of 24 people will operate this unit,"
said Pierre Lunel, Director of the Belgian site.
"Senefill is a major step for Novasep to achieve its growth strategy, Rise-2.
This unit strongly distinguishes Novasep from its competitors in the market for
viral vector drug product manufacturing services. It was crucial for us to be able to meet
the growing needs of our clients for targeted and innovative therapies and address patients'
needs," states Michel Spagnol, Chairman and CEO of Novasep.
For press information: https://www.novasep.com/press-release-about-novasep.html
Video - https://youtu.be/VrjfQWhUlMs
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/815661/Novasep_Logo.jpg
Source: Novasep