


AsiaNet 81694(2300)

【ケンブリッジ(英国)2019年11月18日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


ケンブリッジ・クオンタム・コンピューティング(Cambridge Quantum Computing、CQC)は18日、すでにクラス最高のソフトウエアスタックで量子コンパイラー・フレームワークであるt|ket)のpythonバージョンの主要アップデートであるpytket 0.4のリソースを発表した。





使用条件などの詳細は、ウェブサイトhttps://cqcl.github.io/pytket/build/html/index.html を参照。


ケンブリッジ・クオンタム・コンピューティング・リミテッド(Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited)は、世界をリードする量子コンピューティング・ソフトウエア企業である。ケンブリッジ(英国)、サンフランシスコ、ロンドン、東京のオフィスに、35人の博士号保有者を含む60人を超える科学者を擁し、世界中に大きな影響を与える量子技術の商業化ツールを構築している。


CQCに関する詳細はウェブサイトwww.cambridgequantum.com を参照。

ソース:Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited

Cambridge Quantum Computing Announces New Release of Updated Software Stack t|ket)[TM]


CAMBRIDGE, England, Nov. 18, 2019, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

t|ket) provides essential tools that allow users to maximise the performance of

quantum computers in the NISQ era

Cambridge Quantum Computing ("CQC") today announced the release of pytket 0.4

--  a major upgrade of the python version of their already best in class software stack

and quantum compiler framework t|ket).

CQC's t|ket) offers a flexible workflow to develop quantum chemistry and

quantum machine learning applications. t|ket) is a class-leading circuit

optimiser and qubit allocation system that generates highly efficient circuits

tuned for any of the major quantum computing processors and devices.

The compilation engine provides high-performance application-oriented

optimisation passes, with a consistent interface across routing, optimisations,

and other circuit transformations.  The unique transform combinators allow

users to design their own passes, to minimise the quantum resource requirements

for their chosen application, whilst always ensuring the correctness of the overall circuit,

regardless of the target platform.

As well as improvements in circuit optimisation and qubit routing, a new consistent

back-end interface allows users to switch seamlessly between different quantum

computing platforms or simulators by changing a single line of code and still taking

full advantage of t|ket)'s high performance compilation, which now uses device

calibration data (where available) to maximise the fidelity of the overall circuit.

Additionally, t|ket)'s front-end now includes features that allow flexible

circuit construction, including multi-controlled gates, certain classes of

custom gates, and support for the Quipper programming language.

For more details, including terms of use:


About Cambridge Quantum Computing

Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) is a world-leading quantum computing software

company with over 60 scientists including 35 PhD's across offices in Cambridge (UK),

San Francisco, London and Tokyo. CQC builds tools for the commercialisation of quantum

technologies that will have a profound global impact.

CQC combines expertise in quantum software, specifically a quantum development

platform (t|ket)), enterprise applications in the area of quantum chemistry (EUMEN),

quantum machine learning (QML), and cybersecurity (IronBridge).

For more information about CQC, visit: www.cambridgequantum.com

SOURCE: Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited




