ウォルマート・カナダとDLT Labs(TM)が世界最大の産業用ブロックチェーンソリューションの全面稼働を発表

DLT Labs Inc.

ウォルマート・カナダとDLT Labs(TM)が世界最大の産業用ブロックチェーンソリューションの全面稼働を発表

AsiaNet 81659 (2284)

【トロント2019年11月14日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*ウォルマート・カナダとDLT Labs(TM)が設計、構築したウォルマート・カナダのブロックチェーンベースの輸送・支払いネットワークが、ウォルマート・カナダの国内商品を輸送する70のサードパーティー・トラック運送会社との間で最先端のコラボレーションと情報共有を確立


ウォルマート・カナダとDLT Labs(DLTラブス)(TM)は14日、ウォルマート・カナダのブロックチェーンベースの輸送・支払いネットワークの立ち上げを発表した。これは、あらゆる産業アプリケーション向けで世界最大のブロックチェーンソリューションの全面稼働である。この新システムは、分散型台帳技術を使用して配送を追跡し、トランザクションを検証し、ウォルマート・カナダとカナダ国内の400を超える店舗に毎年、商品を配送する運送業者間の支払いと照合を自動化する。ウォルマート・カナダの全てのサードパーティー運送業者が、2020年2月1日までに稼働する予定。このソリューションには、ウェブポータルや使いやすいモバイルアプリケーションを使用してアクセスできる。

ウォルマート・カナダはDLT Labs(TM)と提携、DLTの主力サプライチェーンプラットフォームDL Asset Track(TM)を使用して輸送・支払いデータを自動化した。新しいブロックチェーンベースの輸送・決済ネットワークは、全てのサプライチェーンとロジスティクスデータをリアルタイムで管理、統合、同期し、ウォルマート・カナダと共有台帳上のサードパーティー・トラックの車両間のデータを集約する。このソリューションは、必要とされる無数の計算を自動化し、リアルタイムの請求、支払い、決済を可能にする。同時に、各企業のレガシーシステムとシームレスに統合されるため、各企業は再研修や技術への新たな投資なしに既存のプロセスを継続できる。このイノベーションは、カナダの消費者に毎日、最低価格を保証するため、ウォルマート・カナダが継続的に取り組んでいるコスト削減努力から生まれた。


DLT Labs(TM)のラウドン・オーウェン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「ウォルマートは、人々の生活の向上に絶えず取り組んでいるイノベーションのグローバルリーダーだ。DLTLabs(TM)は、このような素晴らしい組織と提携し、産業界向けの最初で最大のブロックチェーンソリューションを稼働することができることを喜んでいる。これはブロックチェーンの価値の高さを証明するものであり、安全な情報共有を可能にし、委託物を管理し、マルチパートナー運営プロセスの無駄を削減する能力によって、サプライチェーン管理とロジスティクスに革命を起こす契機となる」と語った。オーウェン氏は「ローマ人が考えたように、「dictum meum pactum」(「私の言葉は私の信用」という意味)は取引を増やすための基礎であり、この製品はブロックチェーンを使い安全なデジタルハンドシェイクを作成し、世界貿易における信頼と効率を一新していく」と付け加えた。

Bison Transportは、この新しいブロックチェーンベースの輸送・支払いネットワークを先行導入したパートナー運送会社だった。Bison Transportのロッド・ヘンドリクソン財務担当副社長は「素晴らしいパートナーは、双方に利益をもたらすビジネスソリューションを生み出す革新的な方法を見つけてくれる。われわれがウォルマートとDLT Labsと共に取り組んだブロックチェーン構想がまさにそれで、Bison Transportとウォルマート・カナダの双方にメリットのある有益なソリューションだ。このプロジェクトは、ワークフローを大幅に改善し、文書業務を削減し、ウォルマートとのビジネスをより効率的にする新しいパラダイムだ」と語った。



ウォルマート・カナダとDLT LABS(TM)が開発した輸送・支払いソリューションの直接的メリット









▽DLT Labs(TM)Inc.について

DLT Labs(TM)は、企業向けブロックチェーンソリューションとテクノロジーの開発、提供のグローバルリーダーで、アプリケーション開発用の基準の作成と導入のパイオニアでもある。同社の主力プラットフォームであるDL Asset Track(TM)は、サプライチェーン管理用に特別につくられた直感的グラフィカルインターフェイスを備えた、完全モジュール式プラットフォームで、透明性、堅牢性、監査性、効率性の高い方法でトランザクションとデジタルインタラクションを記録する独自の安全なプラットフォームを提供する。全てのトランザクションをリアルタイムで記録、更新し、権限を持つ参加者すべてが情報を利用できるようにする。イノベーションにおける奥深い実績を持ち、世界最大の経験豊富なブロックチェーン専門家集団の1つであるDLT Labs(TM)は、複雑なマルチステークホルダープロセスの変革とイノベーションを可能にする。www.DLTLabs.com と @dltlabs (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2642793-1&h=3652407591&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FDLTLabs&a=%40dltlabs )でフォローを。


