
SABGOC Media Center


AsiaNet 81881 (2385)

【三亜(中国)2019年11月28日新華社=共同通信JBN】Sixth Asian Beach Games Organizing Committee(SABGOC)Media Center(第6回アジアビーチゲームズ組織委員会メディアセンター)によると、2020年の第6回アジアビーチゲームズ(Asian Beach Games、ABG 2020)のマスコットである「ヤヤ(Yaya)」と名付けられた陽気なターミンジカが2019年11月28日に正式に発表された。同日はこのスリリングなイベントまで1年のカウントダウンが始まる日である。

マスコットのデザインコンセプトは海南とターミンジカの密接なつながりがヒントになった。ターミンジカは「海南島の妖精」と言われる在来動物で、中国では第1種重要保護種(Class I Key Protected Species)である。シカはマンダリンの発音で「LU(幸運)」のように聞こえることから、中国の伝統文化では常に縁起の良いものとされている。少数民族であるリー族の人々の間で広く知られる美しいラブストーリー「The Deer Looking Back(振り返るシカ)」も、三亜が「シカの都市」のニックネームで呼ばれる理由の1つである。この魅力的な物語とターミンジカの両方は、三亜の有名なアイコンである。人懐こく、愛らしくてダイナミックな、3Dで擬人化されたこのターミンジカは人間と自然の間の調和した共存を具現化するもので、それが環境に優しいスポーツ大会を主催するというABG 2020のビジョンを促進するのに理想的なメッセージの伝達役になった。


このマスコットが披露された日には実際に動くマスコットたちがダイナミックなビデオのかたちで紹介され、一般市民はABG 2020で行われる17のスポーツの概要を見ることができた。

ソース:SABGOC Media Center




Sanya launches the Mascot for the Sixth Asian Beach Games 2020 -- Hello, Yaya!


SANYA, China, Nov. 28, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/ --

The mascot for the Sixth Asian Beach Games 2020 ("ABG 2020"), which is a lively

Eld's deer called Yaya, was officially unveiled on November 28, 2019, local time,

a day marking the one-year countdown to the thrilling event, according to

the Sixth Asian Beach Games Organizing Committee (SABGOC) Media Center.

The design concept of the mascot is inspired by the close bond between Hainan

and the Eld's deer, which is an indigenous animal reputed as "Elves of Hainan

Island" and a Class I Key Protected Species in China. Deer, which sounds like

"LU" (good fortune) in Mandarin, has always been an auspicious element in

traditional Chinese culture. A beautiful love story "the deer looking back" is

widely spread among Li ethnic minority people, helping Sanya earn the nickname

as a "deer city". Both the intriguing story and the Eld's deer are well-known

icons of Sanya. The 3D personalized Eld's deer, which is friendly, adorable and

dynamic, embodies the harmonious coexistence between human and nature, thus

becoming the ideal carrier to promote the vision of ABG 2020 in hosting a green game.

The mascot is named "Yaya", a name associated with both Sanya and Asia,

symbolizing the dynamic, interconnected and interdependent relationship among

Sanya, Asia and other parts of the world. The idea of having a running Eld's

deer for the mascot stems from close observation of the deer's living habit,

and the mascot best represents the bravery, pioneering spirit, confidence and

determination of Hainan people in accelerating the development of pilot free

trade zone and free trade port with Chinese characteristics. By integrating the

image of an Eld's deer and modern beachwear, the mascot fully reflects the

appeal of beach sports and Sanya as a fashionable city. Yaya raises its left

thumb up, exhibiting the absolute confidence of the host city in staging a

"trendy, green, fantastic and magnificent" Asian Beach Games, as well as the

great pride of 9 million Hainan people in building a beautiful homeland.

Wearing clothes with Li people's totems, Yaya as an incarnation of cultural

confidence highlights the unique charm of the host city and helps promote local

culture. The heart-shaped pattern on Yaya's nasal tip symbolizes friendly

greetings extended by the host city to friends all over the world, as well as

an open invitation to people across Asian countries and regions in building a

harmonious and prosperous Asia.

On the day when the mascot is unveiled, mascots in motion are on display in the form of

dynamic video, allowing general public to take a quick glimpse of 17 participating sports of

ABG 2020.

Source: SABGOC Media Center

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