
ナショナルジオグラフィック協会(National Geographic Society)


AsiaNet 82058 (2475)

【ワシントン2019年12月9日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



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権威ある科学誌ネイチャーに発表された研究(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2663259-2&h=546871234&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nature.com%2Farticles%2Fs41586-019-1822-y&a=published )は、世界の給水塔が、気候変動、人口増加、水資源の不適切な管理、およびその他の地政学的要因の脅威によって、多くのケースで極めて重大な危険にさらされている証拠を提供している。さらに執筆者らは、生態系と下流の人々の両方を守るため、山に限定した国際的な保全と気候変動への適応政策、戦略を策定することが不可欠だと結論付けている。




- アジア:インダス、タリム、アムダリヤ、シルダリヤ、ガンジス・ブラマプトラ

- 欧州:ローヌ、ポー、ライン、黒海北岸、カスピ海沿岸

- 北米:フレーザー、コロンビアおよび米国北西部、太平洋および北極海岸、サスカチュワン・ネルソン、北米・コロラド

- 南米:チリ南部、アルゼンチン南部、ネグロ、プーナ地域、チリ北部





詳細については、natgeo.com/PerpetualPlanet  を参照。

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1041075/National_Geographic_Society_Khumbu_Glacier.jpg

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1041076/National_Geographic_Society_Rolex_Logo.jpg

ソース:National Geographic Society


Fae Jencks

National Geographic Society



Tom de Kievith

Utrecht University


Scientists Rank World's Most Important, Most Threatened Mountain Water Towers


WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Research provides new insight on mountain glacier–derived water resource systems,

impacting up to 1.9 billion people globally

Scientists from around the world have assessed the planet's 78 mountain glacier–based

water systems and, for the first time, ranked them in order of their importance to adjacent

lowland communities, and evaluated their vulnerability to future environmental and

socioeconomic changes. These systems, known as mountain water towers, store and

transport water via glaciers, snow packs, lakes and streams, thereby supplying invaluable

water resources to 1.9 billion people globally—roughly a quarter of the world's population.

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The research, published (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2663259-2&h=546871234&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nature.com%2Farticles%2Fs41586-019-1822-y&a=published )

in the prestigious scientific journal Nature, provides evidence that global water

towers are at risk, in many cases critically, due to the threats of climate change,

growing populations, mismanagement of water resources, and other geopolitical factors.

Further, the authors conclude that it is essential to develop international, mountain-specific

conservation and climate change adaptation policies and strategies to safeguard both

ecosystems and people downstream.

Globally, the most relied-upon mountain system is the Indus water tower in Asia,

according to their research. The Indus water tower—made up of vast areas of

the Himalayan mountain range and covering portions of Afghanistan, China, India

and Pakistan—is also one of the most vulnerable. High-ranking water tower systems

on other continents are the southern Andes, the Rocky Mountains and the European Alps.

To determine the importance of these 78 water towers, researchers analyzed the various

factors that determine how reliant downstream communities are upon the supplies of water

from these systems. They also assessed the vulnerability of water resources, as well as

the people and ecosystems that depend on them, based on predictions of future climate

and socioeconomic changes.

Of the 78 global water towers identified, the following are the five most

relied-upon systems by continent:

    - Asia: Indus, Tarim, Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Ganges-Brahmaputra

    - Europe: Rhône, Po, Rhine, Black Sea North Coast, Caspian Sea Coast

    - North America: Fraser, Columbia and Northwest United States, Pacific and

      Arctic Coast, Saskatchewan-Nelson, North America-Colorado

    - South America: South Chile, South Argentina, Negro, La Puna region, North Chile

The study, which was authored by 32 scientists from around the world, was led by

Prof. Walter Immerzeel and Dr. Arthur Lutz of Utrecht University, longtime researchers

of water and climate change in high mountain Asia.

"What is unique about our study is that we have assessed the water towers' importance,

not only by looking at how much water they store and provide, but also how much mountain

water is needed downstream and how vulnerable these systems and communities are to

a number of likely changes in the next few decades," said Immerzeel. Lutz added,

"By assessing all glacial water towers on Earth, we identified the key basins that should be

on top of regional and global political agendas."

This research was supported by National Geographic and Rolex as part of their

Perpetual Planet partnership, which aims to shine a light on the challenges facing

the Earth's critical life-support systems, support science and exploration of these systems,

and empower leaders around the world to develop solutions to protect the planet.

"Mountains are iconic and sacred places around the world, but the critical role

they play in sustaining life on Earth is not well understood," said Jonathan Baillie,

executive vice president and chief scientist at the National Geographic Society.

"This research will help decision-makers, on global and local levels, prioritize

where action should be taken to protect mountain systems, the resources they provide,

and the people who depend on them."

To learn more, visit natgeo.com/PerpetualPlanet.

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SOURCE: National Geographic Society

CONTACT: Fae Jencks, National Geographic Society, fjencks@ngs.org,

202-807-3921; Tom de Kievith, Utrecht University, t.dekievith@uu.nl