ウォルマート・カナダ(Walmart Canada)は、全国で400以上の店舗から成る拡大中のチェーンを運営、毎日120万人以上の顧客にサービスを提供している。ウォルマート・カナダの旗艦オンラインストアであるwalmart.ca には、毎日75万人の顧客が訪れている。8万5000人以上の従業員を擁するウォルマート・カナダは、カナダ最大の雇用主の1つであり、国内で最も影響力のあるトップ10ブランドの1つにランクされている。ウォルマート・カナダの広範な慈善プログラムは、困窮するカナダ人家族の支援に焦点を当てており、1994年以来、ウォルマート・カナダは4億ドル以上の募金をカナダの慈善団体に寄付してきた。詳細については、www.walmartcanada.ca 、www.facebook.com/walmartcanada 、@walmartcanada (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2642793-1&h=2394628984&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fwalmartcanada&a=%40walmartcanada )を参照。



Loudon Owen, CEO

+1 416-518-6355


Walmart Canada

Adam Grachnik


ソース:DLT Labs Inc.

Walmart Canada and DLT Labs(TM) launch world's largest full production blockchain solution for industrial application


TORONTO, Nov. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Walmart Canada's blockchain-based freight and payment network, designed and

   built by Walmart Canada and DLT Labs(TM), establishes state-of-the-art

   collaboration and information sharing with 70 third-party trucking companies

   that transport inventory for Walmart Canada nationally

-- First enterprise full production blockchain solution launched at a large

   scale for a mission-critical function to date

Walmart Canada and DLT Labs(TM) today announce the launch of Walmart Canada's

blockchain-based freight and payment network, the world's largest full production

blockchain solution for any industrial application. The new system uses distributed

ledger technology to track deliveries, verify transactions, and automate payments

and reconciliation among Walmart Canada and its carriers which deliver inventory

to over 400 retail stores across Canada annually. All Walmart Canada's third-party

carriers are scheduled to be live by February 1, 2020. The solution is accessible

using a web portal and an easy to use mobile application.

Walmart Canada partnered with DLT Labs(TM) to automate freight and payment data

using DLT's leading supply chain platform DL Asset Track(TM). The new blockchain-based

freight and payment network manages, integrates and synchronizes all the supply chain

and logistics data in real time, aggregating the data between Walmart Canada and its fleet

of third-party trucks on a shared ledger. The solution also automates the myriad necessary

calculations enabling real-time invoicing, payments and settlement. At the same time,

it seamlessly integrates with each company's legacy systems, so organizations can continue

to follow their existing processes without retraining or a new investment in technology.

This innovation arose from Walmart Canada's continued focus on reducing costs to ensure

the lowest everyday prices for Canadian consumers.

John Bayliss, senior vice-president, logistics and supply chain, Walmart Canada, says,

"Walmart Canada is dedicated to efficiency across our business, including most importantly

in our supply chain and logistics management. Our carrier partners move over 500,000 loads

of inventory nationally, which creates an extraordinary volume of transaction data.

This new dynamic and interactive blockchain technology platform is creating complete

transparency between Walmart Canada and all of our carrier partners." Bayliss adds,

"Blockchain is enabling a material advance in our smart transportation network, with expedited

payments, extensive cost savings and other benefits among our supply chain. Moreover,

this degree of improved efficiency represents a powerful platform for us to continueto reduce

our environmental footprint and continue our leadership in environmental sustainability."

Loudon Owen, CEO of DLT Labs(TM), says, "Walmart is a global leader in innovation,

with a relentless focus on improving people's lives, and DLT Labs(TM) is delighted

to partner with such an extraordinary organization to bring the world's first and

largest blockchain solution for industry into production. This proves the high value

of blockchain and sets the stage to revolutionize supply chain management and logistics,

due to its ability to enable secure information sharing, manage trust and reduce waste in

multi-partner operational processes." Owen adds, "Just as the Roman's concept, 'dictum meum

pactum' (meaning 'my word is my bond') was fundamental to building trade, this product creates

a secure digital handshake using blockchain to renew trust and efficiency in global trade."

Bison Transport was the carrier partner in the pilot of this new blockchain-based freight

and payment network. According to Rod Hendrickson, VP Finance, Bison Transport,

"Great partners find innovative ways to create business solutions that benefit both parties.

The blockchain initiative we worked on with Walmart and DLT Labs is just that - a mutually

beneficial solution that works well for Bison Transport and Walmart Canada.

