AsiaNet 81401 (2196)
【フィラデルフィア2019年11月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
*FreedomPayのトム・デュロブシク創設者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「この新しいリポート(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2628574-2&h=4169221016&u=https%3A%2F%2Fcampaign.freedompay.com%2Fhospitality%2Freport%2F%3Futm_source%3Dpr%26utm_medium%3Dreferral%26utm_channel%3Dreferral%26utm_content%3Dhospitality-release%26utm_campaign%3Dleadgen-hospitality-hospitality-release-fy19q4-global&a=report )は急速に進化する市場で競争相手に勝つ真の戦略を提供する」と語った。
宿泊、リテール、レストランなどホスピタリティー業者向けセキュアコマース・テクノロジーの世界的リーダーであり決済イノベーターのFreedomPayは6日、「Hospitality 2020+ The Reasons Why We Talk About Data-Driven Commerce(2020年以降のホスピタリティー:われわれがデータ駆動型コマースについて語る理由)」と題する新しいリポートを発表した。
新しいテクノロジー、オンラインサービス、消費者購買力増大が、ホスピタリティー産業の10年間にわたる継続的な成長を促進した。旅行と観光(ホテル、宿泊、飲食を含む)は現在、全世界のGDPの10%以上を占めている(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2628574-2&h=2179844011&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wttc.org%2F&a=10%25 )。米国ホテル産業の売上高は毎年、2000億ドルを超え、世界のホテル産業単独では5250億ドル相当である(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2628574-2&h=3982084669&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ihgplc.com%2F-%2Fmedia%2FFF2DB7BB29C54FF2824393006F15A08F.ashx&a=%24525bn )。
データでは、顧客をサードパーティーではなくプロバイダーの専有チャネルを介して予約するように誘導すると、最大20%の節約になることが示されている(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2628574-2&h=2823700473&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cognizant.com%2Fwhitepapers%2Fhospitality-in-the-digital-era-codex2543.pdf&a=20%25 )。さらに、旅行者の26%が、滞在先を決める際に特定のブランドを選択する理由はサービスと経験であると回答しており、適切なデジタルアーキテクチャーを導入することの重要性がさらに説明されている。
「Commerce Platformは、最小限のリスクと中断でこれを実現するための実行可能な機会を提供する。複数の予約・販売ポイント(POS)でのリアルタイムのやり取りからの取引データを管理することに加えて、何が起きているのか、なぜ起きているのかを明確に理解することができる。購入の過程だけではなく、業界のすべてのサイロを横断し、意思決定に影響を与える重要な要因と経験を明らかにする」
Hospitality 2020+ The Reasons Why We Talk About Data-Driven Commerce Reportへのアクセスは、以下のリンクを参照:https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2628574-2&h=2985255078&u=https%3A%2F%2Fcampaign.freedompay.com%2Fhospitality%2Freport%2F%3Futm_source%3Dpr%26utm_medium%3Dreferral%26utm_channel%3Dreferral%26utm_content%3Dhospitality-release%26utm_campaign%3Dleadgen-hospitality-hospitality-release-fy19q4-global&a=this+link
FreedomPay Commerce Platformは、リテール、ホスピタリティー、宿泊、ゲーム、スポーツ、エンターテイメント、フードサービス、教育、ヘルスケア、金融サービスの分野で、世界中の多くの大企業が選択するテクノロジーである。FreedomPayのテクノロジーは、グローバルコマースの極めて複雑な環境の下で堅実なパフォーマンスを提供する目的で構築されている。同社は世界クラスのセキュリティー環境を維持しており、PCI Security Standards Councilによる北米のPoint-to-Point Encryption(P2PE / EMV)標準に対する得難い検証を最初に獲得した。決済、セキュリティー、ID、およびデータ分析にわたるFreedomPayの堅牢なソリューションは、店舗内、オンライン、モバイルで利用可能であり、迅速なAPIアダプションによりサポートされている。受賞歴のあるFreedomPay Commerce Platformは、複数の大陸にまたがる単一の統合されたテクノロジースタック上で作動し、企業が世界的規模で一貫した再現可能な体験を提供できるようにする。詳細な情報はwww.freedompay.com を参照。
Gug Kyriacou
FWD Consulting
+44 (0) 207 623 2368
Data-Driven Commerce is the 'Game Changer' for Hospitality Businesses Worldwide
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
provides real strategy to outperform the competition in a rapidly evolving market,"
said FreedomPay Founder and CEO, Tom Durovsik
Payments Innovator, FreedomPay, the global leader in secure commerce technology
for lodging, retail, restaurants and other hospitality merchants, today announced
the publication of a new Report entitled Hospitality 2020+ The Reasons Why We Talk
About Data-Driven Commerce.
