GAC Group Demonstrating its global competitiveness as it brings the latest technology to the Beijing Auto Show




GUANGZHOU, China, Oct. 5, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


On September 26th, the 2020 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition kicked

off as one of the few that had the go-ahead this year. At the event, GAC Group

released a new generation of power technology "Mega Wave Power" and convertible

coupe concept sports car "ENPULSE", taking the spotlight amongst industry and





A brand-new power technology: "Mega Wave Power ", leading the world in the

engine thermal efficiency


In Beijing, GAC Group showcased a new power technology: "Mega Wave Power",

creating a new generation of powertrain products with more power, more agile

response and lower fuel consumption. After 12 years of R&D, the "Mega Wave

Power" has pioneered a complete power product architecture. The fourth

generation 2.0ATK engine was independently certified to have achieved 42.10%

thermal efficiency, beating current gasoline engine benchmarks in the world.

Based on this platform,GAC is planning to launch several new models to bring

new energy-saving mobility solutions to consumers.


GAC Group's convertible coupe ENPULSE's debut at the auto show was highly

anticipated. Designed at the GAC R&D Center, Silicon Valley, this fully

electric sports car combines aerodynamic design and a sporty flair painted with

a new "electric light-emitting" paint to achieve synergy between interior and

exterior design. In addition, AR-HUD technology has been incorporated,

creatively creating a gaming experience while driving.


GAC Group's focus on leading technology and forward-looking products

demonstrates its strong competitiveness. Feng Xingya, general manager of GAC

Group, said: "All our innovations strive to serve the customers, and the core

is to add value. We will center around customer experience to create more value

for customers in products, technology, and services."


GAC's success comes from obsession about technological details and customer

localization to drive its business. This has allowed GAC to provide consumers

with high-value, cost-effective products that are leading in cost-effectiveness

among peers. One such success story is GPMA: a new GAC global modular platform,

AdiGO: an interconnected smart driving ecosystem, and power technology to

empower its products.


GAC Group is committing to internationalization, as consumers are recognizing

"GAC technology", "GAC quality" and "GAC service ". GAC Group will continue to

build on the twin pillars of technological innovation and customer services to

bring the best mobility experience to consumers.




Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: GAC MOTOR product family





