Jinan Innovation Zone: Establish platforms for fast-tracked development in China-Germany cooperation

Jinan Innovation Zone Administration Committee



JINAN, China, June 22, 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


Jiaxuan Cultural Tourism City, the first town in the country to focus on its

poetry cultural heritage, started construction in the Jinan Innovation Zone.

The Jinan Innovation Zone, located in the so-called City of Springs - also the

capital city of Shandong Province - is part of the first batch of national

high-tech industrial development zones in China and ranks in the top 10

national high-tech zones when it comes to comprehensive strength. A critical

window for international collaboration, it has attracted more than 500

foreign-funded enterprises, with more than 60 of those being German

enterprises. The first Sino-German cooperation zone north of the Yangtze River

in China is located in the Jinan Innovation Zone. According to Jinan Innovation

Zone Administration Committee, in the future, it will be transformed into a

world-class Sino-German cooperation zone and a new center of industry clusters.


A number of German companies have established themselves in the city, leading

to an acceleration in China-Euro Cooperation


Established in the Jinan Innovation Zone, the Sino-German Cooperation Zone

focuses on the development of a wide range of industries, such as

next-generation information technology, intelligent manufacturing and

airport-related modern service industries. A German standard industrial complex

of 500,000 square meters and a supporting business complex of an additional

150,000 square meters have been established, with a goal to build an eco-town

of green industries replete with high-end elements and characteristic

industries. Upon completion, the Jiaxuan Cultural Tourism City will refresh the

environment of the cooperation zone for the mutual benefit of both residential

and business sectors by building an integrated chain of eateries, housing,

travel services, tourism operators, shopping, and health care and education,

creating a formidable reputation for the Jinan Innovation Zone of China-Germany



The cooperation zone is also equipped with a personnel training system designed

specifically for German companies. In collaboration with Festo China and

Shandong Yingcai University, it has launched the German Practices Workshop,

aiming to cultivate talents for the growth of industry clusters. Furthermore,

it has put together a digital simulation demonstration platform in

collaboration with Fraunhofer, Europe's largest application research body. It

also has a European-standard platform that offers comprehensive intellectual

property (IP) services for foreign-funded enterprises. Jinan Airport now has

direct flights to Frankfurt, with frequency increasing to two flights a week in

the near future, enabling a two-way fast track between Jinan and Germany.


In recent years, the industrial parks have attracted substantial interest from

top 500 corporations worldwide, including industry leaders such as Bosch,

Volkswagen and Hengst. Volkswagen's production capacity expansion project for

components and parts and BMTS Technology's production capacity expansion

project are both underway.


Establishing Trade Offices Abroad to Strengthen Cooperation in Bilateral



The Jinan Innovation Zone has a long history of cooperation with Germany. In

2013, the Jinan Innovation Zone established the Dresden - Jinan Contact Office

(Dresden - Jinan Industry Cooperation Office) in Dresden, also known as the

Silicon Valley of Europe; and in November, its Jinan counterpart was

established. The two offices have undertaken cooperation in resource

accumulation, project collaboration and cultural exchange, among other areas.

In particular, they have facilitated more than a dozen cooperative projects,

including the R&D center at the German 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH in

Jinan, the Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Lab co-launched

by Hoteam Software and Chemnitz University of Technology; they also invited

world-renowned Dresdner Kreuzchor to stage a concert in Jinan, strengthening

cultural exchange between the two countries.


To date, the Jinan Innovation Zone has established offices in seven cities

across five European countries, an important launching pad for its

comprehensive layout for cooperation with Europe.


Opening a New Chapter in Foreign Cooperation of High Repute in Sino-Euro



In 2015, the Sino-German SME Cooperation & Communication Conference was

launched as a new platform for exchange between the two countries. The

Conference is sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

of China and the Shandong Provincial Government, and organized by the Jinan

Municipal Government and the Department of Industry and Information Technology

of Shandong Province. Held for six consecutive years, the Conference is an

important measure for Jinan of its pursuit of open development and cooperation

with Germany and Europe. Many prominent guests have attended the Conference,

including former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, German Bundestag Member

Martin Schultz, and former German Defense Minister Rudolf Albert Scharping. 105

projects have been signed at the Conference, with a total investment of 47.964

billion yuan.


In 2020, renamed the China SME International Cooperation & Communication

Conference - 2020 Sino-German (Europe) SME Cooperation & Communication

Conference, the Conference expanded its aim from Sino-German cooperation to

Sino-Euro cooperation. More than 1,000 companies and 5,000-plus guests from

more than 10 countries and regions around the world attended the Conference

online and offline, forming a powerful platform for Sino-German and Sino-Euro

SME cooperation and communication.


Today, with its enviable reputation, the Conference has become an important

measure at provincial and municipal levels to practice open development,

strengthen the opening up process, and promote exchange and mutual learning

between Chinese and foreign enterprises. This dynamic and modern city is

committed to building a bridge of mutual exchange and cooperation, intensifying

the role of the Jinan Innovation Zone in China-Germany cooperation.


Source: Jinan Innovation Zone Administration Committee


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=423890


   Caption: Sino-German Cooperation Zone


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=423895


   Caption: Video conference with the Jinan-Frankfurt/Germany flight crew


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=423896


   Caption: Exterior view of the Dresden - Jinan Industry Cooperation Office


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=423897


   Caption: Dresdner Kreuzchor (Choir) concert held in Jinan


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=423898


   Caption: China SME International Cooperation & Communication Conference / 2020

Sino-German (Europe) SME Cooperation & Communication Conference






