Sport Brings “New Rays of Light” amidst COVID-19, Say Interviewees Relayed through ...
TOKYO, Oct. 9, 2020 /Kyodo JBN/ --
Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA)
Sport Brings “New Rays of Light” amidst COVID-19, Say Interviewees Relayed through “PLAY TRUE Relay” by JADA
The Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA) released a new legacy interview by Yasuhiro Yamashita, Member of the International Olympic Committee, President of the Japanese Olympic Committee, 1984 Olympic Gold medalist, Judo. Yamashita stressed “now is the time when we reaffirm the true power and potential of sport toward the future” given the requirement for continued social distance due to COVID-19.
YAMASHITA’s interview available here:
For more details, please visit:
With COVID-19, Yamashita reflects how sport places in oneself and in society: “We can live positively, with dreams and hopes, when we have ‘light’ in our life. I keenly felt anew how sport can bring that kind of ‘light’ to the world.” He then reminds the fundamental of sport, such as “Yawara no Michi (The Way of Judo),” with respect based on the teaching of KANO Jigoro Shihan unchanged despite changing society and times: “Sport itself has the power. Sport can contribute to the creation of a fair society…Sport also has the potential of connecting people to people, and countries with countries.”
Over 30 athletes with various backgrounds have inscribed their “TRUTH” messages in “makimono” (handscroll) and relayed it as the “PLAY TRUE Relay” legacy project for Tokyo 2020 Games. Their “TRUTH” messages are living voices reaffirming how the inherent value of sport matters for the healthy body and mind. Besides Yamashita, Jessica Fox (Australia’s first Youth Olympic Games Ambassador) and Koji Murofushi, newly appointed Japan Sport Commissioner, have also joined the project.
In addition, “i-PLAY TRUE Relay” is open to all who care about sport. This is a socially engaged campaign that collects people’s messages and “filter pose” photos that symbolize the value of sport cherished in themselves. Everyone’s messages and photos posted either through the project platform (PLAY TRUE Planet) or on social media with #iplaytrue #playtrue2020 will be transformed into an art form.
More details on “i-PLAY TRUE Relay” can be found:
In the lead-up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2021, JADA continues developing a wide range of programs to create a clean sport environment and maintain the integrity of sport and society.

- 名称 公益財団法人日本アンチ・ドーピング機構
- 所在地 東京都
- 業種 各種団体