2022 China-Japan-ROK Forum on Women in Science Held in Beijing

China Association for Science and Technology



BEIJING, Sept. 8, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The 2022 China-Japan-ROK Forum on Women in Science was held in Beijing on

September 2. The forum is co-hosted by China Association for Science and

Technology (CAST), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Korean Academy

of Science and Technology (KAST). ZHANG Yuzhuo, Executive Vice President and

Chief Executive Secretary of CAST, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering

(CAE), delivered opening remarks.


QIAO Jie, Executive Vice President of Peking University, Member of CAE; Keiko

Torii, Chairman of the Committee of External Experts for "Brilliant Female

Researchers Award (The Jun Ashida Award) "; Kim Soyoung, Professor of KAIST

Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy, Member of KAST, gave keynote

speeches respectively on "Practice and Rethink of Cultivating Women in

Science", "Promoting Women in STEM in Japan. Why, how?" and "More than Fixing

Numbers:How to Retain & Advance Women in STEM? ".


At the panel discussion, female representatives from CAST, Chinese Academy of

Sciences(CAS), Zhejiang University of China,JST, Tohoku University of Japan,

the Catholic University of Korea, Yonsei University of the ROK and China Office

of UN Women and UNDP, shared their observations and practices on the topics of

"Experiences and practices for encouraging, cultivating and supporting women

scientists" and "The role of women scientists in achieving the SDGs". They

talked about setting up role models for female researchers and students,

enhancing the leadership of female scientists, supporting and rewarding

exceptional young female scientists, as well as helping women in science

balance their professional and family responsibilities.


On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic

relations between China and Japan, and the 30th anniversary of the

establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the ROK, the forum

creates a fantastic opportunity for research institutions of China, Japan, and

the ROK, as well as international organizations, including the International

Science Council(ISC), to discuss and explore how to foster a favorable

ecosystem for women in science to grow and develop.


Source: China Association for Science and Technology





