Jizhou Port in China's Jizhou city boosts port and shipping logistics industry




JINING, China, Sept. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


A news report from GLOBAL TIMES ONLINE:


Jizhou Port in Rencheng district, Jining city, east China's Shandong Province,

has made new strides in promoting the strategic development of the port and

shipping logistics industry by fully leveraging the unique geographical

advantages of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, a vast waterway connecting the

northern and southern parts of China.


As a hub port of inland rivers in north China, it is also adjacent to entrances

and exits of two expressways. Home to Jining's first container wharf, the first

phase of Jizhou Port started construction in 2020 and began operating on Sept.

30, 2021, one year ahead of schedule.


"Jizhou Port is endowed with a good geographical location. Bulk commodities can

be directly delivered from the port to large ports along the Yangtze River and

coastal ports through the Grand Canal," said Li Man, deputy general manager of

Jizhou Port.


Li added that the port has opened direct routes to cities including Taicang,

Lianyungang, Nanjing and Huaian in east China's Jiangsu Province, as well as

Wuhan in central China's Hubei Province.


Since its operation, the port has sustained its growth momentum. From January

to July this year, Jizhou Port saw its cargo throughput exceed 4.63 million

tons and handled 27,700 containers.


Not long ago, Xiwang Starch Co., Ltd. in Zouping city of Shandong delivered

cargos from Jizhou Port to Taicang. "It takes seven days to reach Taicang

through the Grand Canal, cutting costs by 60 yuan ($8.63) per ton compared to

that of road transport," said an executive of Xiwang Starch Co., Ltd.


Liu Weitian, manager of the commerce division of Jizhou Port, introduced that

the number of the port's clients has grown rapidly this year. Besides, the port

now delivers more categories of bulk commodities, such as sand and gravel,

steel, and petroleum coke, laying a solid foundation for enhancing the strength

and increasing the size of the port.


Meanwhile, the plan for building a special railway line for Jizhou Port was

approved by the Shandong provincial transportation department and listed as a

key special railway line by five ministries and departments under China's State

Council. Upon completion, the railway will be connected to the Beijing-Shanghai

Railway and the Yanzhou-Shijiusuo Railway. By then, freight trains will run

between Shandong and Europe through the special railway line, and a

road-rail-waterway multimodal transport system will be ensured for Jizhou Port.


"In addition, we have made progress in promoting the intelligent transformation

of the port. So far, we have basically completed the construction of the port's

automatic weighing, statistics and water supply systems," said Li.


Regarding the implementation of the Jizhou Port project as an important measure

to boost the construction of the core zone of the port's Zhucheng port area,

Rencheng district has worked hard to promote the construction of several

logistics industrial parks in recent years.


"Rencheng district will fully harness its geographical advantages to build a

port-centered logistics industrial park with an area of 15.5 square kilometers

in the Yuejingou operation area and promote the road-rail-waterway multimodal

transport system," said Wang Yongzhi, an official with the district's

transportation bureau.


The district will also accelerate the construction of shipping projects,

vigorously develop port-centered industries, and strives to build Jizhou Port

into a green and smart port, so as to contribute to the development of Jining

city, Wang added.






