煙台が画期的なウィンウィン協力計画でChina Unified Innovation University of Industrial Designを誘致

The Information Office of the Yantai Municipal People's Government

煙台が画期的なウィンウィン協力計画でChina Unified Innovation University of Industrial Designを誘致

AsiaNet 81200 (2067)

【煙台(中国)2018年10月22日新華社=共同通信JBN】2019 World Industrial Design Conference & the Industrial Design World Expo(2019年世界工業デザイン会議と工業デザイン国際博覧会)が10月18日午前、煙台で開幕した。The Information Office of the Yantai Municipal People's Government (煙台市人民政府情報局)によると、開会式で有名大学と国内外の企業が山東省煙台に共同で設立したChina Unified Innovation University of Industrial Design(中国総合イノベーション工業デザイン大学)が正式に発足した。


さらに、大学と大学、大学と産業界、教育と科学研究、科学研究と市場といった多様な組み合わせを実現するため、オンラインとオフラインのデータを取りまとめ、運用するキャリアを確立する。多才で実践的、クリエーティブ、学際的な人材を継続的に育成するため、学際的、学校横断的、プロジェクトベースのメカニズムも開発する。さらに同大学は、国家的人材紹介プロジェクトであるChina Yantai Design Center of National Project of Industry and Education Integration(産業と教育を統合する国家プロジェクトの中国煙台デザインセンター)の陣頭指揮を執る。これにより、科学研究、高等教育、産業部門間の共通の問題が解消され、同時に根本的なイノベーションの成長の原動力を刺激することも期待されている。

ソース:The Information Office of the Yantai Municipal People's Government



(China Unified Innovation University of Industrial Design(中国総合イノベーション工業デザイン大学)発足式)

China Unified Innovation University of Industrial Design settled in Yantai with a breakthrough win-win cooperation plan


YANTAI, China, Oct. 22, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

In the morning of October 18, the 2019 World Industrial Design Conference & the

Industrial Design World Expo opened in Yantai. At the opening ceremony, the

China Unified Innovation University of Industrial Design, jointly established

in Yantai, Shandong province, by renowned universities as well as domestic and

overseas enterprise, was officially launched, according to the Information

Office of the Yantai Municipal People's Government.

With a new and modern methodology, education and training model, the university

will seek to break down any barriers that might exist between universities and industry.

It will integrate the R&D and design capabilities of global innovative universities with

the practical innovative projects of enterprises and R&D institutions.

Furthermore, it will establish a carrier for the organization and operation of online

and offline data, to realize multiple combinations, namely university-university,

university-industry, education-scientific research, and scientific research-market.

It will also develop a cross-disciplinary, trans-school and project-based mechanism,

so as to continuously nurture versatile, practical and creative interdisciplinary talents.

In addition, the university will spearhead a national talent introduction project

- China Yantai Design Center of National Project of Industry and Education Integration.

It is hoped that this will solve common problems between the scientific research,

higher education and industry sectors, and also stimulate the underlying growth

drivers for innovation.

Source: The Information Office of the Yantai Municipal People's Government

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