AsiaNet 82082(2486)
【ミュンヘン2019年12月10日PRNewswire=共同通信JBN】Topseat International, Inc.(「Topseat」)は10日、ドイツのDIY販売店(ホームセンター)Hornbach Baumarkt AG(「Hornbach」)に対する特定のタイプの便座をめぐる特許侵害訴訟で勝訴したと発表した。
Topseatは積層複合材料の便器のふたと便座に関する特許EP3205497など同社の便座のさまざまな知的財産権を所有している。Hornbachはこの発明を利用した便座を売り出していた。このため、Topseatはドイツの弁理士・弁護士事務所BARDEHLE PAGENBERG(ミュンヘン)を代理人として、Hornbachをドイツでの特許侵害で提訴した。マンハイム地方裁判所は2019年6月21日、訴訟7 O 122/18でHornbachによるTopseatの特許EP3205497の侵害を認定し、損害賠償と恒久的差し止め命令を含むTopseatの要求の全てを認めた。Hornbachはこの決定を不服としていったんは控訴したが、2019年11月に控訴を取り下げた。Hornbachの控訴取り下げにより、マンハイム地方裁判所の判決は確定した。これにより、Hornbachは問題の便座の提供、販売、利用を禁じられている。
ソース: Topseat International
Topseat Wins Patent Infringement Lawsuit Vs a Major European DIY Retailer
MUNICH, Dec. 10, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Topseat International, Inc. ("Topseat") today announced that it has prevailed
in a patent infringement proceeding concerning certain types of toilet seats
against German DIY retailer, Hornbach Baumarkt AG ("Hornbach").
Topseat owns various intellectual property rights in its toilet seats, including
Topseat's patent EP3205497 protecting a laminar composite toilet lid and seat.
Hornbach had offered toilet seats making use of this invention. Therefore,
Topseat, represented by the German firm of patent attorneys and attorneys at law,
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG in Munich, sued Hornbach for patent infringement in Germany.
On June 21, 2019, the Mannheim District Court (case 7 O 122/18) confirmed infringement
of Topseat's patent EP3205497 by Hornbach, and granted all the claims Topseat had raised,
including damages and permanent injunctions. Hornbach initially appealed this decision,
but withdrew the appeal in November 2019. With the withdrawal of Hornbach's appeal,
the judgment of the Mannheim District Court has become final. Consequently, Hornbach is
prohibited from offering, marketing and/or using the challenged toilet seats.
"The German court decision is a victory in our patent litigation directed at holding infringers
accountable for using our valuable intellectual property rights without paying us," says
David Wu, Managing Director of Topseat. "We seek to enforce our patent rights rigorously
in EU countries where our innovations have been the key to our market success."
It is thus expected that the court decision confirming infringement might have some influence
on the market in the EU.
About Topseat
Topseat is the world leader in toilet seats design, production and perfection, recognized
internationally for its top quality and innovation. With over 200,000 sq. feet of manufacturing,
warehousing, research and development, and office space across the globe, Topseat produces
multimillion toilet seats annually, serving both Professional and DIY markets in Germany,
France, UK, Italy, South Africa, the USA and beyond.
SOURCE Topseat International