AsiaNet 82370
リヤド(サウジアラビア)、2020年1月2日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
このデータは、サウジアラビアが国際観光を解禁して以来の来訪市場のトップを紹介するサウジアラビア観光と国家遺産委員会(SCTH:Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage)の発表と一致しています。9月の観光ビザ発行開始以来、中国、英国、マレーシア、米国、カナダからの観光客がサウジアラビアへの新規入国者リストのトップに立ちました。
サウジの史跡は、同国にとって重要な観光の目玉となっているようです。ユーガブの調査では、5人に1人(22%)以上が歴史に残る古都、ユネスコ世界遺産(UNESCO World Heritage Site)のジェッダ(Jeddah)をぜひ訪ねてみたいと考えています。これまで旅行者にあまり知られていなかったもう一つの世界遺産が中国のミレニアル世代の間で人気上昇中です。アル・ウラー(Al Ula)は今や35歳以下の中国人観光客の3分の1の間でアラブの目的地のトップとなっています。
アラブ連盟(Arab League)観光大臣会議
サウジアラビアが同国にとっての歴史的な年の終わりにアラブ連盟観光大臣会議の議長国となったのを機に、調査結果は発表されました。今月初め、アラブ諸国の観光大臣が第22回アラブ観光大臣会議年次会議(Annual Arab Tourism Ministers Meeting)に集いました。会議では、地域全体の観光サービスの機会、および地域社会と環境に利益をもたらすセクターの持続可能な成長に向けた統一的戦略について議論しました。
・サウジ観光ピクチャーバンク(https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v6q9wd0nrc8nycv/AABF-XCEGIJaiMlf6A1SO3Bea?dl=0 )クレジット:Visit Saudi 2019。2020年9月まで編集目的で自由にご使用できます。
・サウジ観光Bロール映像:(https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nmfdr5cyhestapc/AACyVxe5CiTv7a-yk3oDjuJCa?dl=0 )クレジット:Visit Saudi 2019。2020年9月まで編集目的で自由にご使用できます。
・サウジアラビア主要アトラクションのファクトシート(https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hz5rdoqz4m589qq/AAD8FcTW0SgacypcI43TBRZva?dl=0 )
・サウジ観光情報パック(https://www.dropbox.com/home/SAUDITGROUP/Visit Saudi Press Pack/Information Pack )
重みなし合計/サウジアラビアを観光する可能性が高い[1]/中東の目的地でサウジアラビアのジェッダ観光の可能性が最も高い [2]/休暇で多目的地を観光する可能性が最も高い(いつも、時々、休暇はいつも)
重みなし合計 18-34歳 35-54 歳 55歳以上
ドイツ :2112 19% 11% 4%
中国 :1038 36% 26% 7%
スペイン:1053 15% 10% 7%
フランス:1011 14% 8% 1%
英国 :2106 4% 3% 1%
イタリア:1003 3% 5% 3%
米国 :1198 8% 4% 2%
中国 22%
英国 13%
マレーシア 15%
ユーガブは、ヨーロッパ、米国、中東、北アフリカ、アジアに事務所を置く世界有数のマーケットリサーチ会社です。世界のオンラインアンケート会員、シンジケート商品、あらゆる分野のカスタム調査ソリューションを生かし、当社は企業により正確でアクショナブルな世界の実像を提供します。ユーガブの詳細はhttp://research.mena.yougov.com/en/ から。
[1] 5年前と比較
[2] 最も訪ねたい中東の目的地
Saudi Arabia Tourism Takes Off With China, UK, Malaysia, United States and Canada Topping the List of New Arrivals
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, January 2, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/
- New YouGov data shows one in five tourists are now more interested in
visiting Saudi Arabia for a vacation
- According to the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, China,
UK, Malaysia, United States and Canada top the list of new arrivals since the
launch of its first tourism visa
New YouGov research has identified a rise in tourism interest in Saudi
Arabia from around the world, with one in five tourists more likely to visit
Saudi Arabia for a vacation now than five years ago.
The YouGov research surveyed 9,521 people across the USA, China and five
key markets in Europe, revealed a growing interest in visiting Saudi Arabia.
