AsiaNet 81322 (2131)
【海口(中国)2019年10月29日新華社=共同通信JBN】海南は美しい景観を持つ観光リゾートであるだけでなく中国の重要な「野菜のバスケット」で「フルーツプレート」であり、熱帯農産品は世界的に高い評価を得ている。今年12月、海南は農業の年次イベントであるChina(Hainan)International Winter Trade Fair for Tropical Agricultural Products(中国(海南)国際熱帯農産品冬季フェア、「冬季フェア」)を開催する。
第22回冬季フェアは海南省海口で2019年12月12日から16日まで開催される予定である。今年の冬季フェアは、総面積が約8万平方メートルの34の展示ホール(エリア)で展開する。一帯一路沿い諸国との経済貿易協力をさらに促進するため、これらの諸国の展示エリアはGuest Meeting Hallに設営され、BRI諸国の高品質の農産品、農産生鮮品、農産加工品を紹介する。
海南冬季フェアの主催者である2019 Winter Fair Organizing Committee(2019年冬季フェア組織委員会)によれば、冬季フェア期間中、BRIに関わる国際的なバイヤーとバイヤーグループ、中国の大手スーパーマーケットおよび卸売バイヤーに、契約し発注を実行する機会を提供するため、バイヤーと販売業者との「1対1」の専門的なフェアなど一連の活動が開催される予定である。今年の冬季フェアでは、この国際展示会団体は国際農産品・加工品および高級輸入食品、飲料、生鮮品に主に重点を置く。
この国際展示会についての詳しい情報は http://www.hntatf.com を参照するか、jasmin.su@redsailexpo.com へ問い合わせを。
ソース:2019 Winter Fair Organizing Committee
Contributing to BRI foreign cooperation on agriculture: 2019 Winter Fair to kick off on December 12
HAIKOU, China, Oct. 29, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/ --
Hainan is not only a tourist resort with beautiful scenery but also an important
"vegetable basket" and "fruit plate" in China, with tropical agricultural products
enjoying a worldwide reputation. In December this year, Hainan will be the host
of the China (Hainan) International Winter Trade Fair for Tropical Agricultural Products,
an annual event in the agriculture industry.
The Winter Fair has a splendid history of 21 years since it was held for the
first time in 1998. The Winter Fair has become an important carrier linking up
agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and it also serves as an important window
for Hainan to carry out cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
The 21st Hainan Winter Fair in 2018, which brought together 138 enterprises and
400 exhibits from 34 countries and regions, attracted over 6,000 domestic and
overseas exhibitors and 530,000 on-site visitors, contributing to orders
amounting to RMB 77.237 billion.
The 22nd Winter Fair will be held in Haikou, Hainan from December 12 to 16,
2019. This year, the Winter Fair will have 34 exhibition halls (areas) with a
total area of about 80,000 square meters. In order to further promote the
economic and trade cooperation with the countries along the Belt and Road, an
exhibition area for the countries along the Belt and Road will be set up in the
Guest Meeting Hall to showcase the high-quality agricultural products,
agricultural fresh products and processed products in the BRI countries.
According to 2019 Winter Fair Organizing Committee, the organizer of the Hainan
Winter Fair, a series of activities such as "one-on-one" professional fair
between buyers and dealers will be held during the Winter Fair to provide
opportunities for international buyers and buyer groups involved in the BRI, as
well as major supermarkets and wholesale purchasers in China, to enter into
contracts and implement purchase orders. At the Winter Fair this year, the
international exhibition group will mainly focus on international agricultural
products and processed products, as well as high-end imported food and beverage
and fresh products.
Please visit: http://www.hntatf.com, or contact jasmin.su@redsailexpo.com for
more information about the the international exhibition.
SOURCE: 2019 Winter Fair Organizing Committee
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