The extensive analysis takes an in-depth look at how enterprises that wish to
get and stay ahead in a highly competitive and changing sector, need to embrace
a next generation fully integrated customer centric platform across all channels.
More efficient management of big data, and the delivery of improved real-time
business and customer intelligence, while enhancing existing legacy systems, will allow
them to satisfy the demands of increasingly tech-savvy and demanding consumers.
New technology, online services and increased consumer spending power have fuelled
a decade of continuous growth for the hospitality industry. Travel and tourism (including hotel,
lodging and food and beverage) now accounts for over 10% (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2628574-2&h=2179844011&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wttc.org%2F&a=10%25 )
of global GDP. The global hotel industry alone is worth $525bn (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2628574-2&h=3982084669&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ihgplc.com%2F-%2Fmedia%2FFF2DB7BB29C54FF2824393006F15A08F.ashx&a=%24525bn ), with US revenues upward of $200bn annually.
With potentially millions at stake, businesses that deliver seamless,
ultra-convenient experiences that their customers have come to demand
(combining security, payment, loyalty and offers), are those that will achieve
the most significant success in the market. These technological shifts include
the rollout of user-friendly apps, online booking and check-in, advance
ordering and e-loyalty programs.
Additionally, while many hospitality businesses have focussed their attentions
on front-end improvements, a large number have overlooked vital back-end
functionality, resulting in disjointed and fragmented operational systems which
are a threat to growth and their competitive place in the sector.
FreedomPay Founder and CEO, Tom Durovsik said: "Across the hospitality sector,
businesses of all sizes are finding themselves having to adjust their strategies to
survive in a new data driven era - one of optimistic local and global growth but also
one of unprecedented change in terms of competition, guest expectation,
technological empowerment and data regulation. This report clearly highlights
the advantages of having a truly data driven customer centric strategy that provides
fully integrated solutions via a single payments platform across in-store, online and on-mobile."
A direct relationship with customers
With the hotel industry surpassing $500bn globally, the size of the prize is
attracting large and small operators, all battling for a bigger slice of the pie.
At the same time, pricing power is shifting to the consumer, who is likely to browse
online for venues offering the best value, location, and service reviews.
Data indicates that enticing customers to book through a provider's proprietary
channel rather than a third-party, results in savings of up to 20%
To add to this, 26% of travelers say that service and experience is why they choose
a particular brand when deciding where to stay, which further outlines the importance
of having the right digital architecture in place.
The solution -- value of true end-to end integration
Using an integrated commerce platform as a central data engine allows
businesses to surround and expand current siloed systems, improving the guest
experience, creating an effortless franchisee management system and providing
smarter data and business intelligence. A customer-centric commerce platform
also creates an architecture that fuels innovation and provides businesses with
the ability to 'future-proof' and de-risk services, allowing for agile business
decision making and driving competitive advantage.
Christopher Kronenthal, President and CTO of FreedomPay added: "Hospitality
organizations can no longer allow outdated legacy providers to hold them back
and must act now to assimilate important functions into data driven connected
digital architecture. The vast majority of processors simply cannot keep pace
with advancing technology.
"A Commerce Platform provides a viable opportunity to achieve this with minimal
risk and disruption. In addition to managing transactional data from real-time
interactions across multiple booking and sales points (POS) -- they are able to
deliver a clear understanding of what is happening and why. Not just within the
purchase journey, but across all industry silos to reveal the key factors and
experiences that are influencing decisions.
"Using a platform as an open and integrated engine to drive data to, and from,
other non-sales facing hospitality functions, unlocks huge potential to reduce
cost, improve customer experience and revenue as well as to enhance loyalty and
long-term profitability."
To access the Hospitality 2020+ The Reasons Why We Talk About Data-Driven
Commerce Report, please visit this link (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2628574-2&h=2985255078&u=https%3A%2F%2Fcampaign.freedompay.com%2Fhospitality%2Freport%2F%3Futm_source%3Dpr%26utm_medium%3Dreferral%26utm_channel%3Dreferral%26utm_content%3Dhospitality-release%26utm_campaign%3Dleadgen-hospitality-hospitality-release-fy19q4-global&a=this+link ).
About FreedomPay
The FreedomPay Commerce Platform is the technology of choice for many of the largest
companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment,
foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services. FreedomPay's technology has been
purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global
commerce. The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn
the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption
(P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments,
security, identity and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and
are supportedby rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform
operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises
to deliver a consistent, repeatable experience on a global scale. For more information,
please visit www.freedompay.com.
SOURCE: FreedomPay
CONTACT: Gug Kyriacou, FWD Consulting, freedompay@fwdconsulting.co.uk,
+44 (0) 207 623 2368