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【ボストン2019年11月14日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)のスピンオフでAI(人工知能)パイオニアのEmpaticaは、日本の多国籍情報ネットワークテクノロジー企業である日本電気株式会社(NEC Corporation)と提携し、NEC従業員がAIとスマートウエアラブルを利用して自分たちのストレスレベルをモニターできるようにする画期的なイニシアチブで、Empaticaの手首に装着する医療機器Embrace2を使用することになった。
職場のストレスは日本の社会文化において慢性的に大きな課題となっており、日本の労働者の60%以上が雇用に関連した激しい不安やストレスを経験しているとされ( )、45%までが仕事関連のストレスによる不眠症に悩まされていると報告されている( )。過労によるストレスもまた、日本の労働力における生産性の低下( )、精神障害の増加の背景にある主要な理由の1つであり、他方、仕事関連の問題が原因の自殺率も上昇している( )。
Empatica Inc ( )はMITのスピンオフ企業であり、米マサチューセッツ州ボストンとイタリアのミラノにオフィスを構えている。 同社は、生理学的、行動バイオマーカーを使用して継続的で目立たない患者モニタリングを提供するパイオニアである。 Empaticaの研究製品であるEmbrace2 とE4は、研究目的用や、ストレス、睡眠、てんかん、片頭痛、うつ病、依存症、その他多くの病状の研究のために、何千もの機関パートナー向けに販売されている。
日本電気株式会社(NEC Corporation、 )は、世界中の企業や人々に利益をもたらすITとネットワークテクノロジーの統合のリーダーである。NEC Groupは、社会の安全、安心、効率、公平を促進する「Solutions for Society(社会ソリューション)」をグローバルに提供している。同社の企業メッセージ「Orchestrating a brighter world(より輝かしい世界を組織する)」の下に、NECはさまざまな課題の解決を支援し、変化する明日の世界のために新しい社会的価値の創造を目指している。
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Embrace2 by Empatica Used by NEC in Revolutionary Employee Health Study
BOSTON, November 14, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
MIT spin-off and AI pioneers Empatica have partnered with NEC Corporation,
the Japanese multinational information and network technology company,
to use their wrist-worn medical device, Embrace2, in a revolutionary initiative
to allow employees to monitor their stress levels using AI and smart wearables.
Embrace2 is a smartband that is currently widely used as a research device, and
for the monitoring of tonic-clonic seizures in people suffering from epilepsy.
It was cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2018. Embrace2 looks like
a small smart watch, but its main function is to continuously collect physiological data,
including sleep, physical activity and autonomic arousal (acute stress), and send it to
the Cloud. NEC uses the device’s sensors in a study to estimate chronic stress by analyzing
the physiological signals of voluntary participants.
Workplace stress has chronically been a large issue in Japan’s culture, with
over 60% of workers in Japan reported experiencing intense worry or stress
related to employment,
while up to 45% are reported to have insomnia
due to work-related stress. Stress due to overwork is also one of the main
reasons behind a decline in productivity and
an increase in mental disorders in the Japanese workforce, while suicide rates
due to work-related issues have been on the rise.
The goal of the initiative is to create a safe work environment, where
employees can physically and mentally thrive, both within and outside the workplace.
Empatica CEO, Matteo Lai, stated:
“We are very excited about the partnership with NEC on this project, which has
set an ambitious goal to impact the lives of millions of workers in Japan and beyond.
Poor wellbeing in the workplace is a worrying epidemic, and NEC is stepping up to
the challenge. We are committed to supporting this important endeavor with our
expertise in medical devices, software and AI for healthcare. This is what Empatica was
started for, to build products that can help improve people's lives.”
As one of Japan’s largest employers, NEC’s involvement in such a pioneering initiative paves
the path for other leading corporations to start utilizing AI in creating a better, healthier workplace.
Empatica -
Empatica Inc is an MIT spin-off, with
offices in Boston, MA, USA and Milan, Italy. It is a pioneer in offering continuous,
unobtrusive patient monitoring using physiological and behavioral biomarkers.
Empatica's research products, Embrace2 and E4, have been sold to thousands of
institutional partners for research purposes, for studies in Stress, Sleep, Epilepsy,
Migraine, Depression, Addiction and many other conditions.
NEC Corporation is a leader in the integration of IT and
network technologies that benefit businesses and people around the world.
The NEC Group globally provides "Solutions for Society" that promote the safety,
security, efficiency and equality of society. Under the company's corporate message
of "Orchestrating a brighter world," NEC aims to help solve a wide range of challenging
issues and to create new social value for the changing world of tomorrow.
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Contact Phone number: +39 0236566473
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Source: Empatica