The Fourth World Intelligence Congress Kicked Off Online in Tianjin

The 4th World Intelligence Congress



TIANJIN, China, June 25, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


On the afternoon of June 23, the Fourth World Intelligence Congress kicked off

in Media Theater, Tianjin. Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of CPPCC and Chairman of

China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), attended the online

opening ceremony. CPC Tianjin Committee Secretary Li Hongzhong addressed the

congress. Li Xiaohong, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE),

congratulated the congress through video. Huai Jinpeng, Executive Vice Chairman

of CAST, Zhang Guoqing, Mayor of Tianjin attended the meeting. Park Won Soon,

Mayor of Seoul, Republic of Korea, delivered a speech via video. The congress

was presided over by Gong Ke, Chairman of the World Federation of Engineering

Organizations. 58.6 milliocn people watched the cloud opening ceremony and

theme summit at the same time on 40 live streaming websites and platforms, and

the total number of views reached 392 million.


Wan Gang pointed out that the congress is a high-end platform for artificial

intelligence communication jointly created by Tianjin and CAST. We will open up

big data, apply blockchain and innovate in cloud services during the pandemic

prevention and control; promote the development of new industries, further

drive the intelligent process and digitization of the entire industry chain,

and continuously boost the close combination of artificial intelligence with

real economy; create a new platform for employment, build an open source

sharing platform, and forge the "Sci-Tech Innovation China" brand; continuously

deepen basic research, build a world-class artificial intelligence development

platform and industrial ecosystem; and promote international cooperation in the

field of artificial intelligence.


Li Hongzhong said that Tianjin comprehensively promotes the strategic layout of

the new generation artificial intelligence industry, and intelligent technology

is becoming the core driving force for high-quality development in the city.

Tianjin will take the initiative to embrace the new era of intelligence, push

forward the construction of a pioneer city in the fourth industrial revolution,

build itself into an innovative city in intelligent technology, an energization

city of the intelligent industry, and an ecological city of intelligent

development, continuously optimize its business environment, and strengthen

cooperation in intelligence fields with various parties from home and abroad.


According to Li Xiaohong, Tianjin has embarked on a new way of

innovation-driven development with the intelligence technology industry as the

lead, and Tianjin Intelligent Port shows a promising future.


Park Won Soon said that this year is a crucial year for the construction of 5G

networks in Tianjin. He hoped Seoul and Tianjin will strengthen communications

and share experience on the construction of intelligence industrial



At the theme summit, representatives from the global intelligence technology

industry and academia delivered speeches on site or via video accesses. Among

them include Gao Wenjiu, academician of CAE, Ma Huateng, Chairman of the Board

of Tencent, Max Tegmark, tenured professor at the MIT Department of Physics,

Yang Yuanqing, Chairman of Lenovo Group, Yang Xu, Global Vice President of

Intel Corporation, Edmund Phelps, laureate of Nobel Economics Award, Wang Jian,

Chairman of the Technical Committee of Alibaba Group, and Raj Reddy, foreign

academician at CAE and winner of Turing Award.


Themed on Intelligence New Era: Innovation, Energization and Ecology, the

Fourth World Intelligence Congress applied the modes of "meetings, exhibitions,

contests and intelligence experience" to hold six cloud events namely, cloud

promotion, cloud release, cloud bilateral talk, cloud intelligence experience,

cloud intelligence technology exhibition, world intelligent driving challenge

contest, "Fifth Space" intelligent safety competition, Tianjin "Haihe Talents"

Entrepreneurial Competition, as well as 13 cloud parallel forums, cloud and

on-site contract signing activities.







Contact: Cui Kejia

Tel: 0086-400-019-0516, Mobile: 0086-15120084132



Source: The 4th World Intelligence Congress




