
Passport Index


AsiaNet 82341(0013)

【モントリオール2019年12月28日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】この10年間、われわれは多くの新しいトレンドの興隆と過去の偉業の不運な凋落を目撃してきた。しかし、ことグローバルモビリティー(世界における移動性)の世界に関しては、2010年代は、まさに永続的な影響を残した。

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1059802/Passport_Index_The_Greatest_Passports_of_the_Decade___The_Rise_o.jpg

大手のグローバルモビリティー情報プラットフォームであるPassport Index(パスポート・インデックス)(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=986686726&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passportindex.org%2F&a=Passport+Index )が発表した2019年リポートによると、この10年で最強のパスポートは欧州や北米といった一般的に予想される国のではなく、ほとんど予想されていなかった国のパスポートがチャートのトップに、静かに移動していた。

2019 Passport Index Report(2019年パスポート・インデックス・リポート)(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=2380163384&u=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscover.passportindex.org%2Fpress-releases%2Fgreatest-passports-of-the-decade%2F&a=2019+Passport+Index+Report )は、最も急速に成長するパスポートとしてのランクで島しょ国家が徐々に上昇し、アフリカ諸国は最低ランクを迅速に脱し、欧州連合(EU)諸国の多くは安定的に上位にとどまっている、という傾向を明らかにした。



2019 Passport Index ReportはそのWorld Openness Score(世界開放度得点)(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=3329775438&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passportindex.org%2FbyHistoric.php&a=World+Openness+Score )に言及し、実のところ、現在の世界の54%が解放されているという認識を共有している。

Arton Capitalのアーマンド・アートン社長は「前年比4%の平均増加率で、2035年までに全世界が旅行に解放されると仮定できるのは素晴らしいことだ」と述べた。


EUの何カ国かが順位を入れ替えながら、最も強力なパスポートとして過去10年の間トップ5に入っていたことは驚きではない。しかし10年前に最高ランクを支配していた一部の国において、現在の勝利者は大きく異なっている。最高ランクから姿を消した注目に値する国は米国である。「Make America Great Again」というトランプ大統領の公約にもかかわらず、米国はほとんど関心を払われず、前進もなかった。



2019 Passport Index Report(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=2380163384&u=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscover.passportindex.org%2Fpress-releases%2Fgreatest-passports-of-the-decade%2F&a=2019+Passport+Index+Report )は、障壁としての国境を打破し、それを成長への入口に活用した島しょ国や旧ソ連圏諸国などが、この10年を通して軽視されていたことを明らかにした。

バヌアツからモルディブ、ウクライナから台湾まで、この胸躍るリストは弱者たちの刺激的な興隆を明らかにしている。ほとんどのパスポートは2010年当時と比べてパスポート・パワーが100%以上も強力になっている。2010年から2019年の間に161%という際立ったパスポート・パワーの上昇を示してスポットライトをさらったのは、この10年のユニコーン(Unicorn of the Decade)である。


この10年で世界最強のパスポート(Greatest Passport of the Decade)(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=1155273487&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passportindex.org%2FbyRank.php&a=Greatest+Passport+of+the+Decade )はアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)で、そのビザ免除の対象の合計は111を超え、そのほとんどはこの3年間に達成された!このリードを1年前に勝ちとり、それを現在まで維持しているUAEの迅速な興隆は、国家目標の実現が成功した最も華々しい例となった。


すべての国のパスポートが上位になるのが理想的な方向ではあるが、次の2カ国は他のどの国よりも上位を目指して取り組んだ。2019 Passport Index Reportは、10年前に最低ランクだった2カ国であるアンゴラと中国が、今では上位に向かって大きく飛躍したと明らかにした。







毎年、順位を僅かに変動させながら、低ランクの国はリストのボトムにいるままであることが2019 Passport Index Reportで明らかになった。こうした国は、自国民に世界の20%未満への渡航しか提供していない。




Fastest-Growing Passports of 2019(2019年で最も急速に強力になったパスポート)(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=3109386703&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passportindex.org%2FbyChanges.php&a=The+Fastest-Growing+Passports+of+2019 )はサウジアラビアで、トップになったパスポートは後に続く国々を鼓舞することを示唆している。



▽Passport Index(パスポート・インデックス)について

Arton Capital(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=2680897690&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.artoncapital.com%2F&a=Arton+Capital )が支援するPassport Indexは世界で最も人気のあるグローバルモビリティー情報プラットフォームへと成長し、そのモビリティー得点に基づいてインタラクティブな旅行要件、比較機能、ランキングを提供し、パスポートの向上を図る。


Mr. Hrant Boghossian


T +1 514 935 6665

ソース:Passport Index

The Greatest Passports of the Decade - The Rise of the freedom seekers


MONTREAL, Dec. 28, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

This past decade, we have witnessed the rise of many new trends and the unfortunate

fall of past triumphs. But when it comes to the world of global mobility -- the 2010s truly

left a lasting mark.

Photo -


According to a 2019 Report published by the Passport Index (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=986686726&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passportindex.org%2F&a=Passport+Index ),

the leading global mobility intelligence platform, the greatest passports of the decade are not

the usual suspects within Europe, or North America, but the least expected that quietly migrated

to the top of the charts.

The 2019 Passport Index Report (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=2380163384&u=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscover.passportindex.org%2Fpress-releases%2Fgreatest-passports-of-the-decade%2F&a=2019+Passport+Index+Report )

identified a common trend in island nations surfing slowly higher in the ranks as

the fastest-growing passports, African nations swiftly escaping the lowest-ranking bottom,

and many countries within the European Union remaining stagnant and comfortable at the top.

The world is opening up

Contrary to popular perception, in an era of building walls and closing borders,

the world has considerably opened up in the past decade.

The 2019 Passport Index Report refers to its World Openness Score (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=3329775438&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passportindex.org%2FbyHistoric.php&a=World+Openness+Score ), sharing that the world is in fact currently 54% open.

"At an average increase of 4% year-over-year, it would be incredible to assume that by 2035

the entire world be open for travel," shared Armand Arton, President of Arton Capital.

Comfortable at the top

It comes as no surprise that several European nations have been shuffling amongst

the Top 5 most powerful passports over the past decade. But although some dominated

the top of the highest-ranking a decade ago, the triumphants today are vastly different.

One notable absence is the USA which has received little to no progress or attention,

despite President Trump's promise to "Make America Great Again".

The rise of the underdogs

Many countries have realized the importance of the power of their passport.

The 2019 Passport Index Report (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=2380163384&u=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscover.passportindex.org%2Fpress-releases%2Fgreatest-passports-of-the-decade%2F&a=2019+Passport+Index+Report )

reveals that throughout this decade, it was the understated, such as island nations and

former Soviet republics, that became a testament to the power of breaking down borders

as barriers and using them as gateways to growth.

From Vanuatu to Moldova, Ukraine to Taiwan, this exciting list reveals the inspiring rise of

the underdogs; with most passports jumping above 100% of their original passport power

from back in 2010. And stealing the spotlight in 1st place with an outstanding 161% increase

in its passport power between 2010 and 2019, is the Unicorn of the Decade.

The Unicorn

At the top of the rank as the world's Greatest Passport of the Decade

(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=1155273487&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passportindex.org%2FbyRank.php&a=Greatest+Passport+of+the+Decade ) is the United Arab Emirates, gaining a total of +111 visa waivers,

most of which have taken place in the last 3 years! Triumphing and maintaining the lead for

over a year to date, the UAE's meteoric rise became one of the most intriguing examples of

a successfully accomplished national goal.

On their way upwards

The ideal direction for any nation's passport is up, but these two countries

have displayed their will to strive higher unlike any other. The 2019 Passport

Index Report reveals that Angola and China were two of the lowest placed

countries ten years ago that made substantial leap forward to date.

Escaped the bottom

One of the most fascinating discoveries of the decade is witnessing the rise of

the fallen in low-ranking African countries who have not only shown improvement

in their ranks but have managed to escape the Bottom 10 over the past decade;

including Angola, Burundi, Comoros Islands, Djibouti, and Equatorial Guinea.

Fell to the bottom

The war in Syria has forced it down to 3rd place as the world's weakest passport.

In 2010 Syria was not even on the bottom 10 list. This is an important piece of

information that relays the correlation between the economic and political state of

a country and the power of its passport, and can be seen once again with Yemen,

the Palestinian Territories, and Libya to round up the bottom 10 list.

Stuck at the bottom

At the bottom -- the differences are shocking. Mostly war-inflicted and

underdeveloped countries make up the countries at the lowest end of the

ranking. But once we look closely at the differences at the begging and the end

of this decade, the political state of our world is unveiled.

Shifting minutely year after year, the low-ranking countries revealed in the 2019 Passport

Index Report have been stuck at the bottom of the list, providing their citizens access to

less than 20% of our world.

The 2019 Winners

This past year inspired much progress and surprising growth amongst nations adopting

a global vision. The UAE preserved its global lead, adding another +12 countries to its

ever-growing mobility score.

In the meantime, others like Qatar, Rwanda, Ukraine, Macao, and Indonesia followed closely

behind, showing immense growth and progress in the power of their passport this past year.

Another country amongst the list of The Fastest-Growing Passports of 2019

(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=3109386703&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passportindex.org%2FbyChanges.php&a=The+Fastest-Growing+Passports+of+2019 ), is Saudi Arabia,

suggesting that the leading passport may have inspired some successors.

This year also displayed an increase of passport power with nations offering

Citizenship-by-Investment Programs. One of the strongest benefits of these

programs is granting the freedom of global mobility, showing beyond doubt,

that the value of having strong passport in hand has truly become a global trend.

If this decade taught us one thing; it's that access and freedom are vital

catalysts to evolution and progress. There is only one way to unparalleled

benefits and opportunities for a brighter future, both for a nation and its citizens,

and that is enforcing the importance and power of an increased global mobility.

About the Passport Index

Empowered by Arton Capital (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2679825-1&h=2680897690&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.artoncapital.com%2F&a=Arton+Capital ),

the Passport Index has become the world's most popular global mobility

intelligence platform providing interactive travel requirements and the ability

to compare, rank and improve passports based on their mobility scores.

For further information: Media Contacts: Mr. Hrant Boghossian,

info@passportindex.org, T +1 514 935 6665

SOURCE: Passport Index




