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【ロンドン2019年11月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】ワールド・ゴールド・カウンシル(World Gold Council)は12日、個人投資と宝飾品の市場従事者向けに金の有望性を強調した新しい消費者調査リポートを公表した。1万8000件もの強力なサンプルを備えた調査の多くの部分は、中国やインド、北米、ドイツ、ロシアなどの市場に着目し、金に対する態度や受け止め方に対するユニークな考察を浮かび上がらせた。人々はいかに、またなぜ、金を買うのか、そして金を買わない理由についてである。












新しい包括的な消費者インサイトデータを含む消費者調査リポートはwww.retailinsights.gold  で参照できる。



▽ワールド・ゴールド・カウンシル(World Gold Council)について





Stephanie Mackrell

World Gold Council

T   +44-207-826-4763

E   stephanie.mackrell@gold.org

Eloise Cazalet


T   +44-203-047-2587

E   gold@edelman.com

ソース:World Gold Council

New World Gold Council Survey Highlights Substantial Opportunities for Gold


LONDON, November 12, 2019, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

The World Gold Council today launched its new consumer research report

highlighting opportunities for gold for those working in both retail investment

and jewellery markets. The significant piece of research, with an 18,000-strong

sample, looks at a range of markets including China, India, North America,

Germany and Russia, and highlights unique insights into attitudes towards and

perceptions of gold; how and why people buy gold, and also their reasons for

not buying.

The new piece of research reveals gold is a mainstream choice - the third most

consistently bought investment, with 46% of global retail investors choosing

gold products, which is just behind saving accounts (78%) and life insurance

(54%). Looking at jewellery, the survey shows that 56% of consumers have bought

fine gold jewellery, compared to 34% who have bought platinum jewellery.


In addition, the new research reveals that more than a third (38%) of retail

investors and fashion enthusiasts have never bought gold in the past but are

warm to the idea. This shows a huge potential for the gold market to grow if

untapped sources of demand can be converted.

In summary, five key themes emerged in the report:

People have confidence in – and are loyal to – gold. More than two-thirds (67%)

of all retail investors believe that gold is a good safeguard against both

inflation and currency fluctuations, and 61% trust gold more than fiat

currencies. The industry should build on that confidence, while staying alert

to areas where it is weaker.

But there are areas of mistrust. While people have confidence in gold, there is

some mistrust among those that have never bought gold in the past, but are open

to the idea of buying it in the future, with 48% and 28% of all potential

investment and jewellery consumers respectively citing lack of trust as a

significant barrier. That could be mistrust around fake or counterfeit bars and

coins, product purity, or the trustworthiness of some retailers.  

Gold can resonate more deeply among younger consumers. Millennials' attitudes

towards gold are not so different to those of older generations. But there are

perceptual misgivings among the younger Gen Z audience, misgivings which are

particularly pronounced in China's jewellery market. For example, 40% of 18-24

fashion buyers in China agree that gold can bring good luck compared to 88% for

those aged between 55-65.

Technological innovation can create a route to new audiences. We know there are

some pioneering, tech-savvy players in the gold market. But our data suggests

there are too few. Gold compares poorly to other retail investments and fashion

items when looked at through the lens of digital distribution, marketing and

communications. Global retail investors only buy 9% of gold coins and 6% of

jewellery online, compared with 25% of gold-backed ETFs.

There are knowledge gaps in the minds of potential gold buyers that need to be

filled.  Two thirds (66%) of potential gold consumers globally say they lack

the necessary knowledge to buy gold. Greater awareness of gold needs to be

created through TV, print and social media; quality education is required on

the benefits of owning gold; and, while it is not a mainstream issue now, the

next generation of potential gold buyers need to know more about the industry's

ethical credentials.

David Tait, Chief Executive Officer at the World Gold Council, commented: "The

retail gold market is healthy, with gold being considered a mainstream choice.

But what really excites me is the untapped part of the market: those people who

have never bought gold but are warm to the idea of doing so in the future.

"Two issues need to be addressed to engage with these potential gold buyers:  

trust and awareness. This market can flourish if we can build trust across the

broad spectrum of gold products being sold and raise awareness around the

positive role gold can play in protecting people's wealth."

The Consumer Research report, which includes new comprehensive consumer

insights data, can be viewed at www.retailinsights.gold.

You can follow the World Gold Council on Twitter at @goldcouncil and Like on


Note to editors:

World Gold Council

The World Gold Council is the market development organisation for the gold

industry. Our purpose is to stimulate and sustain demand for gold, provide

industry leadership and be the global authority on the gold market.

We develop gold-backed solutions, services and products, based on authoritative

market insight and we work with a range of partners to put our ideas into

action. As a result, we create structural shifts in demand for gold across key

market sectors. We provide insights into the international gold markets,

helping people to understand the wealth preservation qualities of gold and its

role in meeting the social and environmental needs of society.

The membership of the World Gold Council includes the world's leading and most

forward-thinking gold mining companies.

For further information please contact:

Stephanie Mackrell

World Gold Council

T   +44-207-826-4763

E   stephanie.mackrell@gold.org

Eloise Cazalet


T   +44-203-047-2587

E   gold@edelman.com

SOURCE: World Gold Council





