
The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province


AsiaNet 81963(2433)



中国南部広東省の省都が2019年11月29日から30日まで第2回広東-香港-マカオ大湾区Cantonese Cuisine Master Skills Competition and Exchanges on Cantonese Cuisine Industry Development(広東料理名人技能コンペティション・広東料理産業発展交流会)の開催地となり、23都市から何百人もの並外れたシェフが広州に集まった。大会、文化交流、プレゼンテーション、体験、パフォーマンスを組み合わせ、同イベントは大湾区の料理文化を寄せ集め、才能育成と文化交流を通して「Cantonese Cuisine Master(広東料理名人)」プログラムを統合した。同時に広州は、政策機関を改善し、広東料理の才能がある人を訓練する方法を取り入れることによって料理に重きを置いた貧困緩和への道を切り開いてきた。

Chaoshan Marinated Goose(潮汕式ガチョウのたれ煮込み)、Roasted Crispy Suckling Pig(子豚のクリスピーロースト)、Portuguese-style Chicken(ポルトガル式チキン)、Flavored Fish Balls(風味付けすり身団子)のような異なる高級専門料理の香りのおかげで、出席者は試食せざるを得なかった。提供された食事は全て広東、香港、マカオ出身の料理人によって準備された。料理人の一部は、広東省主導の「Cantonese Cuisine Master」プロジェクトによって訓練してきた。



「広州の裏庭」である従化区に設立され、市内で行われる第1回Cantonese Cuisine Master Workshop(広東料理名人ワークショップ)は23人のシェフと広州の有名ホテル料理長で成る。彼らは3年で地元のアグリテインメント活動のために食材を選択し、地元の料理人を訓練することを計画している。

大学や企業と協力することにより、広州は何千人もの有能な広東料理専門家や農村部にいる350人以上のCantonese Cuisine Mastersの才能を伸ばし、様々なCantonese Cuisine Master訓練用プラットフォームとワークショップを立ち上げてきた。

広東料理の文化推進に加えて、同市は「Cantonese Cuisine Master」プログラムの実習生により良い就職の準備をさせ、目標とする貧困緩和を前進させる方法を導入してきた。

実際、体系立った訓練セッションを通して初めてプロジェクトは最高の状態で発展できるのだ。10カテゴリーの下で30件の優先事項を実施するという広州の最近の提案は、質の高い「Cantonese Cuisine Master」プログラムの下準備となってきた。

香港を拠点とするChinese Culinary Instituteから参加した講師のリャン・ハオラン氏によると、良い料理人は優れた料理の腕前だけでなく技術の裏にある概念やアイデアに対する理解を要する。さらに「大会では私も私の生徒も他の料理人から学ぶ機会を得られた」と語った。


Trade Union of Macao Catering Industryのクアン・ジフェン事務局長は計10人のマカオの料理人がこの大会に参加したと述べ、さらに才能の育成への取り組みが彼らの腕を磨き、新進の料理人が広東料理の構造と歴史をより深く理解できるようにするだろうと加えた。

大湾区建設の進展が加速化し、広東、香港、マカオはさらに相互につながってきた。つまり「Cantonese Cuisine Master」プログラムを料理文化の輝かしいブランドにすることは、大湾区のケータリング産業発展を前進させる上で必然的だということだ。

ソース:The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province

The Second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cantonese Cuisine Master Skills Competition and Exchanges on Cantonese Cuisine Industry Development Kicked off in Guangzhou


GUANGZHOU, China, Dec. 2, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

Guangzhou's new drive on poverty alleviation: innovative ways to cultivate

talents in Cantonese cuisine.

Hundreds of outstanding chefs from 23 cities gathered in Guangzhou as the

capital of South China's Guangdong Province played host to the second

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cantonese Cuisine Master Skills

Competition and Exchanges on Cantonese Cuisine Industry Development on Nov

29-30, 2019. With a blend of competition, cultural exchange, presentations,

experience and performances, the event brought together culinary cultures of

the Greater Bay Area and consolidated the "Cantonese Cuisine Master" program

through talent cultivation and cultural exchange. At the same time, Guangzhou

has carved out a cuisine-oriented path to poverty alleviation by improving

policy institutions and innovating ways to train talents in Cantonese cuisine.

With the aromas of different boutique dishes, such as Chaoshan Marinated Goose,

Roasted Crispy Suckling Pig, Portuguese-style Chicken, and Flavored Fish Balls,

attendees couldn't help having a taste. All food offered was prepared by cooks

from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, some of whom had been trained under

the Guangdong-initiated "Cantonese Cuisine Master" project.

"Up to 30,200 people have been trained under the project, leading 96,000 people

to secure employment and start their businesses and helping many urban and rural

workers find skilled jobs, lift themselves out of poverty and even make a fortune,"

Yang Hongshan, vice director-general of the Human Resources and Social Security

Department of Guangdong Province, said in his opening speech of the event.

China is now rolling out its basic strategy of targeted poverty alleviation.

Since Guangzhou represents the cradle of Cantonese cuisine and the central city

of the Greater Bay Area and China, Guangzhou will develop a focused area of

Cantonese cuisine talents and deliver better services to alleviate poverty.

Established in Conghua district, the "backyard garden of Guangzhou", the first

Cantonese Cuisine Master Workshop in the city comprises 23 chefs and head cooks

from Guangzhou's reputed hotels. They plan, in three years, to customize food

for local agritainment activities and train local cooks.

By cooperating with universities and enterprises, Guangzhou has launched

various Cantonese Cuisine Master training platforms and workshops, cultivating

thousands of capable professionals in Cantonese cuisine and over 350 Cantonese

Cuisine Masters in the rural area.

On top of promoting the culture of Cantonese cuisine, the city has innovated

ways to better prepare apprentices of the "Cantonese Cuisine Master" program

for employment and advance targeted poverty alleviation.

As a matter of fact, only through the systematic training session can the project develop

in full swing. Guangzhou's recent proposal of carrying out 30 priorities under 10 categories

has laid the groundwork for a quality "Cantonese Cuisine Master" program.

According to Liang Haoran, a participating instructor from the Hong Kong-based

Chinese Culinary Institute, a good cook requires not just excellent culinary

skills but also an understanding of the concepts and ideas behind these skills.

"The competition provided an opportunity for me and my students to learn from

other cooks," he added.

Cities in the Greater Bay Area have been a major part of the event,

with the numbers of participating cities and contestants hitting a record.

With that, a platform designed to enhance cultural exchange and cooperation

within the Greater Bay Area is exerting a clustering effect.

A total of 10 Macao cooks participated in the competition, said Kuang Zifeng,

the executive director of the Trade Union of Macao Catering Industry, adding

that the approach to talent cultivation would sharpen their skills and enable

budding cooks to better understand the structure and history of Cantonese cuisine.

With accelerated progress made in building the Greater Bay Area, Guangdong,

Hong Kong and Macao have been more interconnected. That means building the

"Cantonese Cuisine Master" program into a shining brand of the culinary culture

is inevitable here in advancing the development of the catering industry in the

Greater Bay Area.

Source: The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province