The data coincides with the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National
Heritage (SCTH) revealing its top inbound source markets since Saudi Arabia's
opened its doors to international tourism. Since the launch of the new tourism
visa in September, visitors from China, UK, Malaysia, United States and Canada
have topped the list of new arrivals welcomed into Saudi Arabia.
Saudi's historic sites appear to be an important attraction for tourists
to the Kingdom. Amongst those surveyed by YouGov, over one in five (22%) are
keen to visit Jeddah's historic old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Meanwhile, another UNESCO site, previously only known to a few travellers, is
gaining a following amongst Chinese millennials. Al Ula now tops the list of
destinations in the Arab world of a third of Chinese tourists under the age of 35.
Italians top the list with 35% surveyed saying they would be more likely
to visit Saudi Arabia following the new visa launch. British tourists were 15%
more likely just ahead of Americans at 14%.
The research also points to new opportunities for multi destination
tourism growth. Of all respondents 73% reported a preference to visit several
destinations rather than stay in one location.
Arab League Tourism Ministers Meeting
The research is released as Saudi Arabia takes on the presidency of the
Arab League Tourism Ministers Meeting at the end of a historic year for the
Kingdom. Tourism Ministers from across the Arab world met earlier this month
for the 22nd Annual Arab Tourism Ministers Meeting. During the meeting they
discussed opportunities for regional-wide tourism offerings and unified strategies for
sustainable growth of the sector to benefit local communities and the environment.
His Excellency Ahmad bin Aqil Al Khatib Chairman of the Board of Directors
of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH) said:
"This year marked the historic moment of Saudi Arabia opening its doors to
the world. We are welcoming more visitors and investors than ever before.
To those thinking of visiting Saudi Arabia in 2020, you won't find a warmer
welcome anywhere in the world."
Notes to Editors
Supporting content: images and b roll available
The links below provide access to:
- Saudi Tourism picture bank
(https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v6q9wd0nrc8nycv/AABF-XCEGIJaiMlf6A1SO3Bea?dl=0 )
CREDIT: Visit Saudi 2019. Free to use for editorial purposes until September 2020
- Saudi Tourism B-roll footage
(https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nmfdr5cyhestapc/AACyVxe5CiTv7a-yk3oDjuJCa?dl=0 )
CREDIT: Visit Saudi 2019. Free to use for editorial purposes until September 2020
- Factsheets on some of the major attractions in Saudi Arabia
(https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hz5rdoqz4m589qq/AAD8FcTW0SgacypcI43TBRZva?dl=0 )
- Saudi Tourism information pack
(https://www.dropbox.com/home/SAUDITGROUP/Visit Saudi Press Pack/Information Pack)
Most likely
Of ME to visit
destinations, multiple
most likely destinations
More to visit during vacation
likely Jeddah, (always,
Total to visit Saudi sometimes, all
unweighted Saudi[1] Arabia[2] vacations)
ITALY 1003 35% 17% 87%
SPAIN 1053 23% 19% 88%
CHINA 1038 22% 10% 80%
GERMANY 2112 19% 15% 62%
FRANCE 1011 19% 11% 81%
UK 2106 15% 18% 70%
USA 1198 14% 28% 69%
DETAIL: Al Ula (UNESCO heritage site opening 2020)
unweighted 18-34 35-54 55+
GERMANY 2112 19% 11% 4%
CHINA 1038 36% 26% 7%
SPAIN 1053 15% 10% 7%
FRANCE 1011 14% 8% 1%
UK 2106 4% 3% 1%
ITALY 1003 3% 5% 3%
USA 1198 8% 4% 2%
INBOUND Tourism 27 Sept to 21 December 2019 (Source: SCTH)
China 22%
United Kingdom 13%
Malaysia 15%
United States 8%
Canada 4%
YouGov is one of the world's leading market research companies, with
offices throughout Europe, the US, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. With
our global online panel, suite of syndicated products, and full spectrum of
custom research solutions, we offer businesses a more accurate, more actionable
portrait of what the world thinks.
More about YouGov » (http://research.mena.yougov.com/en/ )
[1] Compared to five years ago
[2] ME destination you would most like to visit
Source: SCTH/ Visit Saudi
Photo link - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1059882/Maiden_Saleh.jpg
Photo caption: Saudi Arabia’s ancient UNESCO heritage site Madain Saleh
will open to tourists for the first time in 2020