
The 3rd 21st Century Maritime Silk Road China (Guangdong) International Communic


AsiaNet 81240 (2096)



第3回21st Century Maritime Silk Road China(Guangdong)International Communication Forum)(第3回21世紀海のシルクロード中国(広東)国際コミュニケーションフォーラム)開会式は10月22日午前、中国・珠海で開催された。300人以上の世界的に有名な専門家、学者、有名企業のトップ、メディアの上級代表がフォーラムに参加した。「広東・香港・マカオ大湾岸圏の発展により促進された海のシルクロードの統合」をテーマに、ゲストは新時代の諸文明間の対話、協力、交流に「グローバルな知恵」を提供した。


China Society of Economic Reform(中国経済改革協会)のファン・ガン副会長は、海のシルクロードは一帯一路の重要部分であり、グローバル化の過程で中国の発展に重要な役割を果たしていると語った。海のシルクロード上の他の国々との緊密な協力により、中国と世界の双方は、経済成長の面で多くの利益を得るだろう。

最近、中国と一帯一路沿いの国々との間の双方向投資が拡大してきた。今年1-8月の中国と一帯一路関連諸国との貿易額は前年比で約10%増えた。Eastcompeace Technology Co., Ltd.、XH Smart Tech(China)Co., Ltd.などの珠海の企業は、東南アジア諸国に製造・加工拠点を連続して設けてきた。過去5年間、珠海は一帯一路沿いの国々で57のプロジェクトに投資しており、総投資額は1億5600万米ドルである。


Euro-China Forum(欧州・中国フォーラム)の創設者であるデービッド・ゴセット氏は、大湾岸圏で行われた開発の事実、ストーリー、および努力は、中国が世界の技術進歩をより効率的に促進することに確実に役立っていると述べた。

世界的に有名な港珠澳大橋、世界からアクセス可能な高欄港、待望のSichuan - Guizhou - Guangdong Southern Asia International Logistics Channel(四川・貴州・広東・南アジア国際物流チャネル)は、大湾岸圏内外の人材、技術、資本、情報の効率的な流通の加速、および一帯一路構想の綿密な発展への貢献をサポートする。


珠海とイスラエルが共同で設立した革新的産業キャリアであるChina-Israel Accelerator Project(中国・イスラエル加速器プロジェクト)と、両国に技術的成果移転サービスを提供する最初のものであるChina-Israel Technology Innovation IP Exchange Platform(中国・イスラエル技術革新IP交換プラットフォーム)の両方が珠海に設立され、革新的資源配分と、世界的影響力を持つ産業集積プラットフォームに徐々になり、一帯一路沿いの国々で科学技術イノベーションの共同開発を推進する。

珠海の横琴では、広東省とマカオの間のTraditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Co-operation(伝統的中国医薬科学技術産業協力団地、GMTCM Park)が、伝統的な中国医薬産業における革新的協力を一帯一路構想に沿って示すための国際的な窓口になりつつある。現在、GMTCM Parkは、伝統的な漢方薬の国際登録とサービス貿易を促進するために、モザンビーク共和国保健省やポルトガルの総合獣医部門など、ポルトガル語を話す国々の多くの保健機関とパートナーシップを確立している。






Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering(オーストラリア技術工学アカデミー)およびAustralian Academy of Science(オーストラリア科学アカデミー)のフェローであるサン・ホア・タン氏は「珠海が科学技術イノベーションに従事する極めて多くのエリートや人材を惹き付けている理由は、同市がすべての来訪者や人材を受け入れ、集める気質を持っており、彼らが学術研究と科学イノベーションに専念できるようにするからである。珠海の前途には輝かしい未来があると私は思う!」と語った。

ソース:The 3rd 21st Century Maritime Silk Road China (Guangdong) International Communication Forum

The opening ceremony of the 3rd 21st Century Maritime Silk Road China (Guangdong) International Communication Forum held in Zhuhai, China


ZHUHAI, China, Oct. 23, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

Sharing its openness and innovation, Zhuhai is embracing global win-win cooperation

On the morning of October 22, the opening ceremony of the 3rd 21st Century Maritime

Silk Road China (Guangdong) International Communication Forum was held in Zhuhai, China.

