LG Innotek Joins Hands with Microsoft to Proliferate Cloud-Connected 3D Sensing Camera
SEOUL, South Korea, Mar. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
- LG Innotek develops 3D sensing modules based on Microsoft ToF technology
- LG Innotek and Microsoft collaborate to commercialize cloud connected 3D
- The collaboration will provide easy access to create 3D vision applications
for multiple industries.
LG Innotek (CEO Cheoldong Jeong) announced on 4th that it collaborates with
Microsoft to unblock access to 3D vision technology and unleash innovation
across multiple industry verticals such as: fitness, healthcare, logistics and
retail with LG Innotek's ToF (Time of Flight) technology-based 3D camera
modules and Microsoft's Azure Depth Platform.
Locating the position of objects is an important aspect of scene analysis.
Obtaining this information directly from a 3D ToF camera rather than inferring
it from one or more 2D cameras simplifies the analysis and enhances robustness.
3D cameras are suitable for robust computer vision analysis with less
computation for many commercial use cases. Yet, 3D camera design and
manufacturing require special technology in illumination, strong sensor level
understanding and optical design capability which is currently limited to very
few camera module makers.
LG Innotek has combined its superfine drive techniques and optical technologies
to create high performance and ultra-slim multi-camera modules. The company has
done so by its renowned product design, production capacity, state of the art
quality control and technologies for core components such as light source and
lens. With such capabilities, LG Innotek has secured a leadership position in
the camera module and 3D sensing module markets for smartphones.
Microsoft has over 20 years of experience in the 3D sensing field, spanning
from pixel to chip, from modules to cameras, from algorithms to software, from
characterization to calibration and manufacturing process tunning. This
Microsoft 3D sensing knowhow was used to build Microsoft Hololens and Azure
Kinect Devkit. The Azure Depth Platform program (
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/azure-depth-platform/ ) was created to
proliferate Microsoft 3D sensing technology and drive large scale innovation
via an ecosystem of Semiconductor, IHVs (Independent Hardware Vendors), ISVs
(Independent Software Vendors) and SIs (System Integrators) building cameras,
3D vision software & cloud services and business customers. Combining Microsoft
ToF depth sensing technology with the Azure Intelligent Edge and Intelligent
cloud platforms is disrupting computer vision applications.
With this collaboration, the two companies will drive customer value to the
Azure ecosystem across multiple industries. For example, LG Innotek's 3D ToF
cameras can be used with Azure in fitness to more precisely measure motions. In
healthcare, they can be used to measure patients' posture and body shape and
conduct robot-assisted surgery. Partners in the retail or logistics industries
can use the technology to manage inventory and analyze customer traffic. In
factories, these cloud-connected cameras can monitor and analyze production
lines to prevent accidents.
Daniel Bar, head of business incubation for the Silicon & Sensor's group at
Microsoft, said, "LG Innotek brings world class manufacturing expertise in
complex optoelectronic systems. We are excited to welcome LG Innotek to our
ecosystem and accelerate time to market for 3D cameras. This is a key step
towards providing easy access for computer vision developers to create 3D
vision applications."
Jongyun Eun, Head of the Optics Solution Product Planning Division at LG
Innotek, said, "Microsoft's Azure Depth Platform program has selected LG
Innotek as a scaling partner due to its leading-edge technologies and
production capability. Our collaboration with Microsoft will enable LG Innotek
to help ecosystem partners on new designs and expand the application areas of
3D sensing modules beyond smartphones."
About LG Innotek Co.,Ltd.
LG Innotek is a cutting-edge materials and components manufacturer and an
affiliate of the LG group. The company's business units include core components
for mobiles, automotive, display, semiconductors, and IoT. Furthermore, the
company has cooperated closely with the mobile devices, home appliances, and
automotive companies, producing camera modules, automotive electronic
components, wireless communication modules, and substrate materials.
LG Innotek is headquartered in Seoul, Korea and its sales subsidiaries are
located in Germany, USA, mainland China, Japan, and Taiwan with production
subsidiaries in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, and Poland. For more
information, please refer to the website: www.lginnotek.com
SOURCE: LG Innotek