
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)


AsiaNet 81713 (2309)

【上海2019年11月18日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】18日に発表された最新のフィナンシャル・タイムズ(FT)・グローバルエグゼクティブMBAランキングによると、中欧国際工商学院(China Europe International Business School、CEIBS)のグローバルEMBA課程は2年連続で世界5位にランクされ、アジアの非連結課程において1位である。今年初めにCEIBSのMBA課程もFTで5位にランクされたことで、同校の経営者教育分野における国際的な影響力の強さがさらに際立っている。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191118/2645694-1







CEIBSの「FT研究ランキング」が18位も上昇したことも印象的であり、同校の学術研究の強さを裏付けるものである。2014年以来、CEIBSの教授陣は「ビジネス、経営、会計」カテゴリーにおいて、中国で最も頻繁に引用される学者としてエルゼビアのリストで1位にランクされている。2017年に同校は教室での学習と、学生が企業を訪問して幹部と直接対面する現実世界の経験を組み合わせたReal Situation Learning Method(TM)も立ち上げた。





CEIBSはアジアでトップの国際的ビジネススクールの1つで、MBAとEMBAの課程でFTのトップ5リスト入りを同時に達成した唯一の学校である。同校には80カ国以上に2万2000人の卒業生がいて、過去25年にわたって中国と海外の両方の15万人以上のエグゼクティブに広範な経営者課程を提供している。同校は金融MBA、ホスピタリティーMBA、そして幅広いエグゼクティブ教育課程も提供している。中国に関する豊富な知識とグローバルな知見を持つ教員チームを擁するCEIBSは、キャリアのどの段階でもビジネスのリーダーとして、そして世界に影響力を持てるよう養成する独自の体制が整っている。比類のない中国の専門家であるCEIBSは「中国の深さ、世界の広がり」というモットーに導かれている。今年、CEIBSは25周年を迎えて中国の上海、北京、深セン、スイスのチューリヒ、ガーナのアクラの5キャンパスで祝典を開催している。より詳しい情報は(https://www.ceibs.edu/ )を参照。

ソース:China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)



CEIBS Global EMBA Retains #5 Spot in FT Ranking


SHANGHAI, Nov. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The China Europe International Business School's (CEIBS) Global EMBA programme

has now placed fifth in the world – and first amongst non-joint programmes in Asia

– for the second consecutive year with the release of the latest Financial Times global

Executive MBA ranking today. Earlier this year, the school's MBA programme was also

ranked fifth by the FT, further highlighting CEIBS' strength and international influence

in the field of management education.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191118/2645694-1

(CEIBS Global EMBA Retains #5 Spot in FT Ranking)

"This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of CEIBS and this achievement is a big

gift to add to the celebration," CEIBS President Li Mingjun said. "Over the past 25 years,

CEIBS has witnessed the rapid development of China's economy. During that time, CEIBS has

grown into a leading, world-class business school. As China begins to play a more significant role

in economic globalisation, the focus of global management education is gradually shifting east.

The future calls for talent with both international vision and China wisdom, and CEIBS has

assumed the responsibility of cultivating more corporate leaders."

Due to its stringent standards for participation and diverse criteria, the FT's

annual ranking has become one of the most widely recognised in the global

management education community. The rankings are based on a comprehensive

assessment of 16 categories, covering graduate career progress, school

diversity, and teaching and research levels. Corporate social responsibility

(CSR) was also included in the criteria for the second time in 2019.

"With this latest news, for the first time, our EMBA and MBA programmes have ranked in

the top ten in the world for two consecutive years," CEIBS Vice President and Dean Ding Yuan

said. "There has been relatively little movement at the very top of the ranking and this is a sign

that the market for global management education is reaching a point of maturity. As a business

school rooted in China, CEIBS' success in ranking in the top five for two consecutive years

highlights the rise of management education in China and Asia. It also shows the school's efforts

in promoting globalisation have paid off."

Taking a closer look at the categories factored into the ranking, CEIBS' Global

EMBA graduates have again achieved remarkable results in terms of "salary

level" and "salary increase". CEIBS finished third in the world in terms of

"salary level", and has remained in the world's top five for seven consecutive

years. In addition, the school's "work experience" and "aims achieved" rankings

moved up more than ten places each. CEIBS also ranked seventh in terms of

"career progress", where it entered the top ten in the world for the first time.

In the category of "international faculty", CEIBS jumped three spots from 2018,

while at the same time moving up two positions each in the categories of

"international students" and "international course experience". CEIBS leverages

its overseas campuses and a strong network of partner schools to facilitate

modules at locations on five continents, including Switzerland, the US, Brazil,

Israel, India, Ghana and Southeast Asia. These opportunities serve to further

enrich the international experience of students.

Equally striking, the school's "FT research rank" increased 18 places, thus

confirming the strength of academic research at CEIBS. Since 2014, CEIBS'

professors have ranked first on Elsevier's list of most highly cited scholars

in China in the category of "Business, Management and Accounting". In 2017,

the school also launched its Real Situation Learning Method(TM), combining

classroom learning with real-world experiences where students can visit

companies and meet face-to-face with company executives.

"Academic research is an important criterion in business school rankings, and

the 'FT research rank' is based on both the total and average number of articles

published by a school's current full-time faculty in 50 globally-recognised top

economics and management journals," CEIBS Associate Dean (Research) and

Professor of Economics and Finance Xu Bin said. "After many years of continuous effort,

CEIBS has established an effective system of faculty research management and incentive

policies, which has greatly enhanced faculty research activity and creativity. The big increase

of CEIBS' 'FT research rank' is a natural reflection of this continuous effort."

CEIBS' "corporate social responsibility rank" also rose ten spots, reflecting

the various efforts of the school in promoting CSR. CEIBS was the first

business school on the Chinese mainland to promote CSR and it holds a series of

CSR-related activities each year to encourage alumni to elevate social responsibility

to the level of corporate development strategy.

"The CEIBS Global EMBA programme continues to keep pace with the latest economic trends

and optimise our curriculum," CEIBS Global EMBA Director, Associate Dean and Professor of

Operations Management Nikolaos Tsikriktsis said. "At the same time, the programme contributes

Chinese know-how to overseas companies entering the Chinese market, and has helped usher

in the globalisation of Chinese enterprises."


CEIBS is amongst the top international business schools in Asia, where it is

the only one to have simultaneously made it to the FT's top 5 list of MBA and

EMBA programmes. The school has more than 22,000 alumni from over 80 countries,

and over the last 25 years has provided a broad range of management programmes

for more than 150,000 executives both in China and abroad. The school also

offers a Finance MBA, Hospitality EMBA and a wide range of Executive Education

programmes. With a faculty team that has extensive China knowledge and global

insight, CEIBS is uniquely equipped to nurture business leaders, at every stage

of their careers, preparing them to make a global impact. An unrivalled China

expert, CEIBS is guided by the motto of "China Depth, Global Breadth". CEIBS

marked its 25th anniversary this year, with celebrations taking place at its

five campuses in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen in China, as well as Zurich in

Switzerland, and Accra in Ghana. Learn more here (https://www.ceibs.edu/ ).

SOURCE  China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)

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