More than 300 world-renowned experts and scholars, heads of well-known enterprises

and senior media representatives attended the forum. Focusing on the theme of "Integration

of the Maritime Silk Road Facilitated by the Development of the Guangdong - Hong Kong -

Macao Greater Bay Area", the guests contributed "global wisdom" to dialogues, cooperation

and exchanges among civilizations in the new era.

As the host city of the event, Zhuhai is striving to be a major gateway and hub in

the Greater Bay Area and promoting the integrated development along the Belt and Road.

That is how Zhuhai follows the trend of times with a more open and innovative mindset.

Fan Gang, Vice President of China Society of Economic Reform, said the Maritime

Silk Road is an important part of Belt and Road, playing a significant role in

China's development in the process of globalization. With closer cooperation

with other countries on Maritime Silk Road, China and the world will both

benefit a lot in terms of economic growth.

Recently, two-way investment between China and countries along the Belt and Road

has been expanding. In the first eight months of this year, China's trade volume with

the related countries of Belt and Road increased by about 10% year-on-year.

Eastcompeace Technology Co., Ltd., XH Smart Tech(China) Co., Ltd., and other enterprises

from Zhuhai have successively set up production and processing bases in Southeast Asian

countries. Over the past five years, Zhuhai has invested 57 projects in countries along

the Belt and Road, with a total investment of USD 156 million.

The Chinese solution, featured with extensive consultation, integration, cooperation and

development, is increasingly gaining momentum among countries along the Belt and Road

pursuing future development.

David Gosset, founder of the Euro-China Forum, said the development facts,

stories and efforts made in the Greater Bay Area have certainly helped China

to promote global technological progress more effectively.

The world-renowned Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge, world-accessible Gaolan Port

and the highly anticipated Sichuan - Guizhou - Guangdong Southern Asia International

Logistics Channel help accelerate the efficient circulation of talents, technology, capital

and information inside and outside the Greater Bay Area, and contribute to the in-depth

development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Inheriting the development achievements of the 40 years' reform and opening up,

Zhuhai has taken the lead in writing a new chapter of the harmonious exchanges

and innovative cooperation between the Greater Bay Area and the world.

Both the China-Israel Accelerator Project, an innovative industrial carrier jointly established

by Zhuhai and Israel, and China-Israel Technology Innovation IP Exchange Platform,

the first one to provide services of technological achievements transfer for the two countries

have been established in Zhuhai, gradually becoming innovative resource allocation and

industrial agglomeration platforms with global influence, advancing the collaborative

development of scientific and technological innovation in countries along the Belt and Road.

In Hengqin, Zhuhai, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial

Park of Co-operation between Guangdong and Macao (GMTCM Park) is building itself into

an international window to show the innovative collaboration in the traditional Chinese medicine

industry along the Belt and Road Initiative. Currently, the GMTCM Park has established

partnership with many health agencies of Portuguese-speaking countries, such as the Ministry

of Health of the Republic of Mozambique and General Division of Alimentation and Veterinary

of Portugal, to promote the international registration and service trade of traditional Chinese

medicine and health products.

Cities of the Greater Bay Area, such as Zhuhai, are connecting the innovative genes of

the countries along the Belt and Road with a more international-oriented strategy and

a more innovative impetus.

During the Forum, the latest development achievements of media integration

presented through a technology corridor and the joint exhibition of cultural tourism

pictures of countries along the Belt and Road have obtained widespread attention.

Innovation is an important driving force for development and implementation of

the Belt And Road Initiative. Digital technology has not only worked as a new engine for

unimpeded trade, but also promoted cultural integration and people-to-people exchange.

The Forum has been held in Zhuhai for three consecutive years, helping people

from different countries, cultures and historical backgrounds enhance mutual

understanding, spread the spirits of the maritime silk road through exchanges

and mutual learning, and stimulate innovative dynamics through win-win cooperation.

The Belt and Road Initiative sprouted in China and has developed for six years,

having blossomed into a "win-win flower" of global cooperation in Zhuhai, the

coastal city of south China.

"The reason why Zhuhai attracts so many elites and talents engaged in scientific

and technological innovation is that the city has the temperament of embracing

and gathering all comers and talents, enabling them to devote themselves to academic

research and scientific innovation. I think there will be a brilliant future ahead of Zhuhai!"

said by San Hoa Thang, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and

Engineering and the Australian Academy of Science.

SOURCE: The 3rd 21st Century Maritime Silk Road China (Guangdong) International Communication Forum




