Hengtong CABLESCOMが「POR TI」健康習慣プログラムに参加
Hengtong CABLESCOMが「POR TI」健康習慣プログラムに参加
AsiaNet 81290 (2109)
【蘇州(中国)2019年10月25日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Hengtong CABLESCOMはこのほど、Fundacion IbercajaおよびHospital Quiron Saludと連携し、健康習慣に関する感作およびトレーニングの完全なプログラムを中心に体系化された「POR TI」プログラムに参加した。
人事部長のイザベル・バンゾ氏は10月18日(金曜)、「POR TI」プログラムにHengtong CABLESCOMを代表して参加した。プログラムは、他の地元企業のGrupo Sess、Libelium、Pastas Romero、Podoactivaと共有している。各企業は、自社の従業員の中から9人のボランティアのグループを選抜、彼らは年間を通してさまざまな活動に参加し、情報や助言、ならびに適切なトレーニングを受け、健康習慣を日常生活に取り入れて他の同僚と共有できるようにする。こうして、健康習慣の採用は、横断的に従業員自身から会社へと一体化されていく。
ibercaja foundationの最高責任者であるホセ・ルイス・ロドリゴ・エスクリグ氏は、これは「イノベーション」計画であり、企業の社会的責任の推進に影響を与え、また、同じ目標を持つ企業間のつながりを促し「職場環境を改善し、従業員の帰属とコミットメントの意識を促進する」と強調した。
Hengtong Groupは、光ファイバー、電力、海底・オフショアケーブル、EPCターンキーサービス・保守、ならびにインターネット・オブ・シングス、ビッグデータ、電子商取引、新素材、新エネルギーにまたがる幅広い専門知識を持った国際的組織である。
詳しい情報はhttp://www.hengtonggroup.com/en/ を参照。
ソース:Hengtong Group
Hengtong CABLESCOM joins the "POR TI" Healthy Habits Program
SUZHOU, China, Oct. 25, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Recently, Hengtong CABLESCOM joined the "POR TI" Program, which is organized
around a complete Program of Sensitization and Training on Healthy Habits, in
collaboration with Fundacion Ibercaja and Hospital Quiron Salud.
The duration of the Program is 9 months. They will invite famous experts in
various fields to train the employees of the company from three aspects of
healthy food, mental health and physical health.
Mrs. Isabel Banzo, Human Resources Manager, has represented Hengtong CABLESCOM
in the "POR TI" Program on Friday, October 18. We share the Program together with
other local companies: Grupo Sess, Libelium, Pastas Romero and Podoactiva.
Companies select among their employees a group of 9 volunteers who will participate in
various activities throughout the year, receive information and advice as well as adequate
training to integrate healthy habits into their daily lives and share them with other coworkers.
In this way, the adoption of healthy habits is integrated into the company transversally and
from employees themselves.
Jose Luis Rodrigo Escrig, the general director of ibercaja foundation stressed
that this is an "innovation" plan, which will have an impact on the development
of corporate social responsibility, also promote the connection between enterprises
with the same goals, and will "improve the working environment, promote employees'
sense of belonging and commitment".
About Hengtong
Hengtong Group is an international organization with a diverse range of expertise
covering optical fibre, power, marine and offshore cable, EPC turnkey service and
maintenance, as well as internet of things, big data and e-commerce, emerging
materials and new energy.
Hengtong has 70 wholly-owned companies and holding companies (3 of which are listed on
the Shanghai, Hong Kong and Indonesian stock exchanges), with 10 manufacturing facilities
based in Europe, South America, South Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. We operate
sales offices in over 30 countries and regions around the world, supplying products to over
130 countries.
For more information, please visit: http://www.hengtonggroup.com/en/
SOURCE: Hengtong Group