This project is a new paradigm that will greatly improve workflows, reduce paperwork,

and make the business we do with Walmart more efficient."

Walmart Canada's distribution centres are hubs of activity, with more than 4,500 associates

and drivers moving thousands of items daily from sites located in Calgary, Mississauga and

Cornwall to stores from coast to coast across Canada. Walmart Canada operates 8.75 million

square feet of distribution center and moves more than 853 million cases of merchandise

annually. These goods are transported by a combination of 3rd party fleet as well as Walmart

Canada's own fleet of 180 tractors, 2,000 trailers and more than 350 drivers. Each third-party

trailer tracks approximately 200 data points per shipment. Automating this data collection

and management using blockchain results in a significant cost-saving.

Walmart Canada is committed to ongoing leadership in developing smart

transportation networks, having already established more efficient techniques

for loading, routing, driving, and energy efficient improvements with truck

manufacturers. Interconnecting the data between Walmart Canada and

its carrier partners provides a platform to materially improve operations,

delivery coordination and routing efficiency, waste and cost reduction,

and automated payment reconciliation and processing.



  -- Data Capture & Integrity:  A distributed repository increases trust and

     transparency by sharing information and automating workflows and

     calculations to minimize manual effort and increase accuracy.

  -- System Efficiency:  Improved collective resource utilization, including

     quicker responses, improved tracking and tracing, and early problem detection.

  -- Faster Transaction Time:  Real-time consolidation of all business rules

     and transactions to create a single invoice reduces wait times and speeds up payments.

  -- Eliminates Disputes:  All participants can now effectively manage the

     complex shipment, invoice, payment and settlement process, while

     minimizing unproductive time spent on disputes and reconciliations.

  -- Reduces Costs:  Increased efficiency reduces all parties' enterprise

     technology and administration costs.

  -- Better Budgeting and Planning:  Accurate, real-time data can now be used

     for enhanced analytics and predictive modelling.

These benefits are possible due to the inherent characteristics of blockchain

technology which enables shared, immutable and highly auditable store of data

on a secure, shared ledger. While the application of blockchain technology in

industry has long been discussed, this is the first practical implementation at

scale, and it clearly demonstrates blockchain's significant benefits. Moreover,

this platform is being used in a mission-critical area of Walmart Canada's business,

its supply chain, and has had to meet the highest levels of security and testing.

As transportation networks become increasingly interconnected, and products are embedded

with computing devices that form the Internet of Things (IoT), an enormous amount of data

is being generated that must be managed and integrated. This is particularly challenging inside

and among multiple parties in large organizations where the information may be stored and

used across different and fragmented operating systems. In a transportation network,

for example, there are approximately 170 variable costs for each truck from data points

such as global positioning system (GPS) data, contracts, shipment, and accounting information.

While the benefits of interconnecting all parties are enormous, managing all the information

that is generated can overwhelm legacy information technology systems. Blockchain-based

solutions are the answer.

About DLT Labs(TM) Inc.   

DLT Labs(TM) is a global leader in development and delivery of enterprise

blockchain solutions and technologies, as well as a pioneer in the creation and

implementation of standards for application development. Its flagship platform,

DL Asset Track(TM) is a completely modular platform with an intuitive graphical

interface specifically tailored for supply chain management which offers a

uniquely secure platform to record transactions and digital interactions in a

transparent, robust, auditable, and efficient manner. It records and updates

all transactions in real time, making the information available to all

authorized participants. With a deep track record in innovation and one of the

world's largest pools of highly experienced blockchain experts, DLT Labs(TM)

enables the transformation and innovation of complex multi-stakeholder

processes. Follow along at www.DLTLabs.com and @dltlabs

(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2642793-1&h=3652407591&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FDLTLabs&a=%40dltlabs ).

About Walmart Canada   

Walmart Canada operates a growing chain of more than 400 stores nationwide

serving more than 1.2 million customers each day. Walmart Canada's flagship

online store, walmart.ca is visited by 750,000 customers daily. With more than

85,000 associates, Walmart Canada is one of Canada's largest employers and is

ranked one of the country's top 10 most influential brands. Walmart Canada's

extensive philanthropy program is focused on supporting Canadian families in

need, and since 1994 Walmart Canada has raised and donated more than $400

million to Canadian charities. Additional information can be found at www.walmartcanada.ca,

www.facebook.com/walmartcanada and @walmartcanada (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2642793-1&h=2394628984&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fwalmartcanada&a=%40walmartcanada ).

For further information: For media inquiries: DLT LABS(TM) - Loudon Owen, CEO

-+1 416-518-6355 - loudon.owen@dltlabs.com; Walmart Canada - Adam Grachnik -






