
ワールド・ゴールド・カウンシル(World Gold Council)


AsiaNet 81209

ロンドン(英国)、2019年10月23日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

ワールド・ゴールド・カウンシル(World Gold Council)は本日、投資家と業界利害関係者に金の排出プロファイルと長期投資戦略において気候リスク軽減アセットとしての金が果たす役割とをより明確に示すことを目的としたレポート、「金と気候変動:現在および将来の影響」(Gold and Climate Change: Current and future impacts)」を発表しました。

2018年のワールド・ゴールド・カウンシル初回の成果を基にしたこの最新レポートは、金に気候が及ぼす影響の現状と、同セクター、特に金鉱業がパリ協定(Paris Agreement)の目標に沿っていかに脱炭素化できるかについて、より包括的な概観を示しています。







オックスフォード大学(University of Oxford)のオックスフォード持続可能な財務プログラム(Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme)ディレクターで、准教授のベン・コールデコット博士は、次のようにコメントしました:「大口の機関投資家からミレニアル世代の小口貯蓄家まで、世界中の投資家は次第に自身のポートフォリオの環境フットプリントを意識するようになりました。二酸化炭素排出量削減への変遷という世界的課題は非常に大きな問題ですが、チャンスでもあり、世界の各経済分野で資産や企業の価値を作り変えるでしょう。ワールド・ゴールド・カウンシルのこの最新レポートは、ネット・ゼロを達成するために今、金業界が対処しなければならない重要な問題を示していますが、金を解決手段の一部としても見ています。このレポートを歓迎するとともに、今後数年間の金業界の進歩を期待します」



ツイッター(https://twitter.com/goldcouncil )でワールド・ゴールド・カウンシルをフォローし、フェイスブック(https://www.facebook.com/worldgoldcouncil )で「いいね!」押してください。


ワールド・ゴールド・カウンシル(World Gold Council)について




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New Report From the World Gold Council Points the Way for Gold Industry Resilience in the Face of Climate-related Risks


LONDON, Oct. 23, 2019, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The World Gold Council today launched its 'Gold and Climate Change: Current and

future impacts' report, aiming to provide investors and industry stakeholders

with greater clarity around both gold's emission profile and the role that gold

can play as a climate risk mitigation asset in long-term investment strategies.

Building on the World Gold Council's initial work of 2018, the new report

offers a more comprehensive overview of the current status of gold's climate

impacts and how the sector, and gold mining in particular, might decarbonise,

in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

In addition, the report examines how gold's role as an investment asset might

be affected by climate-related physical and transition risks in comparison to

other mainstream investments.

Key findings of the report include:

- Revised estimates of the emissions associated with both the production and

consumption of gold represent a more accurate and comprehensive understanding

of gold's greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity and carbon footprint, while broadly

validating our 2018 work. In addition, the findings confirm that gold's

downstream uses – as jewellery, bullion and in electronic products – have

little material impact on gold's overall carbon footprint.

- There are substantial opportunities for gold mining to decarbonise.

Specifically, there are compelling reasons to believe that energy and fuel use

in gold mine production can transition towards a net zero pathway in a

practical and cost-effective manner.

- Gold as an asset looks relatively robust in the context of climate-related

physical and transition risks, particularly when viewed in comparison to most

other mainstream assets. Gold's resilience is partially a reflection of the

diverse drivers of demand which underpin the wider investment case for gold.

- Taken together, these findings suggest gold may have an additional role to

play as a climate risk mitigation asset in long-term investment strategies.

Dr Ben Caldecott, Director of the Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme and an

Associate Professor at the University of Oxford, commented: "Investors all over

the world, from large institutional investors to small millennial retail savers,

have become increasingly aware of their portfolios' environmental footprints.

The global challenge of transitioning to a negative carbon footprint poses

a massive challenge but also opportunity and will reshape the value of assets

and companies across sectors of the global economy. This new report by

the World Gold Council maps out the key questions the gold industry needs

to address now in order to achieve net zero but it also looks at gold playing

a part of the solution. I welcome this report and look forward to seeing

the gold industry's progress over the coming years."

Terry Heymann, Chief Financial Officer at the World Gold Council, commented:

"We recognise that climate change imposes very substantial risks to the global economy.

This new research demonstrates that gold has an important role to play in supporting the

transition to a lower-carbon economy, both through decarbonisation efforts and as a compelling

investment as investors look for resilient assets in their portfolios, which are less likely to be

negatively impacted by the physical and transition risks associated with climate change."

The full report is available for download here

[https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/gold-and-climate-change-current-and-future-impacts ].

You can follow the World Gold Council on Twitter at @goldcouncil

[https://mobile.twitter.com/goldcouncil ]

and Like on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/worldgoldcouncil ].

Note to editors:

World Gold Council

The World Gold Council is the market development organisation for the gold

industry. Our purpose is to stimulate and sustain demand for gold, provide

industry leadership, and be the global authority on the gold market.

We develop gold-backed solutions, services and products, based on authoritative

market insight and we work with a range of partners to put our ideas into

action. As a result, we create structural shifts in demand for gold across key

market sectors. We provide insights into the international gold markets,

helping people to understand the wealth preservation qualities of gold and its

role in meeting the social and environmental needs of society.

The membership of the World Gold Council includes the world's leading and most

forward-thinking gold mining companies.

Logo: (https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/779630/World_Gold_Council_Logo.jpg )

Source: World Gold Council




