AsiaNet 81500 (2216)
【北京2019年11月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】YAYINGは、同社初の単独ファッションショーで2020年オートクチュールコレクションを発表した。北京の中心地を背景に、紫禁城を見下ろすマンダリン・オリエンタル王府井の屋上で行われたこのショーは、同ブランドのビジョンの壮大さと、絵のように美しいファッションにおける優れた中国文化のグローバルな関連性の証しである。
2016年、同グループは主力ブランドEP YAYINGを新たに創出し、デュアルブランド発展戦略「The World's EP, China's YAYING(世界のEP、中国のYAYING)」を開始した。EPはコンテンポラリーでインターナショナルなファッションスタイルを提供し、YAYINGは中国のルーツに立ち返り、優れた中国の文化的アイデンティティーを持つ現代女性のために、中国伝統文化、美学、ファッションおよび職人技を深く掘り下げることを重視している。
現在、EP YAYINGは中国とマレーシアの210以上の都市で展開し、500を超す上質な店舗を持っている。2020年、EP YAYINGは米国とオーストラリアの市場への国際展開を継続する。
社会的責任の重要なイニシアチブとして、同グループは、多様なファッション、アートおよび文化スペースのある総面積1万5000平方メートルの独自の「HWA Fashion & Arts Centre」を建設中で、増加しつつある国際的な文化・芸術交流を促進するために一般市民に開放される。
次の30年を見据え、EP YAYING Fashion Groupのチャン・フワミン会長は「われわれは、グローバルな視点を持ち、東洋文化に根差したより高度な文化的自信を洗練し続ける。中国人は調和を信条とし、世界は全ての人々の生地である。顧客のために一層の価値を創出し、グローバルなファッション産業の中で中国文化の大きな活性化に貢献し続ける」と述べた。
YAYING Launches 2020 Couture Collection
BEIJING, Nov. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
YAYING launches its 2020 haute couture collection in its debut solo fashion show.
Set against the backdrop of central Beijing, on the rooftop of the Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing
and overlooking The Forbidden City, the show is a testament to the grandeur of the brand's
vision and the global relevance of its exquisite Chinese culture in picturesque fashion.
YAYING Launches 2020 Couture Collection
This season, Chen Xi, YAYING's creative director, draws inspiration from
The Forbidden City as a tribute to the finest of Chinese aesthetics and craftsmanship,
and a celebration of The Forbidden City's 600th anniversary next year, whilst focusing on
the private collection of Chinese fans housed in the palace's museum, which are the epitome
of Chinese culture with a long heritage. Themed "Chinese Fans (Hua Shan)", the show aims
to break boundaries, renew tradition and shape the present.
You can spot the motifs of Chinese fans throughout Chen Xi's collection, from
geometric tailoring and structures that allude to ceremonial fans used by the
royal family to symbolize their majesty, to precise hand-pleating techniques
that resemble the three-dimensional texture of traditional folding fans. Past,
present and future come together in this show, characterizing the modern woman
who embraces traditional culture with passion, verve and individuality.
These artistic handworks are put together by YAYING's very own artisanal workshop,
underpinned by their utmost respect for time as they allow traditional Chinese aesthetics
to evolve with their imagination of modernism and exquisite craftsmanship, such as
a white suit adorned with 'Ruyi' clouds, and river and cliffs patterned embroideries and
beadings that required over 351 hours to sew by hand; and a stunning black evening gown
decorated with 1032 small hand-pleated fans that required over 205 hours to put together.
30 years, a Chinese home-grown brand growing from strength to strength
Chinese fashion continues to be buoyed by the increasing popularity and
attention given to Chinese culture. The Group celebrated its 30th anniversary
last year, and has grown from a small garment factory founded in 1988 into a
modern fashion group today, with more than 5000 employees, owning and operating
multiple luxury fashion brands and retailers.
In 2016, the Group reinvented its main brand EP YAYING, launching a dual-brand
development strategy: "The World's EP, China's YAYING"; EP offers contemporary
international fashion styles; YAYING traces back its Chinese roots, and focuses
on deep exploration of China's traditional culture, aesthetics, fashion and
craftsmanship for the modern women with exquisite Chinese cultural identity.
YAYING Launches 2020 Couture Collection
Today, EP YAYING is present in more than 210 cities with over 500 high-quality
stores across China and Malaysia. In 2020, EP YAYING will continue its
international expansion into the US and Australian markets.
As a key initiative of its social responsibility, the Group is building its very own
"HWA Fashion & Arts Centre", with a total area of 15,000 square meters housing
diverse fashion, arts and cultural spaces that will be opened to the public to foster
increasing international cultural and artistic exchanges.
Looking forward to the next 30 years, Zhang Hwaming, Chairman of EP YAYING Fashion Group,
shares: "We will continue to cultivate a higher degree of cultural self-confidence, rooted in
Eastern culture with a global perspective. The Chinese believes in harmony and the world
is home to all. We will continue to create more value for our customers and contribute to
the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture in the global fashion industry."
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