
International CCS Knowledge Centre


AsiaNet 80915 (1914)

【東京2019年10月9日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】炭素排出の大幅削減により気候変動にインパクトある行動をとることに関心と願望を共有する日本とサスカチワン州を代表する組織が二酸化炭素回収・有効利用・貯留(CCS/CCUS)の利用と理解促進をめぐって協力することに合意した。日本CCS調査株式会社(本社・東京)とInternational CCS Knowledge Centre(本社・カナダ・サスカチワン州レジーナ)は9日、共同コミットメントの覚書(MOU)に調印した。




CCUSのパイオニアとして、カナダを本拠とするInternational CCS Knowledge Centreは日本CCS調査社と協力し、SaskPowerのBoundary Dam 3 CCS施設の運用・保守を通じて、建設から得た経験と教訓の共有を進めている。これは石炭火力発電所として、世界初の商業規模の燃焼後回収CCS施設である。

International CCS Knowledge Centreと日本CCS調査社は緊密に協力して、それぞれのプロジェクト実施から得られたCCS/CCUSの情報と知識を交換する。世界のCCS/CCUS展開を推進する観点から、このような情報を共有して広めるためである。



「サスカチワン州は、世界の温室効果ガス削減可能な革新的技術で世界をリードする手助けをしている。International CCS Knowledge Centreと日本CCS調査社の協力は、CCUSにおけるサスカチワン州のグローバルリーダーシップ、および、この革新的技術が国境をはるかに超えて及ぼす影響を示している」―カナダ・サスカチワン州のスコット・モエ首相

「日本CCS調査社とのパートナーシップを喜んでいる。われわれは一致協力し、二酸化炭素回収・貯留によってグローバルな炭素排出削減にインパクトを与える」―International CCS Knowledge Centreのマイク・モネア社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)

「グローバルな影響緩和策としてCCSを進展させるため、経験と知識を共有することが重要である。International CCS Knowledge Centreと協力できてうれしく思う」―日本CCS調査株式会社の石井正一社長



*CCUSは2019年6月、軽井沢のG20 持続可能な成長のためのエネルギー転換と地球環境に関する関係閣僚会合で調印されたエネルギー部門における日本とカナダの協力覚書で共有された焦点の1つである。

*カナダの大規模CCUSの例としては、SaskPowerのBD3 CCS(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=2461342986&u=https%3A%2F%2Fccsknowledge.com%2Fbd3-ccs-facility&a=BD3+CCS )施設、Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring & Storage(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=3150850875&u=https%3A%2F%2Fptrc.ca%2Fprojects%2Fweyburn-midale&a=Weyburn-Midale+CO2+Monitoring+%26+Storage )プロジェクト、Aquistore(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=1909701213&u=http%3A%2F%2Faquistore.ca%2F&a=Aquistore )CO2貯蓄プロジェクト、Quest CCS(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=3714457941&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.shell.ca%2Fen_ca%2Fabout-us%2Fprojects-and-sites%2Fquest-carbon-capture-and-storage-project.html&a=Quest+CCS )施設がある。




*CO2濃度のレベルが現代の今ほど高くかつ急速に上昇したのは歴史のどの時点においてもかつてなかったことである-キーリング曲線(Keeling Curve):大気中の二酸化炭素の日々の記録(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=758061555&u=https%3A%2F%2Fscripps.ucsd.edu%2Fprograms%2Fkeelingcurve%2F&a=A+Daily+Record+of+Atmospheric+Carbon+Dioxide )(Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego)

*CCSは地球温暖化をセ氏1.5度以内に保つための4つの経路のうちの3つの経路で不可欠と考えられている-気候変動に関する政府間パネル:Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees Celsius(セ氏1.5度の地球温暖化)(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=2854905552&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ipcc.ch%2Fsr15%2F&a=Global+Warming+of+1.5+Degrees+Celsius

*世界の大部分はCCSなしには排出目標を達成できない。そしてそれを可能にするためには、緩和コストの中央値の上昇は138%である-気候変動に関する政府間パネル:IPCC AR5 2014(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=906586386&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ipcc.ch%2Freport%2Far5%2F&a=IPCC+AR5+2014


*IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme(IEAGHG、国際エネルギー機関温室効果ガスR&Dプログラム):CCSとは何か?(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=2956690156&u=https%3A%2F%2Fieaghg.org%2Fccs-resources%2Fwhat-is-ccs&a=What+is+CCS%3F

*Global CCS Institute(グローバルCCSインスティテュート):CCS Readiness Index(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=4170588842&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.globalccsinstitute.com%2Fpublications%2Fcarbon-capture-and-storage-readiness-index-comparative-review-global-progress-towards-wide-scale-deployment&a=CCS+Readiness+Inde

*Shand CCS Feasibility Studyによると、第2世代のCCSは67%安価になる可能性(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2603327-1&h=2921321426&u=https%3A%2F%2Fccsknowledge.com%2Fresources%2F2nd-generation&a=2nd+generation+CCS+can+be+67%25+cheaper

▽International CCS Knowledge Centre(Knowledge Centre)について

2016年から独立した委員会の指揮下で運営されているKnowledge Centreは、グローバルな温室効果ガス(GHG)を削減するため、大規模CCSへの理解と展開を促進する責務を担ってBHPとSaskPowerにより設立された。Knowledge Centreは、完全統合型のBoundary Dam 3 CCS FacilityとShand Studyとして知られる包括的な第2世代CCS研究の両方からのベースラーニングを通じて、大規模CCSプロジェクトとCCS最適化を実施するノウハウを提供している。詳細は、https://ccsknowledge.com/ を参照。

▽日本CCS調査株式会社(Japan CCS Co., Ltd.)について

日本CCS調査株式会社(JCCS、Japan CCS Co., Ltd.)は、北海道苫小牧市でフルチェーンのCCSシステムを実証するために日本政府から委託を受けて、2008年5月に設立された。電力、石油、石油・ガス探査開発、プラントエンジニアリングなどCCS関連分野の専門知識をもつ大手企業グループが、地球温暖化対策としてのCCSテクノロジー開発に対する日本政府の要請に応えてこの設立に参加した。JCCSは、統合されたCCSテクノロジーの開発に明確に特化して設立された世界で唯一の企業である。

詳細は、https://www.japanccs.com/en/ を参照。

#CCSKnowledge #CleanTech #CCUS #BoundaryDam #ClimateAction


Jodi Woollam, Head of Communications & Media Relations


T: +1-306-565-5956 / M: +1-306-520-3710 /

F: +1-306-565-5668

Chiyoko Suzuki, Manager, International Relations Department


T:+81-3-6268-7387 / F:+81-3-6268-7385

ソース:International CCS Knowledge Centre

Japanese & Saskatchewan Companies Join Forces to Advance CCS and Reduce CO2 Emissions


TOKYO, Oct. 9, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

With a shared interest and desire to take impactful action on climate change by

significantly cutting carbon emissions, organizations representing Japan and

Saskatchewan have agreed to collaborate on accelerating the use and

understanding of carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS/CCS). A joint

commitment in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed today,

by Japan CCS Co., Ltd, (based in Tokyo, Japan) and the International CCS

Knowledge Centre (based in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada).

CCUS is recognized by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

as a necessary technology to meet global climate change goals under the Paris

Agreement, and is an indispensable component in the portfolio of technologies

required to achieve the two degree scenario.

The MOU signals a path forward to collaborate in the development, demonstration

and deployment of CCUS thereby reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and

providing energy security.

In efforts to accelerate the deployment of CCUS, Japan CCS Co., Ltd. is

conducting on behalf of the Japanese government the Tomakomai CCS Demonstration

Project to demonstrate the viability of full-chain CCS in Japan. Valuable

knowledge and experiences are being acquired.

As a pioneer in CCUS, the Canadian based, International CCS Knowledge Centre

joins forces with Japan CCS Co. to facilitate the sharing of the experience and

lessons-learned acquired from the construction through operation and

maintenance of SaskPower's Boundary Dam 3 CCS Facility - the world's first

commercial scale, post-combustion CCS facility on a coal-fired power plant.

The International CCS Knowledge Centre and Japan CCS Co. will work closely to

exchange information and knowledge of CCUS acquired through of the conduct of

their projects, in order to share and disseminate such information with a view

to advancing the deployment of CCUS in the world.

