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【ドバイ(アラブ首長国連邦)2019年11月4日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】ドバイ税関(Dubai Customs)は、EFQM Global Excellence Award(欧州品質財団グローバルエクセレンス賞)の対象組織中最高の700ポイントを挙げ、6つ星格付けのInnovation Platinum Award(イノベーションプラチナ賞)を受賞した。この優れた成績により、ドバイ税関は2019年の新格付けシステムに基づいて名高いグローバル賞を受賞した世界初の組織になった。
EFQM Excellence Award Program(エクセレンス賞プログラム)の目的は、民間、公共、非営利を問わないで世界的なロールモデル組織を認定することで、最大級の厳格な評価プロセスに裏付けられている。
「われわれは、世界税関機構(WCO)が世界最高の統合税関システムとみているMirsal 2など数多くのシステムとアプリケーションを開発し向上させてきた。また、Authorized Economic Operator(認定事業者)制度によって一層進展し、このシステムによる2018年の税関申告は前年の23%から34%に上昇した。この比率は2020年までに50%に達し、韓国、サウジアラビア、中国との合意に続いて、さらに相互承認協定が調印される見通しである」
ドバイ税関が開発した革新的システムとプロジェクトは多く、それにはドバイの港湾-税関間の物資輸送合理化に役立つVirtual Corridorイニシアチブが含まれている。これはコスト削減とより無駄のない通関手続きをもたらした。2018年には32万4435件の通関業務がVirtual Corridorで処理された。
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1022028/Dubai_Customs.jpg
Mr. Yousef Alfeel
Tel: +971-4-4177163
Email: Yousef.alfeel@dubaicustoms.ae
ソース:Dubai Customs
Dubai Customs Wins EFQM Innovation Platinum Award
DUBAI, UAE, Nov. 4, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Dubai Customs won the innovation platinum award, with a 6-star rating from EFQM
Global Excellence Award scoring 700 points, the highest among all participating
organizations. With this exceptional achievement Dubai Customs has become the
first organization in the world to win this reputable global award based on the
new rating system in 2019.
Ahmed Mahboob Musabih, Director General of Dubai Customs received the award in
the ceremony held for this occasion in Finland.
"Winning the EFQM award is an international recognition of our leading
achievements and the advanced level we reached in customs innovation," Musabih
The objective of the EFQM Excellence Award Program is to recognize Role Model
organizations worldwide, whether private, public or non-for-profit. The EFQM
Excellence Award Program is supported by one of the most challenging assessment
Musabih said:
"As a role model organization, we invested in innovation in order to develop
and upgrade customs procedures in order to introduce the best services and
trade facilities. This comes in fulfilment of the wise directives and vision of
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime
Minister and Ruler of Dubai.
"We have developed and upgraded a number of systems and applications including
Mirsal 2, which the WCO considers the best integrated customs system in the
world. We have also gone far with our Authorized Economic Operator and in 2018,
34% of our customs declarations were done through this system compared to 23%
in 2017. This percentage is expected to rise to 50% by 2020, and more mutual
recognition agreements are expected to be signed following hard on the heels of
the agreements with South Korea, KSA and China."
There is a long list of innovative systems and projects developed by Dubai
Customs including the Virtual Corridor initiative, which helped streamline
movement of goods between ports and entry points of Dubai. This resulted in a
reduced cost and more streamlined customs procedures. In 2018, 324,435 customs
transactions were done through the Virtual Corridor.
Director of Dubai Customs thanked the work team for their noticeable efforts in
turning strategy into action and continuously improving their performance, and
he thanked all the employees for complying to and applying the international
standards in their work.
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1022028/Dubai_Customs.jpg
For more information, please call:
Mr. Yousef Alfeel
Tel: +971-4-4177163
Email: Yousef.alfeel@dubaicustoms.ae
Source: Dubai Customs