Xi'an, China: Seeing the past and present across the millennia, culture and tourism innovation animates new forms of consumption

Xi'an Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government



XI'AN, China, May 30, 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


Throughout the millennia of history and the prosperous times of Chang'an, the

profound cultural accumulation rooted in Xi'an, China, is a valuable historical

treasure of this ancient city. In recent years, Xi'an has been making efforts

to transform its cultural resources into fashionable "cultural tourism IP"

based on "Tang cultural elements" and modern technology, and bringing

historical and cultural heritage to life in a modern context. Recently, Xi'an

Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government held a meeting and proposed

to make good use of historical and cultural heritage, promote the deep

integration of cultural industry and tourism industry, in order to make Xi'an a

display window of Chinese culture and civilization.


"Noblewomen'' and "ladies", "literati" and "warriors", reciting poems in the

streets and imitating songs and dances of the Tang Dynasty, and the moving love

story performed by ''gifted scholars and beautiful ladies of the Tang

Dynasty'', etc., this is a Tang style city life neighborhood, which was derived

from a historical TV drama, The Longest Day in Chang'an. The beautiful scenery

of Tang dynasty clothing can be seen everywhere, and with the help of "sound,

light and electricity" technology, it is like entering a "time and space feast"

interwoven with literature, history, folklore and food. Through the integration

of film and television IP and commercial IP, each visitor can realize the

transformation from "watching the play" to "getting into the play" when

entering the "The Longest Day in Chang'an", which makes people "back to Tang

Dynasty in one second". The immersive experience satisfies people's new demand

for experiencing Tang culture and becomes a new contact point to promote the

integration of culture, tourism and business.


What's more, relying on the "Tang cultural elements" to successfully build a

cultural tourism scenic spot, there is also the famous Grand Tang Dynasty

Ever-bright City. It has not only launched commercial activities such as "Tang

Food Corner", "Tang Souvenir Corner" and "Tang Amusement Area", but also

launched a number of immersive performances in the way of "interaction +

experience", created a number of highly recognizable cultural tourism character

IPs and blossomed the charm of "Tang culture" in an innovative way.


More than fourteen hundred years ago, Xi'an was known worldwide as Chang'an. It

was the world's first city of one million people, including about 100,000

envoys, merchants, foreign students and monks from other countries, so Xi'an's

image of openness and inclusiveness was also known to the world.


Despite the challenges of the epidemic, the ancient capital with thousands of

years of history still exudes new vitality, driven by new leisure models such

as market blocks, heritage exhibitions and immersive experiences. The

long-standing cultural history has given consumption growth vitality and

resilience, with "mystery boxes of Tang Dynasty characters", "ice cream made of

images of popular landmarks such as the Terracotta Warriors and the City Wall,"

and "7 million netizens watching the Xi'an drum music stream", etc. All kinds

of new consumption methods became the driving point for the upgrading of

cultural tourism consumption. Xi'an is speeding up the integration of cultural

resources and making history and culture the driving force for the development

and innovation of this ancient city.


Source: Xi'an Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=422383


   Caption: A Tang style city life neighborhood, which was derived from a historical TV

drama, The Longest Day in Chang'an.





