500 Financial Institutions now Live on the Taskize Network




LONDON, June 6, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Taskize, the leading provider of inter-company workflow to the financial

services industry, today announced a significant milestone with 500 financial

institutions now live on the company's network, almost double the 289 companies

in January 2021.


Operating across 85 countries, the recent growth of the network has been driven

by the wave of new regulations along with industry initiatives, such as T+1

settlement. The Settlement Discipline Regime of the Central Securities

Depository Regulation (CSDR) and the Uncleared Margin Rules (UMR) have created

an increased need for solutions that facilitate faster and more efficient

resolution of settlement breaks and margin disputes.


The global, web-based platform, used by Tier-1 investment banks, brokers, asset

managers, hedge funds, CSDs, custodians and CCPs, allows firms to more

efficiently manage operational issues across counterparties as well as

internally within their organisation.


The Taskize Smart Directory™ and Taskize Bubble™ allow users to manage all work

in one place making work flow more efficiently across all their post-trade

operational areas, including settlements, corporate actions, income and



Joining the network is a quick and simple process. Seamless integrations with

email, Microsoft Teams and Symphony enable workflow across both traditional and

emerging communication channels. The easy-to-use API integrates with existing

applications allowing internal workflows to be extended across the entire

business network for even greater efficiency. This, along with a flexible

sponsored subscription model, has facilitated a rapid increase in members to

500 companies in under 18-months.


Philip Slavin, CEO and co-founder of Taskize, commented on the achievement: "We

are excited to have passed this significant milestone after experiencing strong

demand from the market. The growth of our network is testament to the value

Taskize brings, with those using our platform realising the benefits of

inter-company workflow. In the face of mounting regulatory pressures, we expect

the network of Taskize users to continue to grow, which will bring cumulative

benefits as the industry reaps the rewards of radically reducing emails between

global financial operations teams by up to 90%."


For more information on the Taskize network and how to join please see here:



About Taskize

Taskize is trusted by over 500 financial firms in 85 countries making it the

leading provider of structured inter-company workflow to the Financial Services

Industry to improve operational efficiency across buy-sides, sell-sides,

custodians, market infrastructures and Fintech providers. Taskize eliminates

the inefficiency and insecurity of email, phone, and chat to provide everything

needed to resolve post-trade, cross-party issues securely and efficiently.

Taskize is cloud-native, with an open architecture leading to easy adoption and

benefit realization. Taskize is owned by Euroclear, a leading global provider

of Financial Market Infrastructure services, operating independently. Follow

@Taskize on LinkedIn or visit www.taskize.com.


SOURCE: Taskize





