AGC's Light Control Glass, “WONDERLITE (TM) Dx,” Makes Worldwide Debut in Toyota's New Harrier


TOKYO, June 30, 2020 /Kyodo JBN/ --

AGC's Light Control Glass, “WONDERLITE (TM) Dx,” Makes Worldwide Debut in Toyota's New Harrier

AGC Inc. has announced its light control glass, “WONDERLITE (TM) Dx,” has been adopted for the panoramic sunroof of Toyota's new Harrier, launched for sale on June 17, 2020. When used as vehicle exterior glass, this product boasts the world's fastest response (*1) time, enabling instantaneous control of light transmission. This marks the world's first-ever adoption (*1) of the product in a mass production vehicle.

AGC's light control glass WONDERLITE (TM) Dx comprises a specialized film encapsulated between layers of interlayer in laminated automotive glass. By softening the sun's glare in dimmed mode (opaque state) and providing a wide sense of openness in transparent mode (clear state), the product realizes a vehicle interior that allows pleasant light to pour in from the panoramic sunroof whenever the user wishes.


Image1: Dimmed mode (opaque state) (*2)

Image2: Transparent mode (clear state) (*2)

Under its "AGC plus" management policy, the AGC Group has made a commitment to create products that add various pluses for stakeholders. Pluses for society include “safety,” “security” and “comfort,” while pluses for customers include “new value” and “functionality.” AGC is dedicated to pursuing technological innovations that allow it to continue providing products that add new value and exceed customers' expectations.


(*1): Based on AGC research.

(*2): Photos do not represent the panoramic sunroof of the new Harrier model.


Technical Overview of Light Control Glass “WONDERLITE (TM) Dx”



Light control glass is composed of a specialized film (*3) encapsulated between layers of interlayer in laminated automotive glass. The film contained within is packed with a special material too small to be perceived by the naked eye. Around 99% of ultraviolet rays are blocked in both transparent and dimmed mode (*4).


(*3): Special film made by Kyusyu Nanotec Optics Co., Ltd.  

(*4): Based on ISO9050 standards


Voltage is used to control distribution and orientation of the special material in the film encapsulated between layers of interlayer in laminated automotive glass, enabling instantaneous switching between transparent mode and dimmed mode.

Image4: Dimmed mode (opaque state, when switched off)

Image5: Transparent mode (clear state, when switched on)

Source: AGC Inc.



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  • 名称 AGC株式会社
  • 所在地 東京都
  • 業種 ガラス・土石製品
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