Tanla's continued investment in communication platforms pays off in stellar Q3 results

Tanla Solutions Limited



HYDERABAD, India, Feb. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Tanla Platforms Limited today announced its results for the quarter ended 31

December 2020 in comparison with the same period the previous financial year.


Key Metrics


Revenues were Rs 654.1 crore, up by 21% EBITDA was Rs 126.9 crore, up by 99%


Net profit was Rs 93.5 crore, up from Rs 0.7 crore


Cash and cash equivalents were Rs 449.3 crore, up from Rs 204.8 crore Earnings

Per Share was Rs 6.87, up from Rs 0.05


Uday Reddy, Chairman & CEO of Tanla Platforms Limited said, "The quarterly

results demonstrate the depth of Tanla's capabilities in the platforms and

commercial communications domain. Our unwavering focus, and investment in

platforms and products, people, customer success and brand have all led to us

posting the best quarterly performance till date. With our market position

stronger than ever before, we are committed in our decision to expand our

global footprint in the CPaaS business."


"Trubloq, the DLT platform built to enforce the TRAI regulation has seen

massive adoption across enterprises, telemarketers and telcos. To date, we have

onboarded more than 34,000 enterprises. Trubloq was only launched commercially

in September, and now processes over 70% of A2P traffic in India, topping 1

Billion interactions in a single day last month. Trubloq significantly

bolstered Tanla's revenues in the third quarter.


"Data security, data privacy and traceability of digital footprint are no

longer just compliance requirements, rather fast emerging as a potential source

of competitive advantage and so are becoming a strategic priority for

organisations. The Wisely platform, our latest offering launched in January

ensures that end users data security and data privacy is never compromised when

sending and receiving commercial communications. Wisely is on its way to

"Uberize" the CPaaS ecosystem."


Financial Highlights


India's largest CPaaS provider delivered its best third quarter revenues.


On a year-on-year basis, revenues grew 21% to Rs 654.1 crore accounting for

more than a third of last year's annual revenues. The EBITDA was up by 99% to

Rs 126.9 crore for the same period, crossing the Rs 100 crore mark for the

first time. The company reported a highest ever net profit of Rs 93.5 crore.


EBITDA to cash conversion was 78% and cash generated from operating activities

was Rs


225.2 crore, for the quarter. Tanla & all of its subsidiaries continue to

remain debt free.


Business Highlights


Tanla's growth in business for the quarter was propelled by 81 new client

opportunities. These


new deals could augment the annual revenue by Rs 90 crore.


Early January, Tanla also marked a significant milestone in the platforms

business with the launch of Wisely, a blockchain-enabled CPaaS offering built &

architected by Microsoft. As a unique marketplace for enterprises and

suppliers, Wisely offers a global edge-to-edge network that delivers private,

secure, and trusted communication experiences. It was the first time that an

Indian technology company released a disruptive platform for global adoption.


New Enterprise Wins


Tanla's new enterprise wins came from eight sectors for the quarter. Banking,

fintech, retail and e-commerce accounted for more than 50% of new enterprise


Consumer goods and automobile, communications and entertainment, and BFSI

sectors top the list of 6,278 enterprises that registered on Trubloq in Q3


Responding to COVID-19


During these trying periods, we focused on keeping our employees safe,

encouraging them to work from home by providing them with adequate technology

and infrastructure. Even as we worked remotely, we made certain that the needs

of our customers and partners were always met and everybody remained engaged,

healthy, and productive in their new working environment.


About Tanla:


Tanla Platforms Limited (NSE:TANLA; BSE:532790) transforms the way the world

collaborates and communicates through innovative CPaaS solutions. Founded in

1999, it was the first company to develop and deploy A2P SMSC in India. Today,

as one of the world's largest CPaaS players, Tanla processes more than 800

billion interactions annually and about 70% of India's A2P SMS traffic is

processed through its distributed ledger platform-Trubloq, making it the

world's largest Blockchain use case. Tanla touches over a billion lives

carrying mission critical messages meeting the needs of the world's largest

enterprises. Tanla Platforms Limited is headquartered in Hyderabad, India and

is expanding its presence globally.



Consolidated Profit and Loss (Un-audited):


Rs in Lakhs

Particulars                                                       Q3FY21     Q3FY21      Q2FY20

I. Revenue from operations                             65,411.2    58,324.7     53,903.9

II. Other income                                                    242.5        474.5          222.7

III. Total Income (I+II)                                     65,653.8    58,799.1     54,126.6

IV. Expenses

        Cost of services                                      49,296.8    44,891.7     43,510.6

        Employee benefits expense                      2,003.5     2,283.3       1,826.4

        Depreciation expense                                  892.1       992.3        7,083.9

        Connectivity expenses                                 286.4       280.8           203.8

        Finance cost                                                  17.4           8.9           183.9

        Other expenses                                         1,136.3    1,115.7        1,994.2

Total expenses (IV)                                         53,632.5   49,572.6      54,802.7


V. Profit before tax (III - IV)                            12,021.3     9,226.5         (676.2)

VI. Tax expense:


        Current tax                                               1,680.4     1,053.2         (464.7)

        Prior period taxes/MAT credit                           -              -             30.6

        Deferred tax                                                988.9         26.0         (310.2)

VII. Profit for the year (V -VI)                            9,351.9    8,147.3           68.2

VIII. Other comprehensive income                     (173.0)    (330.5)          51.1


IX. Total Comprehensive income for the period (VII + VIII)  9,178.9    7,816.8      119.3

X. Earnings per equity share (in INR)

        Basic & Diluted (not annualised)                                       6.87        5.85        0.05



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Source: Tanla Solutions Limited




