テクノロジーにより全世界で事業税納税が容易に - PwC/世銀が合同リポート
テクノロジーにより全世界で事業税納税が容易に - PwC/世銀が合同リポート
AsiaNet 81819 (2367)
【ロンドン2019年11月26日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】PwCと世界銀行グループが毎年実施する世界の税務行政に関する調査である「Paying Taxes 2020」によると、世界各国で企業の納税がテクノロジーによって大幅に容易になった。
世界銀行Global Indicators Groupのシニアマネジャーであるリタ・ラマルホ氏は「全ての政府にとって効率的な税務行政は優先事項である。税務当局がいかに良く機能しているかは政府の認識に広く影響を与える可能性がある。納税が容易でわかりやすく公平とみなされる場合には、好印象を与え、切望されるサービスを提供するために重要な徴税への支援を生み出す可能性がある」と述べた。
PwCのTax Transparency and Total Tax Contributionの責任者であるアンドリュー・パックマン氏は「この調査結果は、政府と税務当局が税制近代化に投資を継続することが不可欠であることを示している。しかしながら同時に、全ての政府は、デジタルエコノミーへの課税に関する経済協力開発機構(OECD)とG20による現在の取り組みに関連して浮上するいかなる新たなコンセンサスの結果も理解する必要がある」と語った。
「Paying Taxes 2020」は、190カ国での企業課税状況を比較したものを活用し、政府と企業が自らの税制がグローバルな変化に後れを取っていないかを理解する助けとなり、他の政府や企業の動きを知るのに役立っている。リポートは中規模の国内企業をケーススタディーに使用し、各国の事業課税をモデル化している。
リポート全文はhttps://www.pwc.com/payingtaxes をクリック。
▽World Bank Groupについて
世界銀行グループ(World Bank Group)は発展途上国への財政支援と知識の世界最大級の源である。グループを構成する5つの機関は貧困削減と繁栄共有へのコミットメントを共有する。5つの機関は、国際復興開発銀行(IBRD)(https://www.worldbank.org/en/who-we-are/ibrd )、国際開発協会(IDA)(http://ida.worldbank.org/ )、国際金融公社(IFC)(https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/corp_ext_content/ifc_external_corporate_site/home )、多数国間投資保証機関(MIGA)(https://www.miga.org/ )、投資紛争解決国際センター(ICSID)(https://icsid.worldbank.org/en/ )である。加盟国は189カ国で、130カ所以上に事務所を置くこれらの機関は協力して融資、政策に関する助言、技術支援、政治リスク保険、紛争解決を民間企業に提供し、各国の持続可能な開発の達成を実現している。
PwCは、社会における信頼を築き、重要な課題を解決することを存在意義としている。われわれは、世界157カ国にあるファームのネットワークであり、27万6000人以上のスタッフを有し、高品質の監査、助言、税務サービスを提供している。詳細およびPwCへの要望については、ウェブサイトwww.pwc.com (http://www.pwc.com/ )を参照。
PwCは、PwCネットワークおよび/ないしは独立法人である1社あるいはそれ以上のメンバーファームを意味している。詳細は、www.pwc.com/structure (http://www.pwc.com/structure )を参照。
(c) 2019 PwC. All rights reserved
Dalia Adawieh
Mobile: +966590443771
Email: dalia.adawieh@pwc.com
Mark Felsenthal, World Bank
Tel: +1-(202)-458-0051
Email: mfelsenthal@worldbank.org
ソース:PwC and World Bank Group
Technology Has Made Paying Business Taxes Easier Around the World, Joint PwC-World Bank Report Shows
LONDON, Nov. 26, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Economies around the world have made it substantially easier for their
businesses to pay taxes thanks to technology, according to Paying Taxes 2020,
an annual study of tax administration around the globe produced by PwC and the
World Bank Group.
The report, now in its 14th edition, highlights the significant advantages tax
administrations provide their taxpayers if they embrace technological advances.
In both Brazil and Vietnam, the time required to comply with tax obligations
was 23% lower in 2018 than in 2017 and in Côte d'Ivoire, the Kyrgyz Republic
and Israel, there were large reductions in the number of tax payments, as
measured by the study.
