第7回2019年GCHERA World Agriculture Prizeの表彰式が南京農業大学で開催
第7回2019年GCHERA World Agriculture Prizeの表彰式が南京農業大学で開催
AsiaNet 81542 (2302)
10月28-29日、第7回GCHERA World Agriculture Prize(WAP、世界農業賞)の表彰式と第10回GCHERA World Congressが南京農業大学(Nanjing Agricultural University、NAU)で開催された。Catholic University of Chileのホセ・ミゲル・アギレラ(Jose Miguel Aguilera)名誉教授が、食品工学の教育・研究および技術振興における先駆的業績で、2019年World Agriculture Prizeを受賞した。
WAPはGlobal Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences(GCHERA、農学生命科学高等教育協会世界連盟)によって設置された国際的な賞である。同賞は農業および生命科学の分野での教育、研究、イノベーションへの優れた貢献を行った個人を奨励することを目的とする。賞金は1人当たり10万ドルで、同賞はNAU Education Development FoundationとDa Bei Nong Groupが後援している。
詳しい情報はhttp://wapcn.njau.edu.cn/ およびhttp://www.gchera.com を参照。
ソース:Nanjing Agricultural University
The 7th 2019 GCHERA World Agriculture Prize Awarding Ceremony is held in Nanjing Agricultural University, award granted to Chile food engineering expert
NANJING, China, Nov. 18, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
On October 28-29, the 7th GCHERA World Agriculture Prize (WAP) Ceremony and
the 10th GCHERA World Congress were held at Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU).
Jose Miguel Aguilera, Emeritus Professor of the Catholic University of Chile,
for teaching and researching food engineering and the pioneering achievements
in technology promotion, won this year's World Agriculture Prize.
Professor Aguilera innovatively combined the food microstructure with materials
science as the basis of food processing, linked the microstructure to product
processing and performance, and established a world-class food engineering
group, currently serving Chile and Latin America. His project on intermediate
moisture foods and joint method technologies, involving 60 research centers and
more than 360 scientific and technical personnel in 11 countries, has made
outstanding contributions to the establishment of the national scientific
community and the development of researchers.
WAP is an international award established by Global Confederation of Higher
Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences (GCHERA). The prize
aims to encourage individuals who have made outstanding contributions to
education, research and innovation in agricultural and life sciences. The prize
is 100,000 US dollars per person, sponsored by the NAU Education Development
Foundation and the Da Bei Nong Group.
WAP has been awarded six times so far, and scientists from the United States,
Germany, Canada, Belgium and Ghana have won the award. The awards have had
a wide-ranging impact at home and abroad, promoting global exchanges and cooperation
in related fields, and inspiring many scientists to promote innovation in agriculture and
life sciences around the world.
For more information, please visit: http://wapcn.njau.edu.cn/ and http://www.gchera.com.
Source: Nanjing Agricultural University