バリーカレボーが2018/19年度Forever Chocolate Progress Reportを発表

The Barry Callebaut Group

バリーカレボーが2018/19年度Forever Chocolate Progress Reportを発表

AsiaNet 82024 (2461)

【チューリッヒ2019年12月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】







高品質なチョコレートやココア製品で世界をリードするメーカー、バリーカレボー(Barry Callebaut)は6日、2018/19会計年度に同社が使用するカカオの47%と他の原料の54%を持続可能な方法で調達したことを発表した。調達に関するこの成果はバリーカレボーのForever Chocolate Progress Report 2018/19(2018/19年フォーエバーチョコレート・プログレス・リポート)のハイライトである。このリポートは同社が2016年にForever Chocolateプランを立ち上げて以来3回目の経過報告で、持続可能なチョコレート生産を標準にするためのグループの進捗状況を追跡している。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191204/2660718-1

Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190306/2394910-1LOGO



Forever Chocolateは、2025年までの達成を目指す、チョコレートのサプライチェーンの最大の持続可能性課題を是正する以下の4つの野心的な目標に基づいている:

1. 50万人超のカカオ農業従事者が貧困(注1)から脱出

2. サプライチェーンのから児童労働(注2)を根絶

3. カーボン・フォレスト・ポジティブになる

4. 全製品で100%持続可能な原材料を実現



バリーカレボーが調達する全原材料農産物のうち、2018/19年度は51%が持続可能な方法で調達された。グループはカカオ豆の47%(2017/18年度は44%)を持続可能性プログラムを通じて調達した。このパーセンテージにはグループのCocoa Horizonsプログラム、顧客の独自のプログラムおよびUTZ Certified、レインフォレスト・アライアンス(Rainforest Alliance)、フェアトレード(Fairtrade)およびオーガニック(Organic)などの外部認証機関が含まれる。さらに、バリーカレボーは非カカオ原材料農産物の54%(2017/18年度は44%)を持続可能な方法で調達した。これには各原材料の持続可能性認証スキームの利用が含まれる。


50万人超のカカオ農業従事者を2025年までに貧困から脱出させるため、グループはサプライチェーンに含まれるカカオ農家のマッピングを行っている。2018/19年度末の時点で、グループは17万6984の農園と農業従事者の全データをデータベース「Katchile」に入力した。このデータベースは、位置、農園規模、カカオ農園と農業従事者の社会経済および世帯のデータに関する主要なインサイトを提供する。このデータによりバリーカレボーは、Farm Business Plans(農園事業プラン)とFarm Services(農園サービス)によって生産性を向上させる方法について個々の農園のレベルに応じたオーダーメードのアドバイスを提供することができる。

1万6000人を超す農業従事者がFarm Business Plansを導入しており、コートジボワール、ガーナ、カメルーン、ブラジル、インドネシアの4万9909人(303%増)の農業従事者はコーチングや道具、苗木、融資などの提供を含む農園サービスの利用が可能である。HORIZONS(ホライズン)製品の購入によるプレミアムは1500万スイスフラン(40%増)の基金を創出した。これらのプレミアムにより、13万5000人超の農業従事者が生産性向上と収入増に重点を置いたプログラムに参加することができた。これらのプレミアムはまた、児童労働感作プログラムに資金を供給し、2万7448人の農業従事者を訓練した。世界銀行が国際貧困ラインと定める1日1.90ドルに照らし、バリーカレボーは同社サプライチェーン内の18万4623人のカカオ農業従事者が貧困を脱したと見積もっている。


バリーカレボーは、コートジボワールとガーナの1万6710人の農業従事者を含む42の農業従事者グループをカバーする、同社のカカオの直接的サプライチェーン内で児童労働の監視および是正システムを展開した。第三者(UTZ Certifiedなど)が管理する監視および是正システムを導入している農業従事者グループを含めて、2018/19年度にグループが直接調達した農業従事者グループのうち計26%が児童労働を予防し、監視し、是正するシステムを備えており、116%の増加となった。バリーカレボーが第三者サプライヤーから調達したカカオおよび非カカオ原料量の37%は、同様の児童労働監視システムを導入していた。





コートジボワールとガーナで、グループは、直接サプライチェーン内の森林保護区から25キロメートル以内にある合計4万7182カ所のカカオ農園のマッピングを確立した。その上、バリーカレボーはコートジボワールとガーナで180万超の若いカカオの苗木を配布した。さらに同社はコートジボワールとガーナでの再植林のために約75万本の緑陰樹を配布した。コートジボワールでの「Initiative For Sustainable Landscapes(持続可能な景観のためのイニシアチブ、ISLA)」プロジェクト支援を通じ、違法なカカオ栽培を排除し自然林の再生を促すことにより、バリーカレボーは6280ヘクタールの原生林保護を助け3800ヘクタールの森林を復活させた。グループが調達し、森林破壊に関与していないことが証明された原材料の割合は37.6%である。


GRI Standards(GRIスタンダード)のCore Option(中核オプション)に準拠して作成されたバリーカレボーの2018/19年度Forever Chocolateプログレス・リポートとGRI REPORT 2018/19は、PwCによる独立認証を受けている。

2018/19年度Forever Chocolateプログレス・リポートの全概要の閲覧は以下を参照:http://bit.ly/Forever-Chocolate-18-19






▽バリーカレボーグループ(Barry Callebaut Group)について(www.barry-callebaut.com )


バリーカレボーグループは、産業食品メーカーから、ショコラティエ、パティシエ、パン職人、ホテル、レストランやケータリングなどのチョコレート職人や専門業者まで、食品業界全体に貢献している。これらグルメ業界の顧客の個別ニーズに対応する2つのグローバルブランドが、Callebaut(R)および Cacao Barry(R)である。








ソース:The Barry Callebaut Group

Barry Callebaut publishes Forever Chocolate Progress Report 2018/19


ZURICH, Dec. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Barry Callebaut sources more than 50% of its ingredients sustainably

-- 51% sustainably sourced ingredients

-- Over 176,000 cocoa farms mapped on location and socio-economic data

-- 26% of the farmer groups have systems in place to prevent, monitor and remediate child labor

-- Carbon footprint reduced -6.7% despite increased production

-- Over 2.5 million shade trees and cocoa seedlings distributed

Barry Callebaut, the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality chocolate and cocoa products,

announced today that in fiscal year 2018/19 it sourced 47% of the cocoa and 54% of the other

ingredients it uses sustainably. This sourcing achievement is highlighted in Barry Callebaut's

Forever Chocolate Progress Report 2018/19, its third progress report since the launch of its

Forever Chocolate plan in 2016, tracking the Group's progress towards making sustainable

chocolate the norm.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191204/2660718-1

Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190306/2394910-1LOGO

Antoine de Saint-Affrique, CEO of the Barry Callebaut Group, said: "With over

half of our ingredients coming from sustainable sources, we are well on track

to have 100% sustainable chocolate by 2025. This is a great achievement and

it demonstrates that sustainability is at the heart of our business strategy."

Pablo Perversi, Chief Innovation, Sustainability and Quality Officer, Global Head of Gourmet,

of Barry Callebaut: "In the past fiscal year, we focused on big innovative projects that

we know will create the tipping point for a sustainable chocolate supply chain.

Our progress report shows that this focus is working, creating tangible impact on the ground

for cocoa farmers, cocoa farming communities and all the other players in our supply chain."

Forever Chocolate is based on four ambitious targets, to be achieved by 2025,

that address the largest sustainability challenges in the chocolate supply chain:

1. More than 500,000 cocoa farmers will have been lifted out of poverty[1]  

2. Eradicate child labor[2] from the supply chain

3. Become carbon and forest positive

4. Have 100% sustainable ingredients in all products

Milestones achieved in 2018/19

100% sustainable chocolate by 2025

Of all the agricultural raw materials Barry Callebaut sourced, 51% were sustainably sourced in

2018/19. The Group sourced 47% (2017/18: 44%) of its cocoa beans through sustainability

programs. This percentage includes the Group's Cocoa Horizons program as well as its

customers' own programs and external certification organizations such as UTZ Certified,

Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade and Organic. Furthermore, Barry Callebaut sourced 54%

(2017/18: 44%) of its non-cocoa agricultural raw materials sustainably. This includes the use of

sustainability certification schemes for the respective ingredients.

More than 500,000 cocoa farmers have been lifted out of poverty by 2025

In order to have more than 500,000 cocoa farmers lifted out of poverty by 2025,

the Group is mapping the cocoa farms in its supply chain. As of end 2018/19,

the Group had full data on 176,984 farms and their farmers entered into its

Katchile database. This database provides key insights into the location, farm size,

socio-economic and household data of cocoa farms and their farmers. This data allows

Barry Callebaut to offer tailor-made advice at individual farm level on how to improve

productivity via Farm Business Plans and Farm Services.

Over 16,000 farmers have adopted Farm Business Plans and 49,909 (+303%) farmers

in Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, Brazil and Indonesia have access to farm services,

including coaching as well as other inputs such as tools, seedlings and finance.

The premiums from the purchase of HORIZONS products generated CHF 15 million in

funds (+40%). These premiums allowed more than 135,000 farmers to take part in

programs focusing on improving their productivity and income. These premiums also

financed child labor sensitization programs, training 27,448 farmers. Measured against

the World Bank's threshold of USD 1.90/day, Barry Callebaut estimates that 184,623 cocoa

farmers in its supply chain have been lifted out of poverty.

Eradicate child labor[3] in the Barry Callebaut supply chain by 2025

Barry Callebaut rolled out child labor monitoring and remediation systems in its direct

cocoa supply chain that now cover 42 farmer groups, including 16,710 farmers,

in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana. Including the farmer groups that have monitoring and

remediation systems in place administered by third parties (i.e. UTZ Certified),

in total 26% of the farmer groups the Group directly sourced from in 2018/19 had

systems in place to prevent, monitor and remediate child labor, an increase of +116%.

37% of the cocoa and non-cocoa volume Barry Callebaut sourced from third-party

suppliers had equivalent child labor monitoring systems in place.

Barry Callebaut identified in the fiscal year under review 3,867 cases of child labor (-9%)

in its cocoa supply chain. All cases involved children helping on the family farm that fell

under the International Labour Organization's (ILO) definition of the worst forms of child labor.

For all identified cases remediation is being prepared and for 2,333 of the reported cases

remediation[4] has been activated.

Become carbon and forest positive by 2025

In pursuit of its target to store more carbon emissions than it produces by 2025,

Barry Callebaut reduced in 2018/19 its corporate CO2 equivalent (CO2e) footprint

from 9.10 million tonnes to 8.49 million tonnes in fiscal year 2018/19 (-6.7%),

whilst achieving +5.1% volume growth.

The main drivers of this achievement were reduced CO2e emissions from land use change,

reduced CO2e intensity in factories and reduced CO2e intensity in dairy products.

The CO2e intensity per tonne of product also decreased from 4.45 to 3.92, and additional

contributions from scope 3 insetting projects lowered this even further to 3.88 (-13%).

Of the Group's factories, 17 out of 62 are now running on 100% renewable energy.

In Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana, the Group has mapped cocoa farms within 25 km from protected

forest areas in its direct supply chain, in total 47,182. In addition, Barry Callebaut distributed

over 1.8 million young cocoa seedlings in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana. Furthermore, the Company

distributed almost 750,000 shade trees for replanting in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana. Through its

support for the "Initiative For Sustainable Landscapes" (ISLA) project in Cote d'Ivoire,

Barry Callebaut helped to protect 6,280 hectares of primary forest and restored 3,800 hectares

of forest by removing illegal cocoa operations and allowing natural forest regeneration.

The percentage of raw materials sourced by the Group demonstrated not to be contributing

to deforestation is 37.6%

Third party assurance

Barry Callebaut's Forever Chocolate progress report 2018/19 and the GRI REPORT 2018/19,

prepared in accordance with the GRI standards, Core option, were subject to independent

assurance by PwC.

For a full overview of the 2018/19 Forever Chocolate progress results,

please visit: http://bit.ly/Forever-Chocolate-18-19

[1] Number of cocoa farmers lifted out of poverty measured against the World Bank's

USD 1.90/day threshold for extreme poverty.

[2] According to the International Labour Organization, not all work done

by children should be classified as child labor that is to be targeted for elimination.

The term 'child labor' is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood,

their potential and their dignity, interferes with their schooling and is harmful to

their physical and mental development. Activities such as carrying heavy loads or

using chemicals are considered as 'unacceptable forms of child labor' because they are

physically dangerous for children.

[3] According to the International Labour Organization, not all work done by

children should be classified as child labor that is to be targeted for elimination.

The term 'child labor' is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood,

their potential and their dignity, interferes with their schooling and is harmful to their

physical and mental development. Activities such as carrying heavy loads or using

chemicals are considered as 'unacceptable forms of child labor' because they are physically

dangerous for children.



Please refer to page 33 for an overview of remediation activities including i)

individual remediation targeting the child ii) household remediation targeting

the family of the identified child and iii) community level remediation.

About Barry Callebaut Group (www.barry-callebaut.com):

With annual sales of about CHF 7.3 billion (EUR 6.5 billion / USD 7.4 billion)

in fiscal year 2018/19, the Zurich-based Barry Callebaut Group is the world's

leading manufacturer of high-quality chocolate and cocoa products -- from

sourcing and processing cocoa beans to producing the finest chocolates,

including chocolate fillings, decorations and compounds. The Group runs about

62 production facilities worldwide and employs a diverse and dedicated global

workforce of more than 12,000 people.

The Barry Callebaut Group serves the entire food industry, from industrial food

manufacturers to artisanal and professional users of chocolate, such as chocolatiers,

pastry chefs, bakers, hotels, restaurants or caterers. The two global brands catering

to the specific needs of these Gourmet customers are Callebaut(R) and Cacao Barry(R).

The Barry Callebaut Group is committed to make sustainable chocolate the norm by 2025

to help ensure future supplies of cocoa and improve farmer livelihoods. It supports

the Cocoa Horizons Foundation in its goal to shape a sustainable cocoa and chocolate future.

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SOURCE  The Barry Callebaut Group




