The 29th China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Fair to Take Place in Shaanxi, China

The Organizing Committee of China Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair



YANGLING, China, Sept, 9, 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


The 29th China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Fair (CAF), with the theme

'Innovation, Cooperation and Food Security', will be held from September 15 to

19 in the Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone, the

so-called Agri City of China.


This year's CAF, which will cover an exhibition area of 48,000 square meters,

will feature Chinese and international agricultural high-tech achievements and

advanced applicable technologies in 1,450 booths across three indoor exhibition

halls. Ten-plus major events will be held concurrently, including the 2022 SCO

Modern Agriculture Development Roundtable and the Seminar on the Past and

Future of China-Africa Agricultural Exchange and Cooperation, according to the

Organizing Committee.


800 exhibitors from 31 countries and regions and Chinese provinces,

municipalities and autonomous regions will participate in this year's Fair.

Uzbekistan will be the guest of honor this year.


Since its inception in 1994, the CAF has attracted tens of thousands of

enterprises from the agricultural sector, as well as scientific and educational

institutions from more than 70 countries and regions, with more than 1 trillion

yuan in investments and transactions. It has evolved into a vital platform for

demonstration and promotion of China's agricultural hi-tech achievements and an

important window for international cooperation and exchange in agricultural

science and technology.


In recent years, China has intensified cooperation and exchange with SCO member

states. For example, at the 19th meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State

held on June 14, 2019, an initiative taken by China was the establishment of an

SCO Demonstration Base for Agricultural Technology Exchange and Training in

Shaanxi Province, the goal being to strengthen cooperation with regional

countries in the field of modern agriculture.


As the earliest agricultural high-tech industries demonstration zone in China,

Yangling is home to a cluster of agricultural colleges and universities

including Northwest A&F University, seed R&D companies, and agricultural

technology innovation teams. As the host city for the SCO Demonstration Base

for Agricultural Technology Exchange and Training, Yangling has promoted

exchange and cooperation opportunities among SCO member countries, covering

modern agriculture, food production, trade and investment via international

agricultural exchanges, training and demonstrations, and has delivered an array

of international cooperative parks in agricultural high-techs.


The SCO Demonstration Base for Agricultural Technology Exchange and Training

was inaugurated during the 28th CAF in Yangling in 2021, signaling agricultural

hi-tech as the new envoy of SCO member states. To support the development of

the SCO Demonstration Base and to promote Shaanxi's high-standard opening-up,

the 1st SCO Agricultural Expo will be held concurrently during the 29th CAF

through a range of multilateral and bilateral international cooperation and

exchange events.


Yangling has formed more than 10 SCO platforms for agricultural research

exchange and cooperation, held 28 agricultural technology training sessions for

SCO member states, and expedited the construction of SCO agricultural hi-tech

demonstration parks. Going forward, increasing programs in agricultural

exchange, training and demonstration will be delivered.


For more information, please visit


Source: The Organizing Committee of China Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: The SCO Center for Modern Agricultural Exchange and Exhibition Area of the

China Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair




