Huawei's Ryan Ding: Green ICT for New Value




SHENZHEN, China, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


At the Green Development Solution Launch held on the second day of

Win-Win·Huawei Innovation Week, Ryan Ding, President of Huawei's Carrier

Business Group, stressed the need for operators to prioritize energy efficiency

and called for the establishment of a standard, industry-wide indicator system

for energy efficiency during his keynote speech titled "Green ICT for New



Ding explained, "Every major advancement in history has been accompanied by a

significant improvement in the energy efficiency of information transmission.

The increase in carbon emissions generated by exploding data traffic will

become a global problem that must be tackled in the next five to ten years.

Increasing energy efficiency will be the way forward."


According to third-party research, data traffic generated by digital services

is expected to grow by 13-fold over 2020 by 2030. This means that, if energy

efficiency improvements are not made, the ICT industry's energy consumption and

carbon emissions will see a 2.3-fold increase. According to ITU, the ICT

industry will need to reduce its carbon emissions by at least 45% by 2030 to

meet the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris

Agreement's goal.


Ding said, "We are now facing an unprecedented challenge: As more and more

industries are going digital, the demand for data will rise sharply, which will

result in a surge in energy consumption. In the meantime, the whole world is

working to combat climate change, and the ICT industry must urgently achieve

carbon peak and carbon neutrality."


Improvements to energy efficiency will benefit operators in three ways. First,

user migration, site upgrades, and network power reduction will bring them OPEX

savings. Second, improved energy efficiency will support the migration of 2G

and 3G users to 4G and 5G services. Third, operators' efforts to reduce carbon

footprint will positively impact the environment, helping them better fulfill

their social responsibilities.


To help operators achieve these goals, Huawei has proposed a three-layer

solution: green sites, green networks, and green operations. First, they have

developed solutions to improve site energy efficiency by adopting a highly

integrated design, using new materials, and moving main equipment and power

supply units outdoors. Second, the company's simplified network architecture

makes forwarding faster and supports the construction of simplified,

all-optical, and intelligent networks. Finally, at the operations level, Huawei

offers a solution that generates and distributes optimization policies while

making energy efficiency more visualized and manageable.


So far, these green development solutions have been deployed for operators in

more than 100 countries. In Germany, for example, Huawei's PowerStar solution

has helped realize minute-level energy efficiency self-optimization, improving

energy efficiency greatly. In Spain, Huawei's optical cross-connect (OXC)

solution has been deployed on a customer's backbone network, increasing energy

efficiency by 81% and reducing costs by 29%. In Turkey, Huawei has deployed its

green site solution for a customer, where equipment rooms are replaced with

cabinets, eliminating the need for equipment rooms and air conditioners. The

solution is expected to save 19,000 kWh of electricity per site per year.


Huawei and its operator partners are already working together to increase their

"carbon handprint" by empowering carbon-intensive industries to boost energy

efficiency using ICT solutions. The emissions reduction they enable can be 10

times their own emissions. Many success stories have already been seen in key

carbon-intensive industries like ports, coal mining, and steel.


At the end of his speech, Ding called on the establishment of a unified,

industry-wide indicator system as this would help establish baselines against

which energy efficiency can be measured and serve as a guide for the green

development of the ICT industry as a whole. Ding closed out his speech saying,

"Huawei is ready to work with operators and create new value with green ICT."


The NCIe energy efficiency indicator system proposed by Huawei has been

approved by ITU-T SG5 and is now in the process of public consultation.


The Win-Win·Huawei Innovation Week is held from July 18 to July 21 in Shenzhen,

China. Together with global operators, industry professionals, and opinion

leaders, we dive into topics such as 5.5G, green development, computing

networks, and digital transformation to envision shared success in the digital

economy. For more information, please visit:




Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Ryan Ding speaking at Day 2 of Win-Win·Huawei Innovation Week





