The 2019 New Growth Drivers Qingdao Fairが先進テクノロジーを披露
The 2019 New Growth Drivers Qingdao Fairが先進テクノロジーを披露
AsiaNet 81361 (2144)
【青島(中国)2019年10月30日新華社=共同通信JBN】開催中の2019 New Growth Drivers Qingdao Fair(2019年新たな成長推進力青島フェア)には、ドイツのコンチネンタル、フランスのシュナイダー、デンマークのユニバーサルロボット、フィンランドのAhlstrom-Munksjoなど261の有名企業が集結している。中国国際貿易促進委員会山東省分会(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT)Shandong Sub-council)によれば、5Gや人工知能(AI)など極めて需要の高いテクノロジーに加え、自動運転車、スマート製造、新素材など最新の最先端技術も注目を集めている。
フェアでは、シュナイダーエレクトリックが最新の産業エネルギー効率の高いソリューション、スイッチ、サーキットブレーカーを紹介した。Shandong Heavy Industry GroupはShantuiの自律制御システムを装備した世界初の遠隔操作スマートブルドーザーのデモンストレーションを行った。このブルドーザーは、最新の5G通信とネットワーク制御技術の利用により超長距離遠隔操作をサポートする。ユニバーサルロボットは新たな人と機械の協働ロボットのデモンストレーションを行った。機能的ファイバー素材の主要なサプライヤーであるAhlstrom-Munksjoは、ファイバーの意外な活用法を多数フェアで紹介した。
ソース:China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shandong Sub-council
(Shandong Heavy Industry Groupが実演した5Gスマート遠隔操作ブルドーザー)
The 2019 New Growth Drivers Qingdao Fair showcases advanced technologies
QINGDAO, China, Oct. 30, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
The ongoing 2019 New Growth Drivers Qingdao Fair attracts 261 well-known
companies such as Continental from Germany, Schneider from France, Universal
Robots from Denmark, and Ahlstrom-Munksjo from Finland. Apart from the much
sought-after technologies such as 5G and artificial intelligence (AI), the
latest cutting-edge ones such as driverless vehicles, smart manufacturing, and
new materials also become the focus of attention, according to the China
Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Shandong Sub-council.
At the fair, Schneider Electric showcased the latest industrial energy-efficient solutions
and switches and circuit breakers. Shandong Heavy Industry Group demonstrated
the world's first smart remote-controlled bulldozer equipped with Shantui's autonomous
control system. The bulldozer supports ultra-long distance remote control by applying
the latest 5G communication and networking control technologies. Universal Robots
demonstrated a new human-machine collaboration robot. As the world's leading supplier of
functional fiber materials, Ahlstrom-Munksjo showed numerous unexpected fiber
applications at the fair.
The fair sets up a stage for cooperation and exchanges between foreign
businesses at the event and strengthens their willingness to come to Qingdao,
Shandong for investment and cooperation. ASSA ABLOY from Sweden is one of the
world's leaders in access solutions. Li Jingfang, general manager of the
company's major customer business division, attended the fair with an aim to
look for cooperation in the field of new materials. "ASSA ABLOY will increase
its investment in the high tech and material processing sectors in the future
and Qingdao is our preferred location," said Li.
The fair was co-hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International
Trade (CCPIT) Shandong Sub-council, the Shandong Development and Reform
Commission, the Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province, the
Qingdao Municipal People's Government, and others, and with the support of the
China Chamber of International Commerce and the Japan External Trade Organization.
Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shandong Sub-council
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