AsiaNet 82635(0128)
【深セン(中国)2020年1月23日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】中国の新しいスタイルの大手ティーブランドであるNayuki(奈雪)は、2020年に米国と日本に同社初の店舗を開設する計画で、採用過程は順調に進行中であることを明らかにした。
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中国の特徴的な茶文化は近年、数十億ドル規模の投資を受けた新しいスタイルのティー・フランチャイズによって形を変えつつある。60億元の価値があるとされるNayukiは2018年にTianTu CapitalからシリーズAプラス資金調達で数億元を受け取り、新しい茶産業の最初のユニコーンになった。
同社は最大の店舗であるNayuki's Dream Factoryを2019年11月、一般向けにオープンした。深センにある同店舗の売場面積は1万1000平方フィートで、究極の没入型インストア体験を顧客に提供している。来店者は手作りのティー、コーヒー、カクテル、焼き菓子、デザートなど店舗限定のユニークなメニューを楽しみながら、Nayukiのティーの比類ないイノベーションを目にし、聞き、深く知ることができる。
Nayuki Plans to Expand into the US and Japan
SHENZHEN, China, Jan. 23, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Nayuki, a leading new-style tea brand based in China, has unveiled plans to open
its first store in the two countries in 2020, with the hiring process well underway.
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(caption: Nayuki classic products: Supreme Cheese Strawberry & Strawberry Blush Mystique)
Nayuki has established nearly 400 stores in China and three in Singapore, with
supreme fresh fruit tea series becoming a new trendy beverage among its customers.
Following waves made by its innovative formula featuring the freshly made tea blended
with fruit, cream cheese and toppings, the brand hopes to bring new tea drinks and fun
experiences to tea lovers across the world.
Chinese new-style tea has brought tea beverages to a new level among new generations
of drinkers. Made famous by its groundbreaking brewing techniques and creative original
formula, new-style tea drinks from Nayuki have quickly become sought-after beverages.
"With our commitment to becoming an innovator and purveyor of Chinese tea culture,
we hope to deliver our unique and exceptional tea experience to the world. To achieve
this goal, we have established tea fields where tea is cultivated under strict conditions
from cultivation to processing", said Peng Xin, Founder of Nayuki.
"Our specialized team has visited prominent tea-growing regions across Asia to select
premium tea leaves for every cup we brew, making sure each customer can enjoy
high-quality tea-drinks at great value", she added.
In recent years, China's distinctive tea culture has been transformed by new-style tea
franchises backed by multi-billion-dollar investments. Valued at 6 billion yuan,
Nayuki became the first unicorn in the new tea industry after receiving a multi-hundred
million RMB in Series A plus fund from TianTu Capital in 2018.
Nayuki has revolutionized the tea-drinking lifestyle by combining fruit-based cheese teas
and its soft-euro bakes, widely popularized by the brand among young customers in China.
Nayuki combines the European baking method of using less oil, less sugar and less salt.
Deliciously soft with a chewy center wrapped in crisp outer layers, Nayuki's soft bread
deliver buttery aroma, well-balanced nutrition and taste that pair perfectly with a cup of
cream-topped fruit tea.
In November 2019, the Company opened its largest shop, Nayuki's Dream Factory,
to the public. Located in Shenzhen, the shop covers 11,000 square feet of retail space
and offers customers the ultimate immersive in-store experience. Visitors can see,
hear and learn about the extraordinary innovations of Nayuki's teas while enjoying
a unique menu of handcrafted teas, coffees, cocktails, baked goods, desserts and
more exclusive to the store.
About Nayuki
Nayuki, the leading Chinese new-style tea brand, with its fruit-based cheese teas
and soft-euro bakes, is dedicated to bringing new taste sensations to tea aficionados
around the world. Growing rapidly with nearly 400 stores ranging from 1200 up to
11,000 square feet in prime locations across China, Nayuki has elevated the tea-drinking
lifestyle to the next level with its innovations.
SOURCE: Nayuki
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