Overall, the global average of the compliance burden for business taxation
remained relatively stable across the four key measures used to evaluate ease
of paying taxes for businesses: time to comply (234 hours); number of payments
(23.1); total tax and contribution rate (40.5%) and a post-filing index (60.9
out of 100).
While the global average of the total tax and contribution rate remained almost
flat, there have been significant policy shifts among individual economies. A
value added tax (VAT) has been introduced in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
Emirates as both economies seek to broaden their tax bases and reduce reliance
on natural resource revenues. Ghana has partially moved from a VAT to cascading
sales taxes. There have been important reductions in taxes on profits in The
Gambia, the United States, China and Morocco.
In addition, increased access to VAT refunds has played an important role in
improving post-filing procedures in Armenia and Egypt.
Since 2012, the average time to comply with tax obligations is 27 hours shorter
and an average of 4.4 fewer payments are required. Technological advances drove
both improvements. The total tax and contribution rate has edged lower to 40.5%
from 41.9% over the same period.
The post-filing index, introduced in 2014, has climbed to 60.9 in 2018 from
58.9 five years ago. The modest overall increase masks major improvements in
several economies. Most notably, VAT refunds became available to companies
similar to the case study in Egypt and Armenia, while Turkey has exempted
capital purchases from VAT. VAT refund processes have become much more
efficient in Israel and Côte d'Ivoire. Correcting a corporate income tax return
in El Salvador, Hungary, Thailand and Tunisia has become substantially more
New technologies offer tax administrations multiple opportunities to make the
process of paying taxes more efficient and these are constantly evolving. It is
important for tax administrations to keep up to date with developments in
technology and to exploit these for the benefit of themselves and taxpayers.
Businesses, for their part, should incorporate new tax technology into their
operations to respond to the increased demand for data from tax
Rita Ramalho, Senior Manager of the World Bank's Global Indicators Group, said:
"For all governments, effective tax administration is a priority. How well the
tax administration functions can influence perceptions of government broadly.
If paying taxes is seen as easy, straightforward, and fair, it will reflect
well and can generate support for the collection of revenues that are important
to providing much-needed services."
Andrew Packman, leader for Tax Transparency and Total Tax Contribution at PwC,
said: "The results of this study show that it is vital that governments and tax
authorities continue to invest in modernising their tax administration systems.
At the same time, however, all governments will need to understand the
implications of any new consensus that emerges with respect to the current work
by the OECD and the G20 on the taxation of the digital economy."
Paying Taxes 2020 draws upon a comparison of the taxation of business in 190
economies and it helps governments and businesses understand whether their tax
systems are keeping pace with global change and helps learn from what others
are doing. The report models business taxation in each economy using a
medium-sized domestic company as a case study.
Click here [https://www.pwc.com/payingtaxes] for the full report.
About the World Bank Group
The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of funding and
knowledge for developing countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to
reducing poverty and increasing shared prosperity: The International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development [https://www.worldbank.org/en/who-we-are/ibrd]
(IBRD), The International Development Association [http://ida.worldbank.org/]
(IDA), The International Finance Corporation
e/home] (IFC), The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
[https://www.miga.org/] (MIGA), and The International Centre for Settlement of
Investment Disputes [https://icsid.worldbank.org/en/] (ICSID). With 189 member
countries and offices in over 130 locations, these institutions work together
to provide financing, policy advice, technical assistance, political risk
insurance, and settlement of disputes to private enterprises, enabling
countries to achieve sustainable development.
About PwC
At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems.
We're a network of firms in 157 countries with over 276,000 people who are
committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find
out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at www.pwc.com
PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of
which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure
[http://www.pwc.com/structure] for further details.
(c) 2019 PwC. All rights reserved
Dalia Adawieh
Mobile: +966590443771
Email: dalia.adawieh@pwc.com
Mark Felsenthal, World Bank
Tel: +1-(202)-458-0051
Email: mfelsenthal@worldbank.org
Source: PwC and World Bank Group