
科技日報(Science and Technology Daily)


AsiaNet 82043(2471)

【北京2019年12月5日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】2019年は、中華人民共和国の建国70周年である。科技日報(Science and Technology Daily)は、この機会をとらえ科学分野の国際的なリーダーのグループにインタビューして、中国のこの分野における発展の歴史と彼らのパーソナルストーリーを再検討した。彼らはまた、将来の中国との協力に強い期待を表明した。





ブラッドフォード大学Polymer Interdisciplinary Research Center(高分子学際研究センター)のディレクターで、Royal Academy of Engineering(王立工学アカデミー)教授のフィル・コーツ氏は科技日報記者とのインタビューで次のような見解を共有した。「現在、中国政府の科学研究を支援する取り組みはすべての人にとって明らかである」。

安徽大学(Anhui University)のイラン人数学者アリ・モハマド氏はコーツ教授に賛同して「北京から地方の自治体当局に至るまで中国の諸政府は、科学技術開発、中でも特に基礎科学分野の研究を重視し、強力に支援している。米国の数学者を含め世界中のさまざまな数学者と話をする際、彼らは皆『今研究したいのであれば、中国へ行きなさい』と言う」と述べた。



在中国EU(欧州連合)代表部の科学技術部門責任者であるビアラット・フィリップ氏は「中国は技術革新において前例のないスピードで発展している」とコメントした。同氏は、将来「Horizon Europe」の枠組みの下でS&Tイノベーション(科学技術革新)における中国と欧州の協力がさらに進むことを期待している。

Fondation Merieux(メリュー財団)プレジデントのアラン・メリュー氏は「中国とフランスはこれまで製薬業界における極めてオープンで優れたパートナーであった。政治的な理由で科学技術交流を妨げるのは間違いである。フランスは常に中国との交流で重要な役割を果たすだろう(西側コミュニティーの中で)。両国は、民生用核エネルギー、生物学などを含む多くの重要な分野で相互利益となる協力を引き続き構築していく」と述べた。

Uryadovy Kuryer紙の記者スタニスラフ・プロコプチュク氏は「科学技術分野におけるウズベキスタンと中国の相互利益協力は世界全体への利益となっている」と語った。同氏はまた「ウクライナと中国は、基礎科学と応用技術の分野で大きな協力の可能性を有している。将来、研究・イノベーションセンターを構築するための共同の取り組みを大きな期待をもって見ている」と付け加えた。

Sputnik News Agency and Radio(スプートニク通信・ラジオ)の科学教育プロジェクトグループ責任者のアレクサンダー・ティトコフ氏は、両国の高等教育機関相互間の共同プロジェクトの数が増えることで、「より多くの共通の関心と相互利益が生み出される」とコメントした。著名なイスラエルの医療専門家で、「China Friendship Award(中国友好賞)」受賞者のモリス・トパーズ氏は「医療分野はその多様性においてユニークであり、中国とイスラエルのカウンターパート間の協力にとって大きな可能性を有している」と述べた。

ソース:Science and Technology Daily

A Future to Expect: International S&T Community Expresses High Hope in Cooperation with Peers in China


BEIJING, Dec. 5, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People Republic of China.

Science and Technology Daily took the chance to interview a group of international leaders

in the scientific arena and reviewed China's development history in the area and their

personal stories. They also expressed high expectations for future cooperation with China.

Scientific and technological development is driving China's growth momentum

Kazuki Okimura, the principal fellow of JST, spoke highly of the significant

improvements of China in his bylined article: "China has built a highly developed

transportation network of high-speed railways and highways, whose mileages are

ten times than that of Japan today. New airports and ports are springing up everywhere,

equipped with the most innovative and smart technologies. China's communications

networks and grid system is also among the world's top tier. China is becoming

a largest yet most efficient economy in the world's history."

Wang Lin, analyst of Clarivate in Asia-Pacific, sorted out the progress of

China's basic scientific research from the perspective of global literature data.

"Since the 1980s, China has made remarkable achievements in a large number of

disciplines. China ranks first in the world in papers in materials science, second in

agricultural sciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environment and

ecology, geosciences, mathematics, and physics. In 2006, China overtook the UK

for the first time in the output of scientific papers, ranking second in the world,

just behind the U.S."

However, China's contribution to the global community through scientific papers is only

a tip of the iceberg. How does the global science community see China's development

and the source of such momentum?

Phil Coates, director of the Polymer Interdisciplinary Research Center at

the University of Bradford and professor of the Royal Academy of Engineering,

shared his viewpoint in an interview with Science and Technology Daily reporter:

that currently, the efforts of supporting scientific research from the Chinese

government are there for all to see.

"Chinese governments, from Beijing to local authorities, all attach great

importance to and strongly support scientific and technological development,

especially basic discipline research," said Ali Mohammad, an Iranian mathematician

at Anhui University who agreed with Professor Coates. "When I talk to different

mathematicians around the world, including American mathematicians, they are saying,

'If you wish to do research now, go to China.'"

"Highly anticipated" -- the common word academia comment on the future

cooperation with China (second subtitle)

Sir Paul Nath, distinguished British biologist, Nobel Prize laureate, and a foreign academician

of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told the reporter that science is the common language

for the whole human being; international S&T cooperation is not only important to science

and technology development but also an essential way to promote friendship between countries.

Vialatte Philippe, the head of the science and technology section of the EU Delegation to China,

commented, "China is developing at an unprecedented speed in technology innovation."

He expects to see more China-Europe cooperation in S&T innovation under the "Horizon Europe"

framework in the future.

"China and France have been highly open and excellent partners in the pharmaceutical industry,"

said Alain Mérieux, President of Fondation Merieux. "It is simply wrong for countries to block

scientific and technological exchanges for political reasons. France will always play a major role

in exchanging with China (in the western community). The two countries will continue to forge

win-win cooperation in many key areas, including civil nuclear energy, biology, etc."

"The win-win cooperation between Uzbekistan and China in science and technology

is benefiting the whole world," said Stanislav Prokopchuk, the reporter from

the Uryadovy Kuryer. He added, "Ukraine and China have profound cooperation

potentials in basic science and applied technology; we are looking with great expectation

for a combined effort in building research and innovation center in the future."

Aleksandar Titkov, Head of Science and Education Projects Group at Sputnik News Agency

and Radio, commented that the increasing number of jointed projects between higher

educational institutions in the two countries would "create more common interests and

mutual benefits." Moris Topaz, the renowned Israeli medical expert and recipient of

the "China Friendship Award," said, "The medical field is unique in its diversity,

which has the great potential for cooperation between Chinese and Israeli counterparts."

source: Science and Technology Daily