On hand to witness the signing of the MOU was Scott Moe, Premier of

Saskatchewan, Ian Burney, Ambassador of Canada to Japan and Hideki Makihara,

State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.


     "Saskatchewan is helping lead the world in innovative technologies that

     can reduce greenhouse gas emissions around the world. The collaboration

     between the International CCS Knowledge Centre and Japan CCS Co.

     highlights Saskatchewan's global leadership on CCUS and the impact this

     innovative technology can have far beyond our borders."

             - Scott Moe, Premier of Saskatchewan, Canada

     "We are delighted to have a partnership with Japan CCS Co. as we work in

     concert to make an impact in reducing global carbon emissions with carbon

     capture and storage."

             - Mike Monea, President & CEO, International CCS Knowledge Centre

     "It is important to share experiences and knowledge in order to progress

     CCS as a global mitigation measure, and we are happy to collaborate with

     the International CCS Knowledge Centre."

             - Shoichi Ishii, President of Japan CCS Co., Ltd.

Quick Facts

Japan & Canada

    --  CCUS is identified as one of the shared areas of focus between Japan

        and Canada in their Memorandum of Cooperation on cooperation in the

        field of energy, which was signed at the G20 Ministerial Meeting on

        Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth in

        June 2019, in Karuizawa, Japan.

    --  Examples of large-scale CCUS initiatives in Canada, include:

        SaskPower's BD3 CCS (


) Facility; Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring & Storage (


) Project; Aquistore (


) CO2 Storage Project; and the Quest CCS (


) Facility.

    --  As outlined in Japan's 5th Strategic Energy Plan, with regard to

        CCUS, "research and development will be conducted with a view to

        practical use of the carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage

        (CCUS) technology around 2020 and, with due consideration given to the

        possible timing of the commercialization of carbon capture and storage

        (CCS) technology".


Climate Change

    --  At no point in history were levels of CO2 concentrations as high or

        increasing as fast as it is now in modern day - Keeling Curve: A Daily

        Record of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (


) (Scripps

        Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego)

    --  CCS is considered essential in three of the four pathways to keep

        global warming within 1.5oC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

        Change: Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees Celsius (



    --  Most of the world can't meet emissions targets without CCS -- and for

        those that can, the median increase in mitigation cost is 138% -

        Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: IPCC AR5 2014 (




    --  IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG): What is CCS? (



    --  Global CCS Institute: CCS Readiness Index (



    --  Shand CCS Feasibility Study shows; 2nd generation CCS can be 67%

        cheaper (



About the International CCS Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre): Operating

since 2016 under the direction of an independent board, the Knowledge Centre

was established by BHP and SaskPower with a mandate to advance the global

understanding and deployment of large-scale CCS to reduce global GHG emissions.

The Knowledge Centre provides the know-how to implement large-scale CCS

projects as well as CCS optimization through the base learnings from both the

fully-integrated Boundary Dam 3 CCS Facility and the comprehensive

second-generation CCS study, known as the Shand Study. For more info:


About Japan CCS Co., Ltd.: Commissioned by the Japanese government to

demonstrate a full-chain CCS system in Tomakomai City, Hokkaido, Japan CCS Co.,

Ltd. (JCCS) was founded in May 2008 when a group of major companies with

expertise in CCS-related fields, including electric power, petroleum, oil & gas

exploration and development, and plant engineering, joined forces to answer the

Japanese government's call for development of CCS technology as a

countermeasure against global warming. JCCS is a unique company in the world to

be founded and dedicated explicitly to developing integrated CCS technology.

For more info: https://www.japanccs.com/en/

#CCSKnowledge #CleanTech #CCUS #BoundaryDam #ClimateAction

For further information: Jodi Woollam, Head of Communications & Media

Relations, jwoollam@ccsknowledge.com; T: +1-306-565-5956 / M: +1-306-520-3710 /

F: +1-306-565-5668; Chiyoko Suzuki, Manager, International Relations

Department, chiyoko.suzuki@japanccs.com; T:+81-3-6268-7387 / F:+81-3-6268-7385

SOURCE: International CCS Knowledge